Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

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  • Nets

  • Warriors

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Which is all the more reason you have to know he wouldn’t have the guts to leave after a 3 peat. They were well on their way to one until Draymond put the mirror up to his face.

Too bad he didn't put a mirror up to his face. Dude had to go on a midseason weight loss program. KD is a beta. How do you let a glorified role player punk you?
Lebron stans been waiting years to bash the Warriors :lol: :lol:

My question then becomes if Steph just Lillard or Harden glorified, Draymond isn't an All Star.... why were ya'll whining so much about how unfair LBJ had it when he had two AS besides him & is the supposed GOAT?

Don't worry tho Bron Stans, AD is here to carry your hero to the sunset... just make sure ya'll boy carries his ******* weight
Skip Bayless :rofl: :rofl:

That's Drip Bayless to you
Embiid Literally had KAT press him and put him in a chokehold..... and dude is still out here blabbering at the mouth. dude been in the playoffs one more time than KAT & made it one more round & he talking like he been dominating the league :lol:

Simmons Made Kat tap & went on about his business. :pimp:
Have they announced how long Zion's out? Warriors def missing the playoffs i might throw some bread on the Lakers south making em
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Bucks.. ain't it.
They strike me as a squad that had their absolute best last season, everything went right...They probly hit their ceiling with this squad and version of Giannis

Situation reminds me of that 60 win Hawks team in terms of results, same coach too :lol: :nerd:
Embiid Literally had KAT press him and put him in a chokehold..... and dude is still out here blabbering at the mouth. dude been in the playoffs one more time than KAT & made it one more round & he talking like he been dominating the league :lol:

Simmons Made Kat tap & went on about his business. :pimp:

Embiid owns kat my guy.. can blabber all he wants lol
Embiid is such a clown. Talks so much crap and acts like a tough guy - yet he’s hurt 40% of the time and cries like a little ***** when his team loses a playoff game.

I’ll take KAT on my team any day of the week. Younger, more talented, less injury-prone, all-around better player and not a wannabe tough guy.
Yet KAT was the one who started it all but go ahead and believe that
Lamelo on GS? Watching Lavar criticize Wardell and Draymond...I think I wouldn't mind that at all.
I would be ALL in on that, having Lavar at the new stadium giving sound bytes all day.
I disagree.

His true coaching ability will NOT show now because he has NO TALENT ON HIS ROSTER.

There is this idea that a good coach can turn bad teams into respectable teams.

Nah, that is Pipe Dream madness. If your team has no talent, your team will suffer. That is on any level.

I am not saying Kerr is a good/poor Coach, I am making a general statement.
I am not saying Kerr is a good/poor Coach, I am making a general statement.
I am not saying Kerr is a good/poor Coach, I am making a general statement.
So good coaches can only coach when they have great players. If that is the case what happened with Boston they did X with Kyrie and Hayward out. Yet when they were back they did Y. What do coaches even do anymore because I am confused?
A coach is at the mercy of the talent on his squad.

That isn't to say there haven't been specific instances of players being motivated by their situations/teammates/coaches that has caused them to play ABOVE their perceived levels.

But for the vast majority of time, TALENT is what puts a coach in a position to have a winning season.

Also, with coaches, the public only focuses in wins and losses. If GSW loses 54 games, the consensus would be, "Kerr isn't really a good coach." But the game and the outcome of the game is only a FRACTION of what should be used to determine someone's coaching ability.

In short, I am simply saying there is no fair/accurate way to judge Steve Kerr's coaching ability, in the way that the public judges coaches, while he has THIS squad. They are going to lose and they are going to lose A LOT.

titang545 titang545
Have they announced how long Zion's out? Warriors def missing the playoffs i might throw some bread on the Lakers south making em
They said 6-8 weeks from surgery date

I don't remember when he was operated on

Also pelicans is one of two teams in the nba still without a win. Unless they get it together asap they are disappearing from playoff picture fast.
We can absolutely judge them getting mollywhopped in 3 outta 4 games giving up a billion points per with 3 all stars. I've said it before. Puke Walton (we see how trash of a coach he is) went 39-4 with GS. Mike Brown was undefeated in the playoffs with GS. Outside of Steph getting hurt which is bad for the league, this lets Kerr and that whole organization off the hook for the inevitable train wreck that was coming regardless.
Can't believe my Phoenix Suns are playing so well! They will make the 8th spot!
Especially after tonight, the Warriors are officially out of reaching any of the bottom playoffs seeds as I predicted before the season! Finally it has become super interesting again from day of the season!
We can absolutely judge them getting mollywhopped in 3 outta 4 games giving up a billion points per with 3 all stars. I've said it before. Puke Walton (we see how trash of a coach he is) went 39-4 with GS. Mike Brown was undefeated in the playoffs with GS. Outside of Steph getting hurt which is bad for the league, this lets Kerr and that whole organization off the hook for the inevitable train wreck that was coming regardless.

So you are just going to ignore that the team has a large number of borderline NBA talents on their roster?

Does that not play into the equation before we simply write someone off as being a below average coach?
Can't believe my Phoenix Suns are playing so well! They will make the 8th spot!
Especially after tonight, the Warriors are officially out of reaching any of the bottom playoffs seeds as I predicted before the season! Finally it has become super interesting again from day of the season!
8 Days into the season my man...
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