This is why the bible and other religious texts had to be written by scorned MALES

Dame Theory wrote:
Mo Matik wrote:
...Research contradictions...HOMIE THATS WHAT I JUST DID!!! You delivered your strongest arguments and they ALL had fallacies in them. SHEER BLATANT BIASED ILLOGICAL PROPOSITIONS. Yet you still claim i'm not reading the information. bruh, I read EVERY link you put up and showed you your OWN history and yet i'm still the one that doesn't know anything? ... smiley: eyes miss me with that. You are tripping.

This, here, is not research.

I am not a scholar.� Neither are you.� You spent way more time criticizing me rather than criticizing Islam. All the times you mentioned contradictions in Islam were broad and general. Never did you cite specifics that I could actually formulate a response from.

So if Judaism and Christianity were at one time Islam...why are they so different?

There are similarities and differences.� There are many similarities which you are disregarding here. 

You say god never left and civilization without the opp. to worship him... so did God get it wrong the first two times??

I don't understand the question. Are you referring to the Christians and the Jews? They were guided by God.

How many "true" paths did he make then?

Islam is the only true path. The purpose of Muhammad receiving messages from God was to send down the final transmission from God to man until the day of judgment. 

He already failed twice at it and changed it.

No, that's not the argument. According to the scripture, God is all knowing. This is just the narrative. The way things were supposed to turn out. The various tests of man.

How old is the earth buddy?

There is no conflict between Islam and science in this matter.

So if the oldest man is in the Quran...and modern islam as followed by the Quran is only 1400 years old...then the Quran can't have the oldest story of a man in it.

I didn't explain this well. The Abrahamic texts all contain the story of Adam and Eve, although they have differences. God talks to Adam in the Qur'an, and Adam is a follower of God. Adam is also the first man. Therefore, Islam has been in existence since the beginning of man.

Plus you're just flat out wrong here ALL ancient texts claim to have the word of God

Not true. Yes, there are many sections of the Bible and the Torah where it'll say "And God said..." but only the Qur'an out of the 3 Abrahamic faiths claims to be the word of God throughout.

All these little questions are avoiding the big picture of religion as a whole.� They have absolutely zero significance in the broad scheme of things.� I can talk to you for hours and hours and hours.� And I might be able to convince you that, yeah, Islam does have a pretty good model for society.� 

But that doesn't make it the right religion.� It just makes it a pretty good model for society.

You will not be able to go through Islam and find logic to everything.� For example, all Muslims must pay a Zakat, which is a mandatory charity.� 2.5% of the money you made.� You're never going to be able to find the logic behind that value.� And that's where an element of faith comes in.

If you have time, this is a good documentary that explains the beginnings of Islam.

Tell those similarities to those who divide themselves among the three abrahamic religions every single day. You aren't making a point here. All religions come from the same stories that come from more of the same stories that come from more of the same stories. In so much as you can dismiss another religion you can dismiss ALL of them. 

So if according to you Christianity and Judaism were at one time "Islam" then why didn't God just lead them to Islam? Seems like an awful trick to basically send half of the people in the living world to the wrong faith, wouldn't you say so? Especially when one believes in the Trinity and the other in a single god. Handle that issue. 

Here you go again...saying Islam is the ONE true path. EVERY OTHER RELIGION SAYS THEY'RE THE ONE TRUE PATH. How do you think you're so special? Just cause it says it is??? Prove it! Islam is not unique. It is just the same as every other religion! Why can't you understand this. Especially to make the bold claim that God kept sending ya'll messages close to 600-700 years after christanity and judaism had been booming. Sounds like ya'll got ya'll own little message and decided to break off into your own sect and wanted to claim your own "divine" intervention. Jews say they are gods chosen people... but you claim you're gods chosen people. Just another perversion of faith molded to fit your own agenda. You just aren't seeing it. You say the same things other religions say yet your religion is right? 

So God made people believe in the wrong faith... TWICE...then came back and fixed it the THIRD time? How perfect is God then? He is all-knowing too? Why didn't he know to get it right the first time? Then if he knows all how come dude didn't know people would fall prey to the wrong religion? Dude messed it up twice and finally got it right? Then you have this argument that well... he was testing his people to follow the true faith of islam... uh... what? How come it took 600 years to pass that test? What if you didn't live long enough to see your test score? Its not like you'd ever get to find out if you were right... Then you say, this is the way he meant the narrative to turn out. Who wrote that? God? or the guys who wrote the Quran? Sounds like the latter to me. Especially if they say... nah those religions got it wrong and failed god's test. We got it right and we are the final receivers of the word of god. Tell that to Joseph Smith who found some "golden plates" with God's word on it in the his backyard....that no one has seen since..., marched west and started the Mormon Church. Sounds like God came back and left ya'll out of the picture. 

