Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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  • Rockets

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So you are just going to ignore that the team has a large number of borderline NBA talents on their roster?

Does that not play into the equation before we simply write someone off as being a below average coach?

By that same token is he a elite genius coach when he's had probably the most stacked roster of all time at his disposal the past 3 seasons? Spo had the Heatles but he's also fielded really competitive teams with no stars and their player development system is top notch. Taken a lotta cast offs and saved their careers. The Warriors pre Steph injury weren't even competitive and it wasn't going to dramatically improve.

Again if Puke Walton and Mike Brown can roll out the balls and have the same if not greater success with the same elite roster personnel them what are we to think of Kerr?
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Gotta love all these thug, hood rats getting bent out of shape because KAT went to a private school and his family had money growing up.

so what? Losers.
By that same token is he a elite genius coach when he's had probably the most stacked roster of all time at his disposal the past 3 seasons. Spo had the Heatles but he's also fielded really competitive teams with no stars and their player development system is top notch. Taken a lotta cast offs and saved their careers. The Warriors pre Steph injury weren't even competitive and it wasn't going to dramatically improve.

Again if Puke Walton and Mike Brown can roll out the balls and have the same if not greater success with the same elite roster personnel them what are we to think of Kerr?

1. I wouldn't call Kerr an elite genius coach because of what he did with the GSW for the last 5 years. He had elite talent at his disposal.

2. Spo being able to have the success he has had, regardless of his level of talent, doesn't mean any/every talented coach will do the same. We hear that entire Heat organizationis a well oiled unit, so it isn't even just about Spo. Their pieces always seem to fit, that is what happens when you have a competent front office.

Every supposed good coach that is given non-star talent is afforded THAT luxury but they always get the blame for their squads no being successful.

3. Highly Disrespectful to consider what Mike Brown and Walton did as, "rolling out the balls" but that is the narrative pushed by the media, so I don't blame you for feeling that way.

But what does THAT say about Kerr? Nothing. It says the players were SUPER talented. Which goes back to my initial point of TALENT is far abpve the most important factor in producing a winning team.

Me personally, I don't have enough intel to disrespect any of those coaches to say who is or isn't bad. Everything I hear is second-hand info or judging them based on team success. That has always been ny stance.
Gotta love all these thug, hood rats getting bent out of shape because KAT went to a private school and his family had money growing up.

so what? Losers.
Draymond "we don't need you, we won without you" Green everybody :lol: :lol: :lol:

In retrospect, he was smart to resign in the off-season because once hes done getting exposed for the next 70+ games, no team is gonna pay him big money. I can't wait until hes done averaging 12/8/6 and leading the Warriors to 20 wins.
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