Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Those of you saying KP's tear is no big deal, have any of you torn your meniscus? A meniscus tear was my 1st knee surgery. I've had 5 since then, including tearing both of my ACLs.

I’ve had 3 arthroscopic knee surgeries. Tore my left meniscus twice (first one at 15, played two tournaments on it) and my right once (earlier this year). Just got full feeling back in my patella from February. Those saying it’s not a big deal are not 7’3” and have clearly never torn theirs :lol:
A lot of guys like Chris Paul are able to bounce back from a meniscus tear and have a long and productive career. But there are some who don't. A meniscus tear essentially ended Gilbert Arenas' career.
Wasn't this dude a NT'er?
^I'm pretty sure he talking about Oladipo coming byke to play in the Da Bubble in Orlando after recovering from injury and having reservations about playing in the first place.
The Oladipo situation isn’t great for the new coach. Assuming the organization wants to keep him, how much should the coach go out of his way to try and make Oladipo happy? Or should he just coach as if it isn’t an issue? Just kind of a weird dynamic.
Should just call up Miami when the season is over and get a pick, Nunn and some expirings.
KP gonna have to switch up his play and not rely on his athleticism. probably style his gm like an older player to save his knee
What is this FOE thing Ska is doing now? Any explanations?

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