Thats right because earlier you claimed that the first man was a muslim (
) it doesn't matter how old the earth is. So...if you believe in what point did the first man become a muslim? Were neaderthals muslims? australopithecines? @%!% erectus? @%!% habilus? what about those guys/girls? 

Yeah... you didn't explain that at think Adam was the first man? So much for that bio major. So you mean to tell me that Adam and Eve was an Islamic story and not a christian one? Wow... try telling that to any christian next sunday. Also your use of "therefore" doesn't solve anything. First you claim Islam has been around since the beginning of man...which you STILL have not contested my point about Romans, Greeks, Sumerians, Polynesians, Egyptians, etc. so...clearly theres something inconsistent here. THEN heres the fun part, Adam was the first muslim...but it took almost 4,000 years for modern christianity to start...then 600 years after that for islam to start. WHAT took ya'll so long?  Ya'll couldn't get it right the first time? Sounds fishy homie. If adam was the first muslim why didn't we start with islam first?

Bruh...go on the street and ask anyone about the bible or torah if God really said that. 99% of them will say yes. If anyone says No, they're an atheist/agnostic. Youre just outright lying now and its getting out of hand. Plus, I can just as easily say "god said this" and that just makes it so? What the hell? I can say i'm the son of god right now... and thats all it should take for you to believe me. MO MATIK... I AM THE SON OF GOD. See how easy that is? 

So if that doesn't make it the right religion, why do you think its so good for society then? Especially if it assumes divine ordinance. Shouldn't it be perfect then? WHY ARE YOU CONTRADICTING YOURSELF??? So where contradictions exist...we just ignore them right? We don't just abandon them and try to come up with a better system? What a nonsensical comment. I expected better from this debate. You got mad saying I don't attack religion but I attack you...but its hard for me to even say something about the faith you subscribe to when its full of this many holes. Whats worse is that you take an attack on your faith to be an attack on you. Homie, I don't know you. I just know what you believe is really really weak. 

DING DING DING. Why would you expect me or anyone else to subscribe to something in which all if it was not thorough. So I'm supposed to take EVERYTHING even if it doesn't make sense? HELLLL NAW. Christians pay a Zakat too. Its called Tithing. A waste of money to go towards the sense of purification and offering to god. This money could go towards charities actually helping other people and sponsoring costs of significant research or even into your own pockets on rainy days. BUT WAIT. Islam is the archetype... Whatever. Keep that bunk #%% argument. You have yet again posed something that makes NO sense. I thought you would actually have something different to say this time. 

Posting a video on the origin of islam doesn't make it make any more sense than it already doesn't. I'd watch it for strictly historical references. I could care less about following it and thats how I implore you to do as well. 

From THIS thread. 
Dame Theory wrote:
Mo Matik wrote:
...Research contradictions...HOMIE THATS WHAT I JUST DID!!! You delivered your strongest arguments and they ALL had fallacies in them. SHEER BLATANT BIASED ILLOGICAL PROPOSITIONS. Yet you still claim i'm not reading the information. bruh, I read EVERY link you put up and showed you your OWN history and yet i'm still the one that doesn't know anything? ... smiley: eyes miss me with that. You are tripping.

This, here, is not research.

I am not a scholar.� Neither are you.� You spent way more time criticizing me rather than criticizing Islam. All the times you mentioned contradictions in Islam were broad and general. Never did you cite specifics that I could actually formulate a response from.

So if Judaism and Christianity were at one time Islam...why are they so different?

There are similarities and differences.� There are many similarities which you are disregarding here. 

You say god never left and civilization without the opp. to worship him... so did God get it wrong the first two times??

I don't understand the question. Are you referring to the Christians and the Jews? They were guided by God.

How many "true" paths did he make then?

Islam is the only true path. The purpose of Muhammad receiving messages from God was to send down the final transmission from God to man until the day of judgment. 

He already failed twice at it and changed it.

