The Walking Dead - Official Thread

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you are so corny, dude.
go back to your unsuccessful thread, b.

I like the show despite it's "plot holes"

The Governor is doing what he feels is right for his group to survive, same thing Rick is doing. They see outsiders as a threat, it's survival. Rick went in the prison and just took over and killed everyone that was a threat to his group. The Governor killed the military men, because he see's any outsider as a threat to his group. Snatch and grab.

word, not to mention when the group is walking to woodbury. They stumble upon that guy who doesn't even know about the zombie apocalypse, which is idiotic on it's own, but they basically kill this innocent guy living in a cabin and rick throws him to the zombies like no dambs given. Ricks done waaaaaay worse than the Governor as far as what they've shown us. Hell, the governor has shown his dead zombie daughter more affection than rick has shown his own new born daughter lol
ya'll are some eye for an eye type dudes forreal. Yea i actually felt empathy for him regardless of his past doings and the whole thing with his zombie daughter was pretty tragic. And guess what, now he wont give any dambs about looking for a cure and instead just go at the group until last man standing. I still have no idea why Michonne had such rancor with the governor. She killed a few of his men already and should have just kept it moving. I dunno maybe the writers didnt villianize the governor enough for me.
All I'm saying is save your empathy for a character that deserves it.
The governor deserves a bullet in his head.
There's no telling what ills the governor has done to create woodbury let alone to maintain it.

Did you see what Rick has done to maintain the prison? The governor's actions are even more justified since 1) he has more people to protect and 2) he's actually doing research in an attempt to find the cure. I think ya'll are just too used to the whole good vs evil/us vs them archetype.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you are so corny, dude.
go back to your unsuccessful thread, b.

I like the show despite it's "plot holes"

The Governor is doing what he feels is right for his group to survive, same thing Rick is doing. They see outsiders as a threat, it's survival. Rick went in the prison and just took over and killed everyone that was a threat to his group. The Governor killed the military men, because he see's any outsider as a threat to his group. Snatch and grab.

word, not to mention when the group is walking to woodbury. They stumble upon that guy who doesn't even know about the zombie apocalypse, which is idiotic on it's own, but they basically kill this innocent guy living in a cabin and rick throws him to the zombies like no dambs given. Ricks done waaaaaay worse than the Governor as far as what they've shown us. Hell, the governor has shown his dead zombie daughter more affection than rick has shown his own new born daughter lol

^this is what im saying. I dont see the Governor as a villain at all. More like a combination of Hershel and Rick.
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^Exactly. I didn't expect the brutality and rape to go down because obviously this is a TV show, and they're not going to go that far with it, but they could have done more to make him evil. I mean, how much worse than Rick is he really? The whole story arc doesn't have the same impact, in my opinion.

But I guess that was their intention. To make the Govorner a more well rounded character with realistic motivations.
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I mean the Governor took her zombie pals; brother and boyfriend, I believe. Is that not reason enough to distrust him?
Plus ole dude just seems out of touch, power hungry etc.

Thank you for spoiling that....jerk. It wasn't mentioned in the show who they were, and I'm reading the comic now and I haven't gotten to her part there yet either. On another note, did anyone hear about the guy who shot his girlfriend in the back while arguing about the show? :smh:
word, not to mention when the group is walking to woodbury. They stumble upon that guy who doesn't even know about the zombie apocalypse, which is idiotic on it's own, but they basically kill this innocent guy living in a cabin and rick throws him to the zombies like no dambs given. Ricks done waaaaaay worse than the Governor as far as what they've shown us. Hell, the governor has shown his dead zombie daughter more affection than rick has shown his own new born daughter lol

The guy in the cabin was insane, he'd probably seen zombies, he probably in some part of his brain new about it, but because he wasn't right in the head he couldn't put 2 and 2 together. He got killed because he wouldn't shut up and was going to get everyone killed. That's not innocent.
The guy in the cabin was insane, he'd probably seen zombies, he probably in some part of his brain new about it, but because he wasn't right in the head he couldn't put 2 and 2 together. He got killed because he wouldn't shut up and was going to get everyone killed. That's not innocent.
I'm sure he knew about the walkers, but I'd be pretty frantic if a group of people with weapons ran up in my house while I was asleep, not to mention they're the ones that brought the walkers to his door step. All he wanted to do was get away from them and they killed him.

