The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I wasn't really paying attention when all of this happened, but any way he slid under the dumpster?

I wouldn't put it past the writers to have him somehow survive this.
I really got sad when I saw that Glenn scene.

I really hope he's alive somehow. (Like Tyrese in the comics
Oh I think I know what they're doing now

They're testing the waters to see how people would react to Glenn's death. Maybe his real death will be on the mid season finale
3 episodes in and this might be the best Walking Dead season.

This shouldve been the show by the 2nd season tbh
Yeah, it should have...But it has gradually gotten better since then. Very happy with the direction of the show now.
I watched the episode 3 times last night. I really can't see how Glen survives this. Even if they are eating Nicholas, once they're done Glen is still trapped under his body leaving the walkers with dessert. Hope he makes it somehow. But I doubt that's the last time we'll see him on the show. I knew last season Glen would pay for letting dude live.

:smh: :frown:
Hmm, just read Scott Gimple's statement saying we're going to see "some form" of Glenn in the future.

Man...We're going to get the Jon Snow treatment on the TWD. Cmon now.
I don't think they put Glen in the Talking Dead memorial because they're going to give him a bigger send off. The last time we see Glen he want be dead or a walker, probably in a flashback that'll be a real tear jerker.
im only now watching these ftwd flight snippets

shh crazy how the asian girl gonna reach back and close his window? 
Glen isn't dead y'all. Homies body falls on top of glen and they eat what's his name and glen will chill under for awhile
I watched the episode 3 times last night. I really can't see how Glen survives this. Even if they are eating Nicholas, once they're done Glen is still trapped under his body leaving the walkers with dessert. Hope he makes it somehow. But I doubt that's the last time we'll see him on the show. I knew last season Glen would pay for letting dude live.

:smh: :frown:


see how he is in close range in this pic to stab the walkers imagine them eating nicks stomach on top of him while he is having a stabbing fest

he has a knife on him he can easily stab some walkers in the head killing them while they are feasting on Nick

also he can cut the feet, legs, toes, arms, fingers of the walkers leaving enough walker blood, bodies, and limbs around him on the ground that they no longer smell Glenn and continue moving to Alexandria

Plus Glenn wasnt in the Talking Dead Eulogy they do every episode hint hint

He may die but as of now I dont think he is dead
I'm waiting to watch a couple more eps to see if Glenn is dead or not, if he's dead i'm done with the show
The staircase is like giving the ball to Lynch on the 1yd line, u know that should be the play, everyone is expecting it to be the play, but they don't make the play. :lol:
Anybody else notice that staircase on the building to the left? The whole scene I was screaming, "RUN TO THE STAIRS, GLEN!!!" :lol:

didnt the stairs have a mattress and some other things at the bottom of it?
I don't think Glen died, they're going to find a way to make him escape. Hopefully, there is some type of bite that wounds him, but gives all the fans the sappy closure with Maggie that they seek, :lol:

I'm ok with Glen dying this way, it's random and how the majority of characters of little importance die. So having a major character die in similar fashion will lend the show some credibility amongst the cynics.

I didn't want Glen to go, but if he comes out of this unscathed, might be a huge jump the shark moment.

You know the TWD has over 15 million viewers, and about 5 million of those loyally watch the show just to talk **** about it, :lol:
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