No, that's not the argument. According to the scripture, God is all knowing. This is just the narrative. The way things were supposed to turn out. The various tests of man.

How old is the earth buddy?

There is no conflict between Islam and science in this matter.

So if the oldest man is in the Quran...and modern islam as followed by the Quran is only 1400 years old...then the Quran can't have the oldest story of a man in it.

I didn't explain this well. The Abrahamic texts all contain the story of Adam and Eve, although they have differences. God talks to Adam in the Qur'an, and Adam is a follower of God. Adam is also the first man. Therefore, Islam has been in existence since the beginning of man.

Plus you're just flat out wrong here ALL ancient texts claim to have the word of God

Not true. Yes, there are many sections of the Bible and the Torah where it'll say "And God said..." but only the Qur'an out of the 3 Abrahamic faiths claims to be the word of God throughout.

All these little questions are avoiding the big picture of religion as a whole.� They have absolutely zero significance in the broad scheme of things.� I can talk to you for hours and hours and hours.� And I might be able to convince you that, yeah, Islam does have a pretty good model for society.� 

But that doesn't make it the right religion.� It just makes it a pretty good model for society.

You will not be able to go through Islam and find logic to everything.� For example, all Muslims must pay a Zakat, which is a mandatory charity.� 2.5% of the money you made.� You're never going to be able to find the logic behind that value.� And that's where an element of faith comes in.

If you have time, this is a good documentary that explains the beginnings of Islam.

Tell those similarities to those who divide themselves among the three abrahamic religions every single day. You aren't making a point here. All religions come from the same stories that come from more of the same stories that come from more of the same stories. In so much as you can dismiss another religion you can dismiss ALL of them. 

So if according to you Christianity and Judaism were at one time "Islam" then why didn't God just lead them to Islam? Seems like an awful trick to basically send half of the people in the living world to the wrong faith, wouldn't you say so? Especially when one believes in the Trinity and the other in a single god. Handle that issue. 

Here you go again...saying Islam is the ONE true path. EVERY OTHER RELIGION SAYS THEY'RE THE ONE TRUE PATH. How do you think you're so special? Just cause it says it is??? Prove it! Islam is not unique. It is just the same as every other religion! Why can't you understand this. Especially to make the bold claim that God kept sending ya'll messages close to 600-700 years after christanity and judaism had been booming. Sounds like ya'll got ya'll own little message and decided to break off into your own sect and wanted to claim your own "divine" intervention. Jews say they are gods chosen people... but you claim you're gods chosen people. Just another perversion of faith molded to fit your own agenda. You just aren't seeing it. You say the same things other religions say yet your religion is right? 

So God made people believe in the wrong faith... TWICE...then came back and fixed it the THIRD time? How perfect is God then? He is all-knowing too? Why didn't he know to get it right the first time? Then if he knows all how come dude didn't know people would fall prey to the wrong religion? Dude messed it up twice and finally got it right? Then you have this argument that well... he was testing his people to follow the true faith of islam... uh... what? How come it took 600 years to pass that test? What if you didn't live long enough to see your test score? Its not like you'd ever get to find out if you were right... Then you say, this is the way he meant the narrative to turn out. Who wrote that? God? or the guys who wrote the Quran? Sounds like the latter to me. Especially if they say... nah those religions got it wrong and failed god's test. We got it right and we are the final receivers of the word of god. Tell that to Joseph Smith who found some "golden plates" with God's word on it in the his backyard....that no one has seen since..., marched west and started the Mormon Church. Sounds like God came back and left ya'll out of the picture. 

Thats right because earlier you claimed that the first man was a muslim (
) it doesn't matter how old the earth is. So...if you believe in what point did the first man become a muslim? Were neaderthals muslims? australopithecines? @%!% erectus? @%!% habilus? what about those guys/girls? 

Yeah... you didn't explain that at think Adam was the first man? So much for that bio major. So you mean to tell me that Adam and Eve was an Islamic story and not a christian one? Wow... try telling that to any christian next sunday. Also your use of "therefore" doesn't solve anything. First you claim Islam has been around since the beginning of man...which you STILL have not contested my point about Romans, Greeks, Sumerians, Polynesians, Egyptians, etc. so...clearly theres something inconsistent here. THEN heres the fun part, Adam was the first muslim...but it took almost 4,000 years for modern christianity to start...then 600 years after that for islam to start. WHAT took ya'll so long?  Ya'll couldn't get it right the first time? Sounds fishy homie. If adam was the first muslim why didn't we start with islam first?