Now that I look back on it, maybe the scent of the dead animal was used to ward of the walkers in the first place.
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The guy in the cabin was insane, he'd probably seen zombies, he probably in some part of his brain new about it, but because he wasn't right in the head he couldn't put 2 and 2 together. He got killed because he wouldn't shut up and was going to get everyone killed. That's not innocent.
I'm sure he knew about the walkers, but I'd be pretty frantic if a group of people with weapons ran up in my house while I was asleep, not to mention they're the ones that brought the walkers to his door step. All he wanted to do was get away from them and they killed him.

Now that I look back on it, maybe the scent of the dead animal was used to ward of the walkers in the first place.

Dude was a crazy hermit that was living with a dead dog on his floor and screaming about calling the cops

and asking for Rick's badge.

C'mon >D
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sometimes people get a little loopy in this crazy world... rick was talking to his dead wife on the phone. why cant old hermit go back to his happy place where there are cops?
Did you see what Rick has done to maintain the prison? The governor's actions are even more justified since 1) he has more people to protect and 2) he's actually doing research in an attempt to find the cure. I think ya'll are just too used to the whole good vs evil/us vs them archetype.
You mean killing a prisoner that tried to kill him?

I'm not saying that the governor's actions are justified or not. All I'm saying is that he's manipulative. If he was up front about killing people like Rick was when he did Shane, I wouldn't think that the governor is manipulative.

From my understanding, the doctor is the doing that not the governor.

I don't understand what you mean by your last sentence.
Dude was a crazy hermit that was living with a dead dog on his floor and screaming about calling the cops
and asking for Rick's badge.
C'mon >D
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You mean killing a prisoner that tried to kill him?
I'm not saying that the governor's actions are justified or not. All I'm saying is that he's manipulative. If he was up front about killing people like Rick was when he did Shane, I wouldn't think that the governor is manipulative.

Everyone in power is manipulative.

we just gonna ignore how the Governor killed all those soldiers for no damn reason :rolleyes

What does that have to do with Michonne?
That was so stupid....but it would be kind if cool if the new GTA could have some DL content where everyone is Zombies.
That was so stupid....but it would be kind if cool if the new GTA could have some DL content where everyone is Zombies.
People make mods for the pc version of gta4, which allows them do all kinds of cool stuff.
Dude was a crazy hermit that was living with a dead dog on his floor and screaming about calling the cops
and asking for Rick's badge.
C'mon >D

that old guy was about to run outside, so he was done either way
The Governor's looks also affects how fans view him.

Him killing the soldiers was clearly a villainous act but that's about the only distinctive thing separating him from Rick and placing him more near Shane.
The Governor's looks also affects how fans view him.
Him killing the soldiers was clearly a villainous act but that's about the only distinctive thing separating him from Rick and placing him more near Shane.

You ask me, Rick seems more threatening than the Gov...if I didn't know either I'd probably go with the Gov.
Just caught up. Watched it all in 2 weeks.

Thought it was corny and slow at first, but it keeps getting better.

I don't like having to wait now...

edit: As for the Governor and Rick, they both are doing what they can to survive, and they are both ruthless to outsiders. The main difference though is that the Governor is living in delusion and actively creates a lie for his people, and also he is driven by selfishness and the need for approval. While he claims he does everything to keep his people safe, I think he only cares as far as he gets the feeling of being their leader and nothing more.

Maybe it's not important, but I think the scene where Andrea is "learning" how to protect the wall from that girl who can't aim is going to foreshadow the downfall of Woodbury. His people, his peace, his normalcy are all facades. This doesn't necessarily make him evil or unlikable, but he does seem narcissistic, and the way Rick and Co. run things will eventually win out and survive because of the wya they deal with reality head on (plus, he's the main character of the show).
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But Rick has only killed in situations when he had to. The Governor walked up on the army dudes all nice and friendly only to have his guys wet them all up. Took all their weapons and supplies, plus he killed dude from the helicopter crash and and added dudes head to his creepy collection. It's pretty obvious The Governor and his men had been doing this for a minute. They were already armed with high powered weapons and military vehicles. Rick is doing whatever to protect his group. The Governor is trying to create a sick world for himself. I'm riding with Rick all day.
^ agreed. While Rick has slipped a couple times, by and large he has done things the right way.

I can't roll with someone deceitful and manipulative, not just to his people but to himself.
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