The Will Smith Slander Thread

honestly I think their is something deeper than will slapping Chris because of the joke.... there is some built up anger there or something to have caused that...whether you agree or disagree with the slap it was straight impulse without much thought lol... then he continued to curse at Chris which he don't even do on his songs
She didn't choose to have alopecia. :rofl:

Hair shaming is also becoming a thing now. Just because it is a relatively new area of sensitivity doesn't mean people get a pass to shame women's hair or lack thereof. You're not making sense.

She didn’t, we know that NOW….so if anything Chris indirectly brought awareness to this illness….with that said, he didn’t know at the time he made the joke, at the time he made the joke, it really was a light hearted quip, having short hair has always looked great on her and Demi Moore when she made GIJane was absolutely beautiful and still is, not sure how that comparison can be viewed as an insult
These cats refuse to digest this information G. They keep comparing the situations, when they aren't the same. It's obvious that August just didn't know how to keep quiet and play his role.

So we just gonna ignore the fact that August was HER sons friend? Ya need to stop glorifying this woman, she clearly has no boundaries, is one thing to be promiscuous and explore your sexuality, hell even come to terms with an open marriage, another is to make the decision that while still legally married of alllll people, you decided it was your SONS friend you wanted all your in your guts….but yeah…..a GIJane comparison was taking it too far…lmao
She didn’t, we know that NOW….so if anything Chris indirectly brought awareness to this illness….with that said, he didn’t know at the time he made the joke, at the time he made the joke, it really was a light hearted quip, having short hair has always looked great on her and Demi Moore when she made GIJane was absolutely beautiful and still is, not sure how that comparison can be viewed as an insult

However beautiful YOU think she looks will not help her with her insecurities about her hair. Chris is past the grace period of ignorance. He is just simply a POS for not saying anything after learning about the ramifications of his "joke".

Nailed it, honestly the more I think about it, the more of an absolute clown Will becomes, spare me this whole spill of defending your wife’s honor, she wasn’t in any danger and far worst **** has been said about her and her relationship, he picked his battle, knowing Chris was more than likely not going to retaliate, exposed himself as an insecure bully trying to assert his manhood via violence on a dude he knew wasn’t gonna pose a threat to him physically, Chris should have pressed charges and gotten this dummy arrested, that acceptance speech is cringeworthy and disingenuous
However beautiful YOU think she looks will not help her with her insecurities about her hair. Chris is past the grace period of ignorance. He is just simply a POS for not saying anything after learning about the ramifications of his "joke".

Once again, CHRIS DIDNT KNOW her hairstyle was forced upon her, jada has rocked short hair for years, is a look that’s pretty much her signature, what exactly are you missing here? Now if he knew that it was tied to an illness I guarantee you he wouldn’t have chosen to say that joke….he’s a POS for not apologizing to a scumbag that took it upon himself to assault him on live television? Something Jada celebrated after like Chris truly deserved that….you must be out of your mind if you think anyone other than Chris is owed an apology here….

You might want to do yourself a favor and listen to the podcast where he talks about still dealing with trauma caused by the last time he got punched in the face after SNL…this was before this happened to get a grasp of who was truly victimized on this night.
it's just crazy will smacked Chris because of a hair joke but he let Jada have an entanglement and is cool with it

he wants to defend Jada honor but she don't even respect him which is sad
From what I saw of them addressing that Will was never cool with it.

They separated and he was off ******* other *****es. Then he said that he would get her back for this being so public hinting he would **** more women.
Will got a lot of smoke for lil dudes who are disrespectful. Prolly better he dont pick bigger targets the way Chris ate "getting the taste smacked out of his mouth"
have zero clue how Chris not knowing makes anything better

I assume we’ve all been in situations where some shh happens or we see some shh AND we at least check to make sure people are straight/ok before we start cracking jokes

As a child in primary school I remember giving zero thought to the circumstances of things.. but as an adult, im well aware shh happens and not everything is a laughing matter
Ya lookin real sus
Nailed it, honestly the more I think about it, the more of an absolute clown Will becomes, spare me this whole spill of defending your wife’s honor, she wasn’t in any danger and far worst **** has been said about her and her relationship, he picked his battle, knowing Chris was more than likely not going to retaliate, exposed himself as an insecure bully trying to assert his manhood via violence on a dude he knew wasn’t gonna pose a threat to him physically, Chris should have pressed charges and gotten this dummy arrested, that acceptance speech is cringeworthy and disingenuous
Facts. Will lost all credibility when he laughed at the joke from the jump. If he was so concerned with his wife's honor, he wouldn't have laughed. His response should have been exactly like hers which was contempt, and annoyance. Standing up for her would have been him putting Chris on the spot at that moment and telling him to keep her and her issue out of his mouth. At that point it goes past being a harmless joke, and exposes the ramifications of Jada's condition on their family. Chris would have apologized, and the next day WIll would be lauded as a hero for standing up for his wife and bringing attention to her issue. Nobody would think he was being insecure, or link it to August or any of the other **** they've had exposed on social media. The slaps screams misdirected anger and insecurity.
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