Bruh...go on the street and ask anyone about the bible or torah if God really said that. 99% of them will say yes. If anyone says No, they're an atheist/agnostic. Youre just outright lying now and its getting out of hand. Plus, I can just as easily say "god said this" and that just makes it so? What the hell? I can say i'm the son of god right now... and thats all it should take for you to believe me. MO MATIK... I AM THE SON OF GOD. See how easy that is? 

So if that doesn't make it the right religion, why do you think its so good for society then? Especially if it assumes divine ordinance. Shouldn't it be perfect then? WHY ARE YOU CONTRADICTING YOURSELF??? So where contradictions exist...we just ignore them right? We don't just abandon them and try to come up with a better system? What a nonsensical comment. I expected better from this debate. You got mad saying I don't attack religion but I attack you...but its hard for me to even say something about the faith you subscribe to when its full of this many holes. Whats worse is that you take an attack on your faith to be an attack on you. Homie, I don't know you. I just know what you believe is really really weak. 

DING DING DING. Why would you expect me or anyone else to subscribe to something in which all if it was not thorough. So I'm supposed to take EVERYTHING even if it doesn't make sense? HELLLL NAW. Christians pay a Zakat too. Its called Tithing. A waste of money to go towards the sense of purification and offering to god. This money could go towards charities actually helping other people and sponsoring costs of significant research or even into your own pockets on rainy days. BUT WAIT. Islam is the archetype... Whatever. Keep that bunk #%% argument. You have yet again posed something that makes NO sense. I thought you would actually have something different to say this time. 

Posting a video on the origin of islam doesn't make it make any more sense than it already doesn't. I'd watch it for strictly historical references. I could care less about following it and thats how I implore you to do as well. 

From THIS thread. 

I dropped this on my Dad last night and straight !%%!@* him up. He was staring off into the distance for like 20 minutes last night.

^ lol Truth!

i once asked my aunt .. if God's our father... who's his...?

she stare off in the distance like ... damn... mind blown....

I dropped this on my Dad last night and straight !%%!@* him up. He was staring off into the distance for like 20 minutes last night.

^ lol Truth!

i once asked my aunt .. if God's our father... who's his...?

she stare off in the distance like ... damn... mind blown....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

well, if you found a personal reason to believe, why did you just tell us "i believe cause i was raised that way"?

why didn't you drop the reason why you continued to believe once you raised these questions?

the athiest NTers OPENLY drop their reasons why they STOPPED believing.....

i wouldnt say "pride" is the best word to describe it, but they're PROUD that they reached a conclusion on their own, and can fully articulate their stance on the issue...

not to pick on YOU, but i find that most christians i come across cannot articulate why they believe...

like, i asked you flat out, and your answer was "cause i was raised that way"

but now that we explain how that could be seen as laughable, logically, because it insinuates that you never questioned your beliefs to strengthen or weaken your faith, you answer with a completely different explaination, that you HAVE raised these questions and that you made the choice to still believe...

like, why didn't you just give us the reason in the first place? you still havent technically given us the reason WHY you believe......

not being able to articulate your stance on topics that you, yourself, take SO SERIOUS that we can't even question them or we come off as degrading your faith, is kind of.....unsettling? degrading to your own faith? illogical?

see what the true essence of these posts are, now?

they explain WHY they dont believe, with tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings

the religious explain why they believe, but never use tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings....

when those religious types try to use evidence that isnt tangible nor widely accepted by human beings, thats when the "degrading somebody's faith" comes in.....and they're not really degrading your religious, they're degrading the FAITH you have put into the religion ILLOGICALLY...

ive went back and forth with Dame about this before, someone said "just because someone uses religion to get to point b, doesnt mean they didn't ultimately get to point b"

which i agree with....

personal religion is fine...

it's when MASSES of the relgious want to FORCE those who DONT prescribe to their religion to accept their religion (directly or indirectly) is what i have a problem with...

i.e. abortion rights, marriage rights, teaching creationism in schools, politics fueled by religion, etc.

the very idea of christianity is to lead others to salvation, i.e. impose your religion on those who do not practice it in order to SAVE THEIR SOULS

you see how weird that is to people that don't even believe in god?

like "we need to do something about global warming"

"nah, god got us..."

