Thinking of getting my son a turtle...... any suggestions/tips?

I've had my red ear since I was like 5. I'm 17 now and he is still goin.. I must have dropped him at least 10 times, but he's never been hurt oranything like that.
Its an overall easy pet to take care of. I love him.

Seeing him chomp on feeders are
I WANTED A TURTLE SO BAD WHEN I WAS LITTLE but dont give it to him till he shows he can take care of something. Leave your friends dog or something in his carefor a week and see ho that works before you give him a living thing to take care of
me and my brother left our red eared outside one night

damn raccoon ate it and just left the shell there

Somewhere this kid is smiling.

But mang how old is your son? For a young kid a turtle could be boring. They don't do much. and kids get bored quickly, might start to neglect it..
i can't have turtles, asian culture states that havy any kind of turtle as a pet will bring massive misfortune. Last time i had one, a week later one of myfamily members passed away.
I had two turtles when I was young, Ken and Ryu.

They didn't do much but it was still nice to have them. It could be an effective way to teach kids responsibility, feeding, cleaning etc. just make surethey know not to fight them with each other etc.
Don't do it!!!

Constant mess and not ever worth the reward!!!!

Had mine for a few months....and got rid of it!
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

don't do it.

Seriously, don't do it. A friend of mine had one and it literally spent a year just sleeping in a box in his closet. Your son will get bored of theturtle real quick, and then you will be stuck with a pet that can live longer than you.
I had a box turtle when I was like 10. It was actually pretty active and a good pet to have. Make sure that your son knows that turtles carry tons of bacteria,so he NEEDS to wash his hands well after he handles it.
just make sure you get the kind that don't grow. my uncle bought some "minatures" they ended up growing to about a foot, and he upgraded to a 300gallon tank.

they are so big he lets them swim in the pool sometimes
Seems like a super dull pet, and could turn your son into a serial killer. First, he's going to be all excited to get home and see his pet turtle. So thenhe's going to run to it's cage and watch it, and quickly realize all it does is sleep all day and even what it does move, it's a @##*!!+ turtle soit's like .00003 miles per hour. So to up the excitement ante, he's going to start messing with cats and dogs using the turtle as bait, and trying toburn through it's skin with magnifying glass in the son, and seeing what can penetrate it's shell like shooting it with a BB gun, then eventuallyhe'll kill it somehow with these shenanigans and lie and tell you he lost it while cleaning it's cage. So next you buy him a dog, and he'll startsticking hangers up the dog's @@% and other tomfoolery.

Fast forward 11 years from now, he'll shoot like 14 people and them himself.

Don't believe me, look at the stories of the early years of most serial killers. They almost always started out "just" messing with animals.
dont do it, they smell like %$*#.... ALL the time. whole house will eventually smell like it.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

what does a turtle do for you??

"Nah, im just gonna stay in tonight.....chill with mah turtle..."
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