The Will Smith Slander Thread

The grace period of him claiming ignorance. Now he knows and he's remaining silent after hurting someone with an autoimmune disease. He's a POS.

Well that’s your ****** take on the situation so I guess you are entitled to it….the only POS in this whole thing is the clown that couldn’t control his emotions and ego and decided to pick this moment to assert his manhood, which ironically enough has been stripped by his own wife.
Well that’s your ****ty take on the situation so I guess you are entitled to it….the only POS in this whole thing is the clown that couldn’t control his emotions and ego and decided to pick this moment to assert his manhood, which ironically enough has been stripped by his own wife.

Again if MAGA trash are defending Chris hard I feel confident I'm on the right side of this topic.
Again if MAGA trash are defending Chris hard I feel confident I'm on the right side of this topic.

How would it benefit the MAGA agenda in any way to defend one black man being assaulted by another black man?….sincerely not making the connection here..
How would it benefit the MAGA agenda in any way to defend one black man being assaulted by another black man?….sincerely not making the connection here..

you expect people to actually make sense of those peoples logic?

im still trying understand this:

you expect people to actually make sense of those peoples logic?

im still trying understand this:

Exactly my point, why use them as an example of how you’ll define right from wrong….MAGA has no logic whatsoever, unless Rock is an open Trump supporter, I don’t even see how they fit into this equation :lol:
How would it benefit the MAGA agenda in any way to defend one black man being assaulted by another black man?….sincerely not making the connection here..

They are defending "freedom of speech". They love anything vile and offensive. It's not about the assault. Same reason a lot of MAGA trash support Dave Chapelle.
Even if people supported further restrictions on speech, it seems odd that they’d justify slapping people that said things they didn’t like.

That logic would allow so-called MAGA individuals to justifiably slap anyone they felt disrespected them.

Seems like a ridiculous idea.
Openly and proudly being horrible human beings is part of the MAGA agenda. They want to cry cancel culture until they can openly say n*&&er again.
anyone they felt disrespected them

you have said more on this subject than the laws being passed by the party you supported that won’t allow for the proper teaching of your country’s history because of the feelings of white kids because of the atrocities of white people in your country’s history

you also got zero for the white people who have gotten away with murder because they claim to have felt threatened

Star Wars should've won Best Picture in 1978.

Nobody cares about Annie Hall.


the oscars is not a populist award.
if you want that go watch the VMA's or something. :lol:
Oscars have been wrong as hell numerous times throughout history

A lot of terrible movies have won best picture

Ain’t hard to look back at far better movies than the ones that actually won, didn’t even get nominated for best picture or other big categories
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