Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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I’ve heard the “people want to go back to their jobs” argument before. Can anyone attest to this?

I’m fortunate enough to be able to WFH for now.

I work in the hospitality industry so we've been shut down basically for a couple weeks now. I've been smart about saving money so I'm good for at least 6 months but not everybody is fortunate and these bills ain't stopping for the most part. So I'd imagine as much as some people may hate their jobs they'd rather be having money any not have to deal with the stress. WFH ain't an option for the majority of Americans, especially those working paycheck to paycheck.
The posts in here and on this entire site regarding this **** are ****ing ridiculous :lol: just straight up doomsday attitudes like there’s an impending meteor set to destroy half of the world.

The estimated unemployment rate is hovering around 13% and growing..Deaths due to the COVID-19 outbreak have broken the 6 figure threshold. Why you’re baffled at people’s reactions being negative is beyond appalling.
My man it’s already April and there’s been 7,000 total deaths from this in the US since this got here in January...that number is not jumping up 93,000 in the next 7 months. Also, plenty of those 7,000 people went to the hospital for other conditions and then after dying from those other conditions they also diagnosed them with corona...and then classified it as a death from the corona. We also literally do not even know for a fact whether this is something that could be seasonal and decrease a ton during the summer months until that time gets here.

Thanks Sean Hannity. You were saying the same kind of **** a month ago and infection and death numbers have shot up across the board.
I work in the hospitality industry so we've been shut down basically for a couple weeks now. I've been smart about saving money so I'm good for at least 6 months but not everybody is fortunate and these bills ain't stopping for the most part. So I'd imagine as much as some people may hate their jobs they'd rather be having money any not have to deal with the stress. WFH ain't an option for the majority of Americans, especially those working paycheck to paycheck.
When **** first hit the fan and Vegas shut down... I mean, I legit wonder daily about what those folks are doing just to live and get by
My man it’s already April and there’s been 7,000 total deaths from this in the US since this got here in January...that number is not jumping up 93,000 in the next 7 months.

Where is the evidence to backup this baseless claim?
The death Numbers will increase exponentially once the hospitals pile up. They dont count people who die at home as part of the tally though. Italy should have a Lot more
I work in the hospitality industry so we've been shut down basically for a couple weeks now. I've been smart about saving money so I'm good for at least 6 months but not everybody is fortunate and these bills ain't stopping for the most part. So I'd imagine as much as some people may hate their jobs they'd rather be having money any not have to deal with the stress. WFH ain't an option for the majority of Americans, especially those working paycheck to paycheck.

I definitely understand needing money to get by and I understand that standpoint. I guess I’m talking about if government assistance was able to suffice ideally people shouldn’t have to risk their health rushing back to work.

I understand that’s not how it works
I definitely understand needing money to get by and I understand that standpoint. I guess I’m talking about if government assistance was able to suffice ideally people shouldn’t have to risk their health rushing back to work.

I understand that’s not how it works

Yes ideally but we got a buffoon in the oval office and a despicable turtle man leading the senate. They are only worried about keeping the corporations functioning and the stock market. Even if some want to go back to work, the health officials and smart governments aren't going to allow it to be an even worse public safety risk, hence the shelter in place orders that are sweeping the nation daily.
I don't know how it is by y'all but by me, no one is listening to the stay at home measures. Supermarkets & stores are filled like any normal day. Bike trails & parks are full of people.

I don't see how we'll be able to have a normal summer. **** is depressing.
You said a lot buc em buc em and I didn't want things to get convoluted so I have some follow-up regarding a few of your talking points.

there’s been 7,000 total deaths from this in the US since this got here in January...that number is not jumping up 93,000 in the next 7 months.

How do you know the trajectory of the curve? Regardless, your claim insinuates that you are putting a timeframe on how long it takes to reach 100,000 deaths before it's significant. So if it's 100K by the end of the year then it's serious but otherwise, it's not that bad. Okay.

Also, plenty of those 7,000 people went to the hospital for other conditions and then after dying from those other conditions they also diagnosed them with corona...and then classified it as a death from the corona.

So do you know that they would have died any time soon from their pre-existings prior to contracting COVID-19? Did COVID-19 complicate those conditions and/or accelerate their deaths? Furthermore, do you know the number of Americans who have those same pre-existing conditions that could also suffer a similar fate if folks don't stay inside and they get infected?

We also literally do not even know for a fact whether this is something that could be seasonal and decrease a ton during the summer months until that time gets here.

We're still in spring and dealing it with now one day at a time. Why are you talking about the summer?

Don’t be a ****ing idiot. I’m not laughing about people losing their lives.

You're not laughing at people losing their lives but you're essentially saying "Most of them had pre-existing conditions so COVID-19 isn't a big deal because they were going to die anyway".

And as far as people losing their jobs, those are the people I’ve advocated for more than anybody

So similar to choosing which lives matter, you also selectively choose which people to advocate for? Got it.

The anxiety and stress from all of that along with so many people not being able to afford healthcare and being behind on every bill imaginable will lead to waaaay more early deaths than this virus ever will.

So economic anxiety is going to cause more deaths than a virus with no cure that has killed tens of thousands (in a matter of months at that)?

giphy (10).gif
I don't know how it is by y'all but by me, no one is listening to the stay at home measures. Supermarkets & stores are filled like any normal day. Bike trails & parks are full of people.

I don't see how we'll be able to have a normal summer. **** is depressing.

That's why this won't get better sooner. And eventually they'll start closing those public places aside from the essentials like they did here in LA a couple weeks ago cause ppl weren't listening. Hiking trails and beaches were closed a while ago and most supermarkets out here are only letting a certain amount of people in at a time.
Business as usual at work (graphics). Supermarkets and gas stations paying 100k for social distancing stickers. CEO cut our hours to 40 but rather be employed than sitting at home.
I don't know how it is by y'all but by me, no one is listening to the stay at home measures. Supermarkets & stores are filled like any normal day. Bike trails & parks are full of people.

I don't see how we'll be able to have a normal summer. **** is depressing.
Some portions of Miami is taking it seriously. Skreets been empty and even people are taking “some” precautions in public. You still have your fair share of fools running around. Luckily I got a hoop in the back yard to get shots up
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