that may be an okay answer for people who have faith in a god, but for the other population in the room, they're like....."and that helps us fix global"

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

well, if you found a personal reason to believe, why did you just tell us "i believe cause i was raised that way"?

why didn't you drop the reason why you continued to believe once you raised these questions?

the athiest NTers OPENLY drop their reasons why they STOPPED believing.....

i wouldnt say "pride" is the best word to describe it, but they're PROUD that they reached a conclusion on their own, and can fully articulate their stance on the issue...

not to pick on YOU, but i find that most christians i come across cannot articulate why they believe...

like, i asked you flat out, and your answer was "cause i was raised that way"

but now that we explain how that could be seen as laughable, logically, because it insinuates that you never questioned your beliefs to strengthen or weaken your faith, you answer with a completely different explaination, that you HAVE raised these questions and that you made the choice to still believe...

like, why didn't you just give us the reason in the first place? you still havent technically given us the reason WHY you believe......

not being able to articulate your stance on topics that you, yourself, take SO SERIOUS that we can't even question them or we come off as degrading your faith, is kind of.....unsettling? degrading to your own faith? illogical?

see what the true essence of these posts are, now?

they explain WHY they dont believe, with tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings

the religious explain why they believe, but never use tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings....

when those religious types try to use evidence that isnt tangible nor widely accepted by human beings, thats when the "degrading somebody's faith" comes in.....and they're not really degrading your religious, they're degrading the FAITH you have put into the religion ILLOGICALLY...

ive went back and forth with Dame about this before, someone said "just because someone uses religion to get to point b, doesnt mean they didn't ultimately get to point b"

which i agree with....

personal religion is fine...

it's when MASSES of the relgious want to FORCE those who DONT prescribe to their religion to accept their religion (directly or indirectly) is what i have a problem with...

i.e. abortion rights, marriage rights, teaching creationism in schools, politics fueled by religion, etc.

the very idea of christianity is to lead others to salvation, i.e. impose your religion on those who do not practice it in order to SAVE THEIR SOULS

you see how weird that is to people that don't even believe in god?

like "we need to do something about global warming"

"nah, god got us..."

that may be an okay answer for people who have faith in a god, but for the other population in the room, they're like....."and that helps us fix global"

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

ya'll need to peep the thread Mo Matik had about Islam
Dude said Judaism used to be Islam...then Christanity used to be Islam...then Islam was Islam... And when I asked dude why it took God THREE times to get it right, he said thats what he intended to do.

I'm like...bruh...ya'll losing then cause only 2.2billion are christians and 1.5 are muslims...God just lost most of his squad on some technicality? 
You would think some of these people had God's BBM PIN number, the way they know exactly what he intended to do in some of these scenarios.


another problem i have with organized religion.

dudes FOREVER speak for god/from god






Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why arent we still adding books to the bible? cause those people are admitted to insane asylums....


   real talk
I had this same conversation earlier this morning with three chicks on Facebook
I was telling them how I dont believe in the Bible because of its misinformation and contradictory 

I asked a question about how did adam have a wife in the bible when Adam and Eve only had two sons

they were the only people on earth where did the other women come from?

never got that answer

and I also said I really dont make it known out in public about this subject because im pretty sure

I would get aplenty of people telling how I would go to hell

but mostly when he question arises on why would that said person believe in god anyway 

they wouldn't even know why for themselves I see a lot of folks as being posers 

its plenty of people walking this earth that would call you crazy for not believing but dont know why they believe themselves 

If you asked them a question about the bible they wouldn't have a logic answers for it because I fell most folks

believe in it just cause and never read it in there lives
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

ya'll need to peep the thread Mo Matik had about Islam
Dude said Judaism used to be Islam...then Christanity used to be Islam...then Islam was Islam... And when I asked dude why it took God THREE times to get it right, he said thats what he intended to do.

