This guy beats the PISS out of some emos WARNING: Violent video

That !%!! looked like practice mode on Tekken
like dude said up there, it probably was really 10-8

camerman most likely had hella people behind him. the "emo" kids were @%@@#! to begin with.

what an %%%@++%
The dude in the red definitely had like 3 other dudes with him including the cameraman. Thing is tho that didn't matter much he just started wailingon them and they were all shocked. I'm pretty sure they were asking why he's doing this at first and he replied with a kick to the face or a suplex.

It was funny watching 2 of them act like they were about to fight to be held back and then get snuffed.

How do we know they're emos? They just look like they not built like that. I mean they didn't even run.
Dude seriously thinks he's doing it, going one-man-army against a buncha dudes that can't fight.


I hope the next time he tries that, one of the emo kids was just planning to cut his wrists, then dude tries to blitz 'em and the kid uses that blade onol' wanna-be Rambo.

But... I know, you know, and he knows that's not going to happen, and that's why he targeted the emo click.

He's not trying that against any of the other high school clicks. Just emos.

Sounded like they were speaking Russian. I wouldn't be surprised if the cameraman and the guys behind him were holding up guns or had a reputation ofcommitting serious violence.
I hate people that kick, and that was some straight up BS who picks on people like that?
who just stands around and waits for the @+% beating? jump him or run!!

i want to kick that guys @+% for that thow....
The emo dudes are moving like zombies
..They should've fought together andtry to cut "Tough Guy" up like they do to themselves...But yeah, that bully needs to die
Originally Posted by Master Zik

A lotta yall sound mad. Like a bully picking on kids who can't fight isn't normal.

Well it is something that would make people mad. Common and normal aren't the same thing....that's definitely not "normal"
Honestly what a #%** though. Just walks up to a bunch of skinny kids then starts swinging. MAD STREET CRED BRO!
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