Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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If y’all have Twitter y’all know damn well you’ve seen her on there and wondered what the hell she actually does to be courtside at any game she wants to draped out in Balmain and Off White chillin with all the players.

I’m aware of her. I don’t care enough to wonder anything about her.
damn, son hairline been on load management since day 1
Hey guys, sometimes bad calls are just bad calls. And sometimes they even happen in clusters. There’s not always (and mostly isn’t) an agenda behind them...

If y’all have Twitter y’all know damn well you’ve seen her on there and wondered what the hell she actually does to be courtside at any game she wants to draped out in Balmain and Off White chillin with all the players.

why you pocket watching a female? Who GAF about her? Stop putting these h*** on a pedestal
Hey guys, sometimes bad calls are just bad calls. And sometimes they even happen in clusters. There’s not always (and mostly isn’t) an agenda behind them...

I don't think there's an agenda but that Ingram foul call and that entire Pelicans game certainly fly in the face of the argument that the Lakers always get calls or things always go the Lakers way.
Kyrie gotta know, that’s what comes with the territory. Them “fans” help put money in your pockets. I’ve had jobs that I’ve hated every customer that walked in. Still realized they help me eat. When I got fed up, I quit.

Kyrie needs to retire then. Some G league, or euro, or dude from China would GLADLY take that fan criticism. Retire bruh.

dudes might not wanna give a dope fiend drugs on credit, but then you realize, that same fiend has spent hundreds. Gotta take that good with the bad.

kyrie ducking that pressure. He’s my favorite player, along with Kawhi but Kyrie folds. He ain’t built
I don't think there's an agenda but that Ingram foul call and that entire Pelicans game certainly fly in the face of the argument that the Lakers always get calls or things always go the Lakers way.

I can agree with that. I think sometimes the refs just double down when a play is reviewed because they don’t want to admit they blew it so badly when the call was 1st made.

And, yes, that non-foul foul called for Ingram was terrible.

So what exactly does this CountOnVic chick do? Just smash a bunch of players and in return they let her come to any event/game in the world she possibly wants to go to and give her any free clothes/shoes she wants?

Yes I’m aware she does some type of podcast for SLAM that nobody listens to and probably pays her 40k per year salary. That ain’t getting her the **** she does/has on social media.

The hell is wrong with you man?
Refs and the nba have been way too cocky with replay. It seems like they just don't want to change some calls strictly because they don't want to be wrong. They have missed tons of blatantly obvious calls, reviewed it, and still missed it. I dislike replay in the first place, but it is even worse because most of the time they refuse to get it right anyway.
Refs and the nba have been way too cocky with replay. It seems like they just don't want to change some calls strictly because they don't want to be wrong. They have missed tons of blatantly obvious calls, reviewed it, and still missed it. I dislike it on the first place, but it is even worse because most of the time they refuse to get it right anyway.
Lebby waltzed over to JVG last night during a review and made sure to say this exact thing so the broadcast could pick it up :emoji_joy:
Hey guys, sometimes bad calls are just bad calls. And sometimes they even happen in clusters. There’s not always (and mostly isn’t) an agenda behind them...
My problem is that these plays are being reviewed and the refs are still sticking to their original calls

That aggravates me.
I may be in the minority, but i thought Kylie Irvings post really didn't have a thesis. It was just a whole bunch of jumbled rambling thoughts put together.

Forgive me if I'm a little insensitive. But, it's not like Kylie is Hank Aaron getting death threats or something.

Boston fans are passionate about their teams and they are looking to boo and heckle because of kylie's mercurial, unceremonious exit from Boston.

True, some of the stuff may have not been his fault...But still
I may be in the minority, but i thought Kylie Irvings post really didn't have a thesis. It was just a whole bunch of jumbled rambling thoughts put together.

Forgive me if I'm a little insensitive. But, it's not like Kylie is Hank Aaron getting death threats or something.

Boston fans are passionate about their teams and they are looking to boo and heckle because of kylie's mercurial, unceremonious exit from Boston.

True, some of the stuff may have not been his fault...But still

I understand what Kyrie was TRYING to say but his entire post was incoherent

I think he is exhibit 1a of a celebrity who shouldn't be on social media. It seems like he would benefit from cutting himself off from the internet to give himself peace of mind.
I may be in the minority, but i thought Kylie Irvings post really didn't have a thesis. It was just a whole bunch of jumbled rambling thoughts put together.

Forgive me if I'm a little insensitive. But, it's not like Kylie is Hank Aaron getting death threats or something.

Boston fans are passionate about their teams and they are looking to boo and heckle because of kylie's mercurial, unceremonious exit from Boston.

True, some of the stuff may have not been his fault...But still
Yea I can't blame the Celtics fans for their reaction after all the drama they went through with dude last year. I'd def be feeling some sort of way as well if my squads franchise guy was publicly talking up resigning before the season only to end up sabotaging any chance of that happening during the year :lol:

Also not mad at Kyrie for doing what he feels is best for him,feel like both sides are better off. At least I think, not sure how Kyrie's really feeling about his situation given how volatile he can be.

Just feel like he tends to act like the smartest guy in the room and can be condescending with the way he presents his thoughts and feelings which contributes to the backlash he receives a lot of the time imo
Only weakness of Davis has been his efficiency outside the restricted area. He hasn't hit a midrange shot nor corner 3 from the right side of the floor this season. His shot chart for the year is surprisingly poor

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