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Cause he ages in dog years

Good,he needs a fire lit under his *** to keep him honest. Dude has been coming off as so smug lately in interviews when they question him about his drop off in form. He barely acknowledges anything and puts it down to the press even though he's one of the most protected players in the league. He also refuses to concede anything and keeps saying he has "nothing to prove to anyone" :rofl:.

It's a far cry from Ibra interviews where he keeps reiterating that he's only gonna continue playing as long as he feels that he can perform at a high level and can hold down a starting spot. He said he won't drag things out and continue playing just because his shirt says Ibra at the back,he needs to be a solid contributer

Can't wait till Mou gives him the armband
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Ibra's no BS merchant. Think he'll know when it's time to start thinking of going off into the Miami sunset in MLS. Roo on the other hand has a case of delusion/denial. He's setting things up for a less than ideal easing out at the club
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Jose is the archetype dude that talks alot but ain't about ish when it comes to actually throwing hands. He's good if there's people to separate him.

It's clear for any footy fan to see that shrek has declined considerably. There should've been a clean cut when Jose was hired. I'm wondering if there was a mandate from management to keep him around because it's bizarre that he kept getting including in the starting 11.

I'm actually excited to see Barca play without La Pulga. It's a great opportunity to see the other guys play plus Neymar & hannibal should be more than enough to carry the load. The team played well last campaign when he was not available from Sept to Nov.

Why is it in footy, teams & players say they deserved to win after draws & losses? Like MFer if you deserved to win you would've played better defense and/or scored one more goal... :rolleyes

You don't hear that in other sports.
On the discussion from the last page,neither Klopp nor Wenger would want it with Tony Pulis :lol:

Hell Id bet that Bilic would be tough as hell as well :lol:
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Surprised Mou has stuck with Roo though... he's made clean-cuts before... dunno why he didn't this time.  

There was a point during last season when Roo returned from injury and played decent footy... hit his long passes and distributed reasonably well.  Too bad it didn't last.  
Rooney saves/saved yall a bunch of points tho. He gets crucified but has made the right pass, play or goal plenty of times for United in the last 2 years. He cant be the outright victim when the entire team struggles.

He may be inneffective but he isnt why yall are losing or cant score. Might just be on too high of a pedestal and more detrimental than good but he has a clutch and experience factor most guys dont have on that team.
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RVP also won us points and basically the league yet once he started showing the first signs of decline,he got cut loose. That's how it works in footy. You think Pep who wouldn't put up with club legends like Yaya and Hart,wouldn't drop Rooney? :lol:

Him starting creates a logjam with players better suited at his position. Without him in the lineup,players like Mata/Pogba can play in their favored position
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I think the toughest footy managers that could proly actually throw down are Cholo & former manager Paolo Di Canio... Everyone else is soft...
I'll never forget Cholo wanting to throw down with Varane in the middle of extra time in the CL :rofl: :rofl:

That man is ready in any situation :lol: :smokin
RVP was never a club hero though and he was coming off injury iirc. Rooney statistically still delivers. Yaya basically was a sandbag on the pitch and Hart had a different playstyle, its a bit of a difference in comparison.

Its a beaten horse, I hear it from my Man U friends all the time that Rooney is washed but from someone that doesnt follow the club I see his name on the stat sheet a lot. Has scored or assisted in every league game besides the Derby and at Watford, and has the most or one of the most key passes for the team.

Even if he gets dropped, Heggsy FC still coming at yall with blistering pace. Mike, Bailly and De Gea better have the game of their life against that counter :lol:
Wenger spent time in Japan, he probably judo throw Mou into the bench

Wayne Rooney is the captain, he should be leading by example and do whatever it takes to get the team the win

He should volunteer to sit if that's what it takes

Did Giggs go through this when he was falling off?
I got Wenger. Jose the type of dude that would only be tough around his friends.

Reach advantage, manages an underachieving team for a decade, he qint got nothing to lose anymore :lol:
Fergie did start cutting down on their minutes and appearances quite a bit towards the end but they were still solid contributors and tbh, Giggs and Scholes are cut from a different cloth though,they were always technical players so the switch to a deeper role suited them more. Even when their physical abilities diminished,they were still quality squad players and had moments of class.

I don't think Roo has it in him to take that backseat veterans roles after being one of the main guys his entire career
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RVP was never a club hero though and he was coming off injury iirc. Rooney statistically still delivers. Yaya basically was a sandbag on the pitch and Hart had a different playstyle, its a bit of a difference in comparison.

Its a beaten horse, I hear it from my Man U friends all the time that Rooney is washed but from someone that doesnt follow the club I see his name on the stat sheet a lot. Has scored or assisted in every league game besides the Derby and at Watford, and has the most or one of the most key passes for the team.

Even if he gets dropped, Heggsy FC still coming at yall with blistering pace. Mike, Bailly and De Gea better have the game of their life against that counter :lol:

He has those stats because he's the only player to start all those games :lol:,trust me I was one of the last ones off the Roo train. He's a legend through and through and I thought he'd have a happy last few years as captain after all his years of service but things obviously haven't gone that way. He has a LOT of mileage in his tank so I guess it should be kind of expected.

If you've been following closely,you'll see that he's really a shell of his former self. He misses sitters regularly,has the first touch of a brick a is wasteful with possession more often than not. Sure his work rate allows him to create the occasional chance or get an assist/goal but that's become a rarity/an outlier now. He has more consistent stretches of not contributing much at all than of positively contributing.

Yaya is 100% a spot on comparison man,dude is a hindrance to the squads progression. I know as a Citeh fan you'll obviously want to see the man at this stage in his career start until his legs fall off though :lol: :smh:

Here's a pretty solid article from before the season started outlining the situation and all the disadvantages he puts the team in pretty well
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Why is it in footy, teams & players say they deserved to win after draws & losses? Like MFer if you deserved to win you would've played better defense and/or scored one more goal... :rolleyes

You don't hear that in other sports.

"The better team didn't win" has got the be the dumbest phrase I've ever heard in sports

Unless you're out there breaking rules and hurting other players to win, the better team is the one who won, fair and square
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