Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

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If KD played in the 80s-90s when there was no illegal defense, he would put up better numbers than MJ and would probably be the GOAT.
Injuries screwed them. That team was capable of winning 1-2 chips.
Could of won in 09. But tmac and yao broke down. Entertaining series against the lakers watching artest and kobe go head to head then joining him the next year smh
If we're having KD play in the NBA in the 80s, then he went to HS in the 70s. A 70s HS basketball experience would be much different than the 00s HS experience KD benefited from.

i still don't think that would make much of a difference. he would probably carry less and have a better post game.
Much like Bron when he foolishly said this...

“If you give me 37 shots in a game, I’d have 60...70,” LeBron said, per ESPN's Tom Haberstroh.

Reporters laughed, but LeBron wasn't kidding.

"I had [almost] 40 now with 18 shots, I mean.... If you give me 37 shots in a game, I’d put up 60," he explained. "Easy."

We saw him actually take 33 shots a game in the 2015 finals and only average 36 points on the worst percentages in his career.

All talk until it actually happens, we have no ocular proof.
Bronze bum ***
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