Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Lets be real, James Harden's style of play is tailormade to dominate the Drew League and unfortunately not designed for NBA championship success. Only way for Harden to win a chip is (1) get rid of MDA, and (2) pray that Giannis someday will want you to be his sidekick.

I never stopped believing


I know Teague is from Atlanta and there's a need for a backup PG to Trae, but is he going to be happy playing for one of the worst teams in league at his age? I imagine he could explore the buy-out market if he wants.
He just moved from a bad team to another bad team, im sure he'll be ok...And the location/lifestyle change from Minny to ATL and playing in the East now should soften the blow of coming off the bench for him :lol:
For the record I see a lot of harden in Trae's game and that's why I think it's clear you can't win with him. He'll put up some great numbers tho

I don’t think Trae’s a #1 on a winner though. High level # 2 in his prime

I also think the winning talk with Trae is premature. He’s 21 and 40 games into his sophomore season
Harden is definitely a championship caliber player. He just has the misfortune of existing at the same time as the warriors during his prime.

This is such a copout :lol:. I'm tired of seeing this excuse. Harden would've been unfortunate to run up against the KD warriors, the Harrison Barnes warriors, the LeBron and Wade heat, the Wade and Shaq heat, the Cavs, the manu Spurs, the Kawhi Spurs, the Kawhi raptors, the Kobe and Shaq Lakers, the Kobe and Pau Lakers etc etc because he's flat out not on that level
:lol:. That’s not what I said. I said Harden is way more efficient than Russ in the playoffs. Which he is. And has led teams deeper in the playoffs than Russ. Which he has. Harden isn’t “trash” for 3 rounds. In the’re efficiency is expected to dip with more minutes/shots/teams scheming etc. Harden has his flaws, and has some terrible moments in the playoffs. But Russ and him aren’t comparable as playoff failures as #1 options. Or even during the regular season.

I’m not even a harden guy like that. But y’all keep trying to lump him in with Russ. No sir.

Read my words man. You getting your numbah1grimey on right now. That’s not even the point I was arguing :lol:.

You said the difference between Russ and harden being trash in the playoffs is that harden gets out the first round. And he's not way more efficient unless you're one of those guys that lumps 2s 3s and free throws into a deceptive all in one stat. I just posted a video about how Kobe's efficiency went up in the playoffs but harden gets a pass for declining because it's 'expected' :lol:. Him and Russ are the same caliber because they can't lead your team anywhere in the postseason. If anything harden has just had better complimentary players sans KD in OKC
i believe the clippers are trying to gauge the market for harrell. gotta do your due diligence
hes due his bag and i dont think he wants to come off the bench his whole career.
where theres smoke....

i read a report of them monitoring D. sabonis availability :nerd::nerd::nerd:

Yeah, the Clippers current FO is very proactive, so I’m sure they’re looking at lot of scenarios. I just thought that Embiid idea was ridiculous because: (1) I don’t think the Sixers have any intention of shopping Embiid; (2) and it was such an underpay from the Clippers anyway.
How can they be sure he gained 8 pounds of muscle? That’s a lot for just a week....I’m skeptical.

i mean they have all the tech, they could've done a dexa scan. and just taken his weight for the week previous and compared to the new weight and checked if his body fat % went up or not, and also his water weight.

he didnt gain 8lbs of muscle in 7 days though. :lol:
I don’t think Trae’s a #1 on a winner though. High level # 2 in his prime

I also think the winning talk with Trae is premature. He’s 21 and 40 games into his sophomore season
I don't think Trae is 'Trae' as a #2 tho and I'm not even sure you can pair him with a Chris paul and have the same kinda success Houston did. As far as winning I expect him to win regular season games eventually. I'm talking about big money time..THE OFFS
Thread is nasty today.....and :lol: at Lakers fans AGAIN bringing up Kobe multiple times out the blue...when the topic is James Harden.

Y’all funny.
Kobe is the standard for SGs in the modern era. Since Harden thinks and plays like he a all time great, you cant escape the comparisons.

I mean, who you gonna compare a 37 ppg scoring SG to, Mitch Richmond and TMac?

Harden needs to be compared to the likes of Kobe and DWade, no doubt.
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