I'm like...bruh...ya'll losing then cause only 2.2billion are christians and 1.5 are muslims...God just lost most of his squad on some technicality? 
You would think some of these people had God's BBM PIN number, the way they know exactly what he intended to do in some of these scenarios.


another problem i have with organized religion.

dudes FOREVER speak for god/from god






Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why arent we still adding books to the bible? cause those people are admitted to insane asylums....


   real talk
I had this same conversation earlier this morning with three chicks on Facebook
I was telling them how I dont believe in the Bible because of its misinformation and contradictory 

I asked a question about how did adam have a wife in the bible when Adam and Eve only had two sons

they were the only people on earth where did the other women come from?

never got that answer

and I also said I really dont make it known out in public about this subject because im pretty sure

I would get aplenty of people telling how I would go to hell

but mostly when he question arises on why would that said person believe in god anyway 

they wouldn't even know why for themselves I see a lot of folks as being posers 

its plenty of people walking this earth that would call you crazy for not believing but dont know why they believe themselves 

If you asked them a question about the bible they wouldn't have a logic answers for it because I fell most folks

believe in it just cause and never read it in there lives
I wasn't even talking about anyone specifically. I was just saying it general, I didn't mean to start anything
. All I'm saying is that you're doing yourself justice if you know why you believe in certain things. I'm not even asking you to explain yourself because you don't owe that to me. 
I wasn't even talking about anyone specifically. I was just saying it general, I didn't mean to start anything
. All I'm saying is that you're doing yourself justice if you know why you believe in certain things. I'm not even asking you to explain yourself because you don't owe that to me. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by HighMan

seriously what was the point of posting this?

did anyone say there weren't multiple translations? or do you read what people type of do you just skim through it?

He's one of those atheists that log onto the internet to find other atheists to validate his lack of faith in God. It's pathetic. Believe what you will, I really don't care. But it's pathetic to feel the need to trample on others' beliefs to validate your own. And he does it, just like most of them do, probably out of fear or misery in some form. No one wants to die alone, so as long as he ca make a joke out of God in general, he'll feel more comfortable in his own skin amongst the people that laughed. Yes, I'm aware he'll reply to this with something witty and sharp, complete with a
, just like women do when their feelings get hurt. It's sad.
Not our fault that the bible is fallible and morally and factually wrong.  We can't point that out now?  If yours and anyone's beliefs were trampled, oh well.  Facts are facts.
and didn't you say that you wouldn't be entering these threads anymore because you don't care what we have to say anymore?  yet time after time, I see you.  time to go repent again...

You're right, it's not your fault... nor is it your responsibility to pester people that don't care that you don't believe what they believe. Grow up.

Also, I said I wasn't entertaining ALL the questions people ask mainly because I never claim to have ALL the answers, but also because none of you types actually cares to hear an answer anyway.  On the other hand, I have a plethora of statements to make at my own discretion. I didn't force you to reply to them just as no one forces you to believe in God. You just felt inclined to be apart of what was going on in other people's business. Ironic? Nah, just typical of atheists.. 
You assume he's trying to validate his lack of belief in a GOD by going on the internet. You need no other validation for that other than your own sound reasoning. Why is it pathetic? Is this not a forum founded on the basis of like minded ppl sharing their enthusiasm over footwear? Guess they pathetic too. Guess anybody on the internet who seek out like minded ppl for discussion and camaraderie are pathetic but in reality we know that's not the case.
Nah, it's a little different. You've never seen a "Atheists, let's discuss atheism" thread. All you see are 'God is dumb" threads in disguise. By all means, fly with your flock.. I HONESTLY don't care or mind. I just get the
face when people feed into the same world wide conflicts over faith while pretending to be better than it while saying they don't even believe in God. So what? I've never heard people be so vocal about !$!% they don't support.

Atheist - "Rah rah rah religion ruins the world. Don't you see? Science says be an atheist. God is stupid. Rah Rah"
Extremist - "Die, infidel! *BOOM* "

Well, that worked. Thanks. You're really helping the world wide condition by adding to the hate. Good job atheists. Way to set the example for all us peace loving God-said-don't types. You sure showed us.
Why do you keep saying religion is the opposite of atheism?
Its not.

Religions are playing games of football with each other.

I'm in the stand watching the game. 

REAL $$##$
That makes no sense since when does the guy in the stands compete on every down and kicks off every thread. 
You're the one thats more willing to fight over mascots.
I just flip the channel.

Thats what I'm saying. I'm just asserting my opinion but ya'll are the ones in the trenches fighting over "spiritual warfare" 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by HighMan

seriously what was the point of posting this?

did anyone say there weren't multiple translations? or do you read what people type of do you just skim through it?

