Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

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He still is a huge risk too. Personally...I'm still a little worried. I called him Keith Van Horn before the draft based on the trajectory I saw him having and if that's his floor...that's not bad.

But the Clippers are tripping tho. They had an "extra" pick and gambled on Jerome Robinson. Even if MPJ's back is origami, there's no way you take Robinson over him if it's your 2nd lottery pick. That's your swing for the fences chance. Would have cost them nothing if it didn't work out.

Welp NVM :lol: Had no idea their doctor was the one who put the death sentence on him.

I’m confused.. I thought they were referring to his contract after his rookie deal.. As in once you see his high skill level you’re going to start asking for more out of MPJr but his body isn’t going to be able to handle it long term
I’m confused.. I thought they were referring to his contract after his rookie deal.. As in once you see his high skill level you’re going to start asking for more out of MPJr but his body isn’t going to be able to handle it long term
He missed his freshman yr at Mizzou and got red flagged by Clippers for his back issues.

Have their been players that got red flagged and ended up having to retire early? Only one that comes to mind is Brandon Roy. Maybe Greg Oden?
Actually there are quite a few.. Tracy McGrady had back issues in H.S. McGrady said during interviews that he stopped playing baseball because of these back issues
I think with Greg Oden somewhere I read that one of his legs is longer that the other
Yep, Oden had one leg longer than the other.

I think Redick got flagged for his back during the draft process. Myles Turner had people worried about his feet and gait.
yup.. can shoot well enough to play off the ball, plus needs rest anyways.. but he’s an adult which would go a long way in philly with them dudes and other stuff going on

but Paul has value now, so curious what would have to be offered to get from out from either of those contracts in the move

does he? He's under contract for 2 more seasons at 41M and 44M(player option he's undoubtedly taking opting in for) and while his salary figure goes up, the cap figure is going down.
does he? He's under contract for 2 more seasons at 41M and 44M(player option he's undoubtedly taking opting in for) and while his salary figure goes up, the cap figure is going down.

I mean people thought the thunder would have to trade a pick to move him before the season..

you got some teams that have to make moves, but are limited with what they can actually do
I mean people thought the thunder would have to trade a pick to move him before the season..

you got some teams that have to make moves, but are limited with what they can actually do

I'll agree he has more value going into this offseason than he did going into last offseason because it's 1 less year on the deal and he pretty much reinvented his body. I think the risk is worth it for a team like the bucks or sixers who are at a breaking point. for them, it's a last chance effort to make a run before you have to reshape your roster because giannis leaves or philly has to address their salary cap.

my darkhorse pick for who should pursue CP3, but will probably never do it, is Denver. they've got a glut of good players at varying salaries to make a trade work. CP3 can fit with murray and jokic, and add the reliable veteran 3rd option for them instead of relying on millsap, barton, harris, grant, porter, morris, etc.
He missed his freshman yr at Mizzou and got red flagged by Clippers for his back issues.

Have their been players that got red flagged and ended up having to retire early? Only one that comes to mind is Brandon Roy. Maybe Greg Oden?
Mitch McGary? And slash or maybe he just sucked but he came in with back problems

On CP3, I've been looking t the Bucks and Sixers like everyone else, put together some stuff with Chicago too in the trade machine. The 6ers have so much bad salary, and prior to Donovan's firing you thought maybe a reuniting with Horford could be possible. I wonder if Presti is ready to admit Adams is kind of trash, especially after all these weeks of watching Zubac and Theis and even McGee be better for fractions of the cost. Adams cashing out 27Million next yr.
Been playing around with some Ben Simmons trades...Any of these feasible?

Nuggets get an elite defender/slasher/passer to go along with Murray and Jokic. Sixers get shooting and a true PG.
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If GSW can't get Giannis or Beal with this package, I think Simmons would be a good option. Much needed wing defender that can pass and slash. Sixers can get Lamelo, and whatever next year, but add to their bad long term deals with Wiggins.
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Sixers get their true PG and some more draft capital which they can potentially tie to Horford's contract in a deal. Thunder get an awesome piece to add to SGA for their rebuild.
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Wolves cash in whatever they have left to get a DLo/KAT/Simmons trio. Sixers can get a PG that shoots in Lamelo, and a couple roation guys in Culver and Layman.
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Been playing around with some Ben Simmons trades...Any of these feasible?

Nuggets get an elite defender/slasher/passer to go along with Murray and Jokic. Sixers get shooting and a true PG.
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If GSW can't get Giannis or Beal with this package, I think Simmons would be a good option. Much needed wing defender that can pass and slash. Sixers can get Lamelo, and whatever next year, but add to their bad long term deals with Wiggins.
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Sixers get their true PG and some more draft capital which they can potentially tie to Horford's contract in a deal. Thunder get an awesome piece to add to SGA for their rebuild.
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Wolves cash in whatever they have left to get a DLo/KAT/Simmons trio. Sixers can get a PG that shoots in Lamelo, and a couple roation guys in Culver and Layman.
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I like all of those tbh. Denver and twolves need defense in the worst way, philly can finally get their point guard

All of those teams need to trade away their backlog of assets for useful pieces
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