The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Without spoiling, what is The Kingdom? Good folks? Bad folks? Bruh got a tiger. 
Son the fact that homeboy really got a pet tiger has to be the most bad*** thing i've seen on this show yet.

I gotta read these comics man, ive been missing out :lol:
Watching these YouTube reactions has me crazy how we can get attached to a fictional character...although I expected it, we were watching in bed and I legit sunk my head inside my pillow and yelled at the top of my lungs with my dude Glenn took that first blow..
I'm not even mad at Negan. IDK how anyone can be when you look at the facts without emotion.
Rick's group kills 46 of Negan's posse. I don't remember if Negan's posse started it or Rick.
Negan asks for 1 offering. 
In a sick way, Negan was reasonable.

i think Negans group started it
I was like a lot of people here saying rick should've axed negan when he had the chance. But then what would that have done?
So he drives back and negans crew finds out negan is dead while they have ricks crew still at gunpoint.
It's not like they would say oh you killed our leader, you're our new leader rick!
They would've killed all of ricks crew
And of course, then we wouldn't have much of a show :lol:
I think they adlib that part without telling him that he was going to get dragged..

I think they also adlib Rick getting dragged by Negan because Rick was rolling.. :rofl:

I busted into straight uncontrollable laughter at this part. Rick looked so helpless and confused.

I'm not even mad at Negan. IDK how anyone can be when you look at the facts without emotion.
Rick's group kills 46 of Negan's posse. I don't remember if Negan's posse started it or Rick.
Negan asks for 1 offering. 
In a sick way, Negan was reasonable.
Word. The only sick part was the method of the killing.

dead ***, b?
I'm gonna have to research this whole Kingdom storyline. Doesn't excite me at this point, but the hype seems real.
Read the comics if you don't. Seeing everybody so confident in the crew over last season, thinking Negan wasn't bout **** was :rofl:.
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