This Is Us Vol. Found William

Jun 1, 2011

Didn't see a thread about this show when I searched. Anybody else find this show good, only on episode 13 so's something new each episode.
Show is a masterpiece of emotions, currently at episode 17, what a beautiful show, superb acting by the man that plays William and Randall...
How is NT not up on this show or want to discuss it...this show has a it all, grief, drug addiction, almost every type of love possible, with the exception of a human-pet relationship, racial issues, dealing with depression....I can just keep going, acting from some of these guys is superb, seriously one of the best dramas from a tv series I've many ***** feels
I'll check this out. Just looked it up and read a quick synopsis and it appears it's critically acclaimed.
The twist they throw at you right at the end of the first episode had my wife in an emotional
Absolutely amazing show; the pacing and subtleties of the character development of every major character is insanely good. The show does an amazing job of capturing how each individual interacts with his/her own world and the relation to the overall family dynamic and history very well.
Writing is really good on this show and I like the casting choices.

Mandy Moore still looking good

I want to re-watch the entire first season. I started the first 4 episodes with my wife and then she continued on smh. But I did watch the season finale.
I didn't think i'd like this show, but after watching the first episode because of the wife (like a few weeks back) I binged watched and was caught up by the 2nd or third episode before the finale.

Wife was pissed.... LOL

did anybody else feel underwhelmed by the finale because for me, i though that's when

the dad was going to die in the car accident

and it wasn't..... :nerd:

i also want to know how the BF got with Mandy moore.... seems fishy to me.....
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I loved everyone's storyline except Kate. The show doesn't really know what they want to do with her.
Absolutely brilliant show.

The "Karate" Episode really got to me :smh:

Yeah that tugged at your heart, They really made Jack into the perfect everything.

Spoiler ahead, don't click if you haven't gotten to at least episode 6 I think

only thing that really bothers me and that's because up to episode 17 they've yet to shed any light on it, is Miguels relationship with Rebecca, they have 0 chemistry and it was so random to see them together
Show's ok for me, it just moves at a slower pace than I'm used to, don't get me wrong show is great in it's own right but I expected more. Reminds me of a watered down "Parenthood". I'm still tuning in for sure though especially to see what happened with the parents, as a person in recovery the fights they've had have def hit home for me and I'm sure my wife as we sit together and watch.
Show is alright. Ive seen episodes here n there with the wife. The actor brother is annoying though.

The "Karate" Episode really got to me :smh:

That was a really good scene

only thing that really bothers me and that's because up to episode 17 they've yet to shed any light on it, is Miguels relationship with Rebecca, they have 0 chemistry and it was so random to see them together


When i watched the parent reveal episode i questioned why they said grandpa to him. Only later did they reveal the real dad died BUT how/when/why did those 2 end up together, they barely even talked to each other in the flashabck scenes
Just finished it....

WTF!!!!!!! What a cruel way to toy with the viewers emotions, they legit just sent my dude jack off with 0 closure
Can't believe this show doesn't get any love here....season 2 has been pretty much perfect, specially the last couple of episodes, these actors are incredible....Jack is literally the perfect man/dad
Wifey & I have watched this since jump. Surprised to find a thread about this. I'm old enough to remember watching 30 Something in the 80s with my godmother. This Is Us reminds me of that show so much & was shocked to find the lead actor from that show Ken Olin is the executive producer of the show. Thought the same guitarist from the 80s show was doing the sound track for This Is Us but it wasn't.

Might be the only show that does consistently well with showing flash backs & not get tried of it. Ray Donovan's writers should've shadowed This Is Us' writers to get a lesson in flash backing properly...
Show tries waaaay to hard to make literally EVERYTHING the characters say something epic and they only focus on HUGE events in their lives EVERY episode. It's almost like every character knows that a big day in their lives is coming and have a written statement prepared about that day. They literally want you to cry every episode.
This past episode with Kevin was by far the best of the series. I actually wish they kept that format, kept it more character-centric and follow a character through their day with flashbacks to the past(kinda like LOST did.) They let the events dictate how the character responds and it should be the characters and how they respond based on past/current actions and just let it flow.

I'm all in on Kevin and Jack's story for sure. Being a recovering alcoholic myself, those scenes are the best of the show, the most accurate and just too real.
Everything else is whatever. Hoping for the trend to continue next week, but based on next weeks preview it's gonna be more of the same.
They never let things marinate with the characters. Like Kate is really gonna tell her family pretty much immediately that she lost the baby?? It'd be great if they showed her emotionally wrecked for a few episodes, trying to keep it together and then gather the courage to tell her family what happened. THAT would get genuine tears because while the audience would know, the other characters wouldn't.

Reminds me of parenthood when one of the parents gets cancer and only her and her husband know and that goes on for half a season till she finally tells them what's going on. Legit tears when that happened.
I still need to finish Parenthood.

But This Is Us, something isn't clicking with me. I thought I'd get into it, but I find myself just having my wife recap the episodes.
Its meh to me still. My wife watches it and im in the room with the baby doing stuff. Every now n then i ask a quick question but thats about it.

I said before and still to this day, kevin's character is annoying.

Flashbacks are ok i guess but imo itd needs to also be storylined not jumping back n forth between being babies, teens, then kids, then babies, back to kids etc

They ever explain how Mandy Moore ends up with the best friend?
This show seems like some cry porn. It’s like people love it because they get to cry with the characters every episode.
Its meh to me still. My wife watches it and im in the room with the baby doing stuff. Every now n then i ask a quick question but thats about it.

I said before and still to this day, kevin's character is annoying.

Flashbacks are ok i guess but imo itd needs to also be storylined not jumping back n forth between being babies, teens, then kids, then babies, back to kids etc

They ever explain how Mandy Moore ends up with the best friend?

I think 2 episodes back, they did an episode on them "10 years ago"(the adult versions) and Randall was having his first daughter and the mom came to help. She asked Randalls wife to help her setup Facebook, I think at the end of the episode she's on her feed and gets a message from him
I got put on this show a bit late.

I'll just say this: there's nothing more dangerous than a united family that supports each other. It is unstoppable, a force of nature.
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