Thinking of getting my son a turtle...... any suggestions/tips?

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by Broke on Nikes

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773


Beat me to it.
Beat me to saying "beat me to it".
Beat me to saying "Beat me to saying "beat me to it".
"All this talk of beating is making me thirsty."
YO TURTLES ARE DIRTY!!!!!... i had 6 turtles ( i named each of them after New Edition )... they were the size of a silver dollar when i first got them.. thenthey got huge... and the tanks go mad dirty.. they are cool as hell... you can feed them anything.. i was feeding mine hotdogs, chicken, gold fish,whatever.... everytime i would tap on the glass they new that it was feeding time... oh and its a pain in the ++! to keep their shells healthy...
Originally Posted by bamez

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by bamez

dont do it, they smell like %$*#.... ALL the time. whole house will eventually smell like it.

Not if you have proper filteration and you keep the turtle's tank clean on a scheduled basis.

I've had a my red-ear slider for about three years and he's about 9-inches long and has been living in a 20-gallon tank for the past two years.

nahh yo, you just got used to the smell
False. You don't know how to maintain and keep a turtle tank clean. Trust me, I know when a turtle tank smells bad and my tank does not smellbad because I care for it on a regular basis.

If you do decide to get a turtle, make sure it has a basking area so it could get some light.

Get a good filter system
Basking light and area
20 Gallon Tank

Whatever turtle you decide to get, make sure the water depth is twice the size of the turtle itself. It needs room to swim.
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

Thinking of getting a red eared slider or box idk yet but any tips or suggestions?

out of every animal in the animal kingdom.. a turtle? i think a hamster would make a better pet for your kid.
back in the day my dad dated this chick who literally had 50 or so living in her back yard. I would go over there as a lil kid and try to dig em all up andfind them. pretty fun
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