He's one of those atheists that log onto the internet to find other atheists to validate his lack of faith in God. It's pathetic. Believe what you will, I really don't care. But it's pathetic to feel the need to trample on others' beliefs to validate your own. And he does it, just like most of them do, probably out of fear or misery in some form. No one wants to die alone, so as long as he ca make a joke out of God in general, he'll feel more comfortable in his own skin amongst the people that laughed. Yes, I'm aware he'll reply to this with something witty and sharp, complete with a
, just like women do when their feelings get hurt. It's sad.
Not our fault that the bible is fallible and morally and factually wrong.  We can't point that out now?  If yours and anyone's beliefs were trampled, oh well.  Facts are facts.
and didn't you say that you wouldn't be entering these threads anymore because you don't care what we have to say anymore?  yet time after time, I see you.  time to go repent again...

You're right, it's not your fault... nor is it your responsibility to pester people that don't care that you don't believe what they believe. Grow up.

Also, I said I wasn't entertaining ALL the questions people ask mainly because I never claim to have ALL the answers, but also because none of you types actually cares to hear an answer anyway.  On the other hand, I have a plethora of statements to make at my own discretion. I didn't force you to reply to them just as no one forces you to believe in God. You just felt inclined to be apart of what was going on in other people's business. Ironic? Nah, just typical of atheists.. 
You assume he's trying to validate his lack of belief in a GOD by going on the internet. You need no other validation for that other than your own sound reasoning. Why is it pathetic? Is this not a forum founded on the basis of like minded ppl sharing their enthusiasm over footwear? Guess they pathetic too. Guess anybody on the internet who seek out like minded ppl for discussion and camaraderie are pathetic but in reality we know that's not the case.
Nah, it's a little different. You've never seen a "Atheists, let's discuss atheism" thread. All you see are 'God is dumb" threads in disguise. By all means, fly with your flock.. I HONESTLY don't care or mind. I just get the
face when people feed into the same world wide conflicts over faith while pretending to be better than it while saying they don't even believe in God. So what? I've never heard people be so vocal about !$!% they don't support.

Atheist - "Rah rah rah religion ruins the world. Don't you see? Science says be an atheist. God is stupid. Rah Rah"
Extremist - "Die, infidel! *BOOM* "

Well, that worked. Thanks. You're really helping the world wide condition by adding to the hate. Good job atheists. Way to set the example for all us peace loving God-said-don't types. You sure showed us.
Why do you keep saying religion is the opposite of atheism?
Its not.

Religions are playing games of football with each other.

I'm in the stand watching the game. 

REAL $$##$
That makes no sense since when does the guy in the stands compete on every down and kicks off every thread. 
You're the one thats more willing to fight over mascots.
I just flip the channel.

Thats what I'm saying. I'm just asserting my opinion but ya'll are the ones in the trenches fighting over "spiritual warfare" 
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

I dropped this on my Dad last night and straight !%%!@* him up. He was staring off into the distance for like 20 minutes last night. 
I feel that same way also
drop the idea of hell and you would have nothing most chicks I talked to about this matter said it was the book of revelation that spooked them into believing the bible but I asked what makes this any different from any murder or science fiction novel 
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

I dropped this on my Dad last night and straight !%%!@* him up. He was staring off into the distance for like 20 minutes last night. 
I feel that same way also
drop the idea of hell and you would have nothing most chicks I talked to about this matter said it was the book of revelation that spooked them into believing the bible but I asked what makes this any different from any murder or science fiction novel 
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

well, if you found a personal reason to believe, why did you just tell us "i believe cause i was raised that way"?

why didn't you drop the reason why you continued to believe once you raised these questions?

the athiest NTers OPENLY drop their reasons why they STOPPED believing.....

i wouldnt say "pride" is the best word to describe it, but they're PROUD that they reached a conclusion on their own, and can fully articulate their stance on the issue...

not to pick on YOU, but i find that most christians i come across cannot articulate why they believe...

like, i asked you flat out, and your answer was "cause i was raised that way"

but now that we explain how that could be seen as laughable, logically, because it insinuates that you never questioned your beliefs to strengthen or weaken your faith, you answer with a completely different explaination, that you HAVE raised these questions and that you made the choice to still believe...

like, why didn't you just give us the reason in the first place? you still havent technically given us the reason WHY you believe......

not being able to articulate your stance on topics that you, yourself, take SO SERIOUS that we can't even question them or we come off as degrading your faith, is kind of.....unsettling? degrading to your own faith? illogical?

see what the true essence of these posts are, now?

they explain WHY they dont believe, with tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings

the religious explain why they believe, but never use tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings....

