Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

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  • Pacers

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Bron paying his respects. :pimp:

Put this up there with the between the legs pick (Tristan Thompson) and roll he did a few years ago and was acting like it planned that way. Tried it a few games later and he turned it over. Same thing applies here, try it again in the regular season it will be picked off or turned over.

Pay meeee

No wonder they were booing him everytime he touched the ball in the BIG 3 this summer in Detroit

Russell Westbrook is averaging 3.0 rebounds during the preseason.

Clint Capela and PJ Tucker were like "Do I look like a long haired New Zealander to you? Them's my boards!"

That 14-4-4, he had last night is what the last few years should have been in OKC if the entire organization didnt buy in to those shallow triple doubles. No way was Tucker and Capela on incentive contracts buying into boxing out for someone else to come get boards. Plus D'Antoni was not going to alter his system for that foolishness.
As a player of his caliber wouldn’t you want to play in meaningful games though? Not everyone wins a championship but at least something meaningful instead of years of 25-35 win seasons.
As a player of his caliber wouldn’t you want to play in meaningful games though? Not everyone wins a championship but at least something meaningful instead of years of 25-35 win seasons.

I'm not sure every player has that as his goal, no difference fromt he corporate world. Yea some may want to go down as the best in their field, some our comfortable being good & grabbing a big check. I don't blame NBA players for that at all

with that said Beal signing this extension... i'm almost sure he's gone by next season't trade deadline.
It's kinda ironic that the team owned by the guy worth a trillion dollars is the blue collar team and the one run like a mom and pop is the Hollywood team. Funny how that works
Jaylen brown

I really hope Jaylen goes off this season so I can pull receipts :lol:

:emoji_laughing: :emoji_laughing: at the amount of clownery it takes to act as if ANY of these billion dollar corporations care about urban culture & not their bottom line.

If you’re ever able to make it to LA I’ll take it you to a Clipper game. We out here

Speaking of being out here. I’m heading out to Atlanta today. Georgia game Saturday, Rams/Falcons on Sunday. No Hawks games :smh: Where my ATL NTers at? Where should I eat?
They don't have anything to give up and don't have any cap space next summer.

They would barely have to give up anything, korver and donte works. I'd just trade for him and figure out the rest later, they're on the clock with Giannis and need to take advantage of an opportunity like this. Maybe find a way to dump bledsoe down the line but you gotta jump on this if you call yourself a contender
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