Things you bring with you to poop.


I yell at my son for doing this, he says it is easier for him. I tell him it isn't normal and that he should sit on the toilet properly. I guess I'm wrong then, because he has been doing that since he was about 5yrs old. He is 9 now.
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If I'm at a man's house and I ask him where the bathroom's at and he tells me, "Down the hall first door to your left. By the way, bro, do you mind sitting down to pee? Thanks."

I'm looking at him like View media item 1858186
Pooping naked just ain't right. My briefs stop my legs from shaking so much when I pull them down. When I'm naked my legs shaking like a 7.5 Magnitude earthquake .
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Pooping naked just ain't right. My briefs stop my legs from shaking so much when I pull them down. When I'm naked my legs shaking like a 7.5 Magnitude earthquake .
Sound like a girl getting that :smokin pipe game. You taking a **** or giving birth bro?
Sound like a girl getting that :smokin pipe game. You taking a **** or giving birth bro?

[emoji]128514[/emoji] You a damn fool. But you right about the leg shakes [emoji]128520[/emoji]

I eat like a boss and poop like a boss
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Give me one reason why you'd object to sitting down to pee. A reasonable explanation.

wat lol.
ill give you 5 good reasons hijo

1. I have excellent depth perception so i know where to aim in the bowl so it wont cause excess splish.

2. Its easier to just walk over there and do ya bidness.

3. If for some reason theres stains in the interior of the bowl i can actually see them so i can hose them down.

4. When you sit down it muffles the noise of the stream. When i pee its supersoakerish. I want people to know that theres a man in the house.

5. I have a father.
wat lol.
ill give you 5 good reasons hijo

1. I have excellent depth perception so i know where to aim in the bowl so it wont cause excess splish.

2. Its easier to just walk over there and do ya bidness.

3. If for some reason theres stains in the interior of the bowl i can actually see them so i can hose them down.

4. When you sit down it muffles the noise of the stream. When i pee its supersoakerish. I want people to know that theres a man in the house.

5. I have a father.

That last one hurt [emoji]128546[/emoji]
wat lol.
ill give you 5 good reasons hijo

1. I have excellent depth perception so i know where to aim in the bowl so it wont cause excess splish.

2. Its easier to just walk over there and do ya bidness.

3. If for some reason theres stains in the interior of the bowl i can actually see them so i can hose them down.

4. When you sit down it muffles the noise of the stream. When i pee its supersoakerish. I want people to know that theres a man in the house.

5. I have a father.

:rofl: :rofl:
yo is it me, but sometimes if I have a huge massive deuce - I don't flush right away.

I let that thang sit in the bowl until I'm done entirely.

I literally admire the amount of poo that came out, knowing that I'm flushed clean in the insides.

Eff a courtesy flush.
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this works great if you haven't tried them. 3-4 drops before you crap. more if it's a bad one.

View media item 1858164

My man, you posted a picture with all Japanese text and no link. What are we supposed to do with this? :lol:

lol I can't see myself telling my guests..."oh hey bro... using the bathroom?.... number 1 or 2?.... number 1? perfect. don't forget to sit down my dude"

I mean, would you really need to ask which of the two he's doing? I hope I'm not kicking it with anyone who needs to be told to sit down to **** :lol:

3. If for some reason theres stains in the interior of the bowl i can actually see them so i can hose them down.

4. When you sit down it muffles the noise of the stream. When i pee its supersoakerish. I want people to know that theres a man in the house.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Naw, but on topic: I just bring my phone, and I wipe it and the toilet seat with alcohol when I'm done. I might have to invest in a Squatty Potty soon.
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yo is it me, but sometimes if I have a huge massive deuce - I don't flush right away.
I let that thang sit in the bowl until I'm done entirely.
I literally admire the amount of poo that came out, knowing that I'm flushed clean in the insides.
Eff a courtesy flush.
Me af
keep in mind he's not from USA so certain guy code things aren't the same
This. Society is generally more progressive here and it helps that my friends are well educated. If someone has a serious problem with peeing sitting down, that tells me they're not confident in their manliness. Sitting down to pee isn't going to make anyone less of a man, especially when there are numerous benefits to it that are scientifically proven and can not be argued with.

When I'm talking about spatter I'm not talking about having bad aim and splashing on the toilet seat or something. When we learned about the benefits of sitting down to pee in nursing school we were given a blacklight to see for ourselves how much difference it makes. If you think the spatter from standing up is only on the inside of your toilet, you're wrong. Feel free to test that out yourself.

We were also taught that the position of sitting down relaxes the bladder more than a standing position, thus making sure your fully empty your bladder. This decreases the chance of urinary infection.

The only reasonable counter-argument is that standing up is more convenient. I only sit down on clean toilets (my own, work, friend's house) so I'm generally not in a rush. It honestly doesn't take much longer than standing up. The other counter-arguments that people who are against sitting down to pee present all boil down to archaic ideals of manliness and insecurity about their own manliness. Case in point: insecure men in this thread ignoring and refusing to acknowledge scientifically proven facts over ancient ideals of what's manly and what's not. Newsflash: if you need to keep telling yourself that you're a man and think sitting down to pee is somehow making you less of a man, you're not a real man.

I'm not the one who's thinking "oh I better pee standing up because otherwise I'm not a real man, what if someone catches me?? God that would be so embarassing!! People will probably make fun of me oh god"

wat lol.
ill give you 5 good reasons hijo

1. I have excellent depth perception so i know where to aim in the bowl so it wont cause excess splish.

Wrong. See above.

2. Its easier to just walk over there and do ya bidness.

Correct, it is more convenient.

3. If for some reason theres stains in the interior of the bowl i can actually see them so i can hose them down.

See above, the spatter produced from standing up is not restricted to the interior of the bowl.

4. When you sit down it muffles the noise of the stream. When i pee its supersoakerish.  I want people to know that theres a man in the house.

Insecurity about your manliness.

5. I have a father.

More obvious insecurity about your manliness.
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Colombia was very passionate about that...and I felt it.

because of that - I will now try to sit down and pee.

wish me luck.
This. Society is generally more progressive here and it helps that my friends are well educated. If someone has a serious problem with peeing sitting down, that tells me they're not confident in their manliness. Sitting down to pee isn't going to make anyone less of a man, especially when there are numerous benefits to it that are scientifically proven and can not be argued with.
When I'm talking about spatter I'm not talking about having bad aim and splashing on the toilet seat or something. When we learned about the benefits of sitting down to pee in nursing school we were given a blacklight to see for ourselves how much difference it makes. If you think the spatter from standing up is only on the inside of your toilet, you're wrong. Feel free to test that out yourself.
We were also taught that the position of sitting down relaxes the bladder more than a standing position, thus making sure your fully empty your bladder. This decreases the chance of urinary infection.

The only reasonable counter-argument is that standing up is more convenient. I only sit down on clean toilets (my own, work, friend's house) so I'm generally not in a rush. It honestly doesn't take much longer than standing up. The other counter-arguments that people who are against sitting down to pee present all boil down to archaic ideals of manliness and insecurity about their own manliness. Case in point: insecure men in this thread ignoring and refusing to acknowledge scientifically proven facts over ancient ideals of what's manly and what's not. Newsflash: if you need to keep telling yourself that you're a man and think sitting down to pee is somehow making you less of a man, you're not a real man.
I'm not the one who's thinking "oh I better pee standing up because otherwise I'm not a real man, what if someone catches me?? God that would be so embarassing!! People will probably make fun of me oh god"

:lol: UTIs in men are rare until they are older.

It would take at least an additional minute or two to complete the task sitting down. I'd also be holding up the stall for someone who really needs it for ya know a deuce. Maybe the facilities in Europe are better equipped with more stalls.
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I take some toilet paper and wrap it around the front of the toilet seat.
I hate when people do that :smh:. Felt bad for the custodians when I was in high school that had to take the pee soaked tissue off the toilet seats because people couldn't be mature enough to remove it before pissing in the toilet so they wiz everywhere. Hell folks used to crap on the floors as a joke :smh:
Im kidding columbia.

Your long reply seems like you took that to heart boy.
It doesn't really offend me personally, I enjoy debating things.

I think that point of view is very ignorant and I'm generally quite vocal about things like that.
UTIs in men are rare until they are older.

It would take at least an additional minute or two to complete the task sitting down. I'd also be holding up the stall for someone who really needs it for ya know a deuce. Maybe the facilities in Europe are better equipped with more stalls.
Your first point is correct but it doesn't really change the fact that sitting down further reduces that risk. The main reason I do it and ask others to do so in my home is because it's much cleaner and because it feels better, as weird as that may sound. As for time, one or two extra minutes sounds about right. 

I only do this at clean toilets though, public toilets/stalls are horrendous. I'm not sitting down in a gross stall.
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