when those religious types try to use evidence that isnt tangible nor widely accepted by human beings, thats when the "degrading somebody's faith" comes in.....and they're not really degrading your religious, they're degrading the FAITH you have put into the religion ILLOGICALLY...

ive went back and forth with Dame about this before, someone said "just because someone uses religion to get to point b, doesnt mean they didn't ultimately get to point b"

which i agree with....

personal religion is fine...

it's when MASSES of the relgious want to FORCE those who DONT prescribe to their religion to accept their religion (directly or indirectly) is what i have a problem with...

i.e. abortion rights, marriage rights, teaching creationism in schools, politics fueled by religion, etc.

the very idea of christianity is to lead others to salvation, i.e. impose your religion on those who do not practice it in order to SAVE THEIR SOULS

you see how weird that is to people that don't even believe in god?

like "we need to do something about global warming"

"nah, god got us..."

that may be an okay answer for people who have faith in a god, but for the other population in the room, they're like....."and that helps us fix global"

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)

- sounds like someone took a deep breath........or a smoke break.

Originally Posted by retrospect90

I wasn't even talking about anyone specifically. I was just saying it general, I didn't mean to start anything
. All I'm saying is that you're doing yourself justice if you know why you believe in certain things. I'm not even asking you to explain yourself because you don't owe that to me. 


Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

well, if you found a personal reason to believe, why did you just tell us "i believe cause i was raised that way"?

why didn't you drop the reason why you continued to believe once you raised these questions?

the athiest NTers OPENLY drop their reasons why they STOPPED believing.....

i wouldnt say "pride" is the best word to describe it, but they're PROUD that they reached a conclusion on their own, and can fully articulate their stance on the issue...

not to pick on YOU, but i find that most christians i come across cannot articulate why they believe...

like, i asked you flat out, and your answer was "cause i was raised that way"

but now that we explain how that could be seen as laughable, logically, because it insinuates that you never questioned your beliefs to strengthen or weaken your faith, you answer with a completely different explaination, that you HAVE raised these questions and that you made the choice to still believe...

like, why didn't you just give us the reason in the first place? you still havent technically given us the reason WHY you believe......

not being able to articulate your stance on topics that you, yourself, take SO SERIOUS that we can't even question them or we come off as degrading your faith, is kind of.....unsettling? degrading to your own faith? illogical?

see what the true essence of these posts are, now?

they explain WHY they dont believe, with tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings

the religious explain why they believe, but never use tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings....

when those religious types try to use evidence that isnt tangible nor widely accepted by human beings, thats when the "degrading somebody's faith" comes in.....and they're not really degrading your religious, they're degrading the FAITH you have put into the religion ILLOGICALLY...

ive went back and forth with Dame about this before, someone said "just because someone uses religion to get to point b, doesnt mean they didn't ultimately get to point b"

which i agree with....

personal religion is fine...

it's when MASSES of the relgious want to FORCE those who DONT prescribe to their religion to accept their religion (directly or indirectly) is what i have a problem with...

i.e. abortion rights, marriage rights, teaching creationism in schools, politics fueled by religion, etc.

the very idea of christianity is to lead others to salvation, i.e. impose your religion on those who do not practice it in order to SAVE THEIR SOULS

you see how weird that is to people that don't even believe in god?

like "we need to do something about global warming"

"nah, god got us..."

that may be an okay answer for people who have faith in a god, but for the other population in the room, they're like....."and that helps us fix global"

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)

- sounds like someone took a deep breath........or a smoke break.

Originally Posted by retrospect90

I wasn't even talking about anyone specifically. I was just saying it general, I didn't mean to start anything
. All I'm saying is that you're doing yourself justice if you know why you believe in certain things. I'm not even asking you to explain yourself because you don't owe that to me. 


Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

well, if you found a personal reason to believe, why did you just tell us "i believe cause i was raised that way"?

why didn't you drop the reason why you continued to believe once you raised these questions?

the athiest NTers OPENLY drop their reasons why they STOPPED believing.....

i wouldnt say "pride" is the best word to describe it, but they're PROUD that they reached a conclusion on their own, and can fully articulate their stance on the issue...

not to pick on YOU, but i find that most christians i come across cannot articulate why they believe...

like, i asked you flat out, and your answer was "cause i was raised that way"

but now that we explain how that could be seen as laughable, logically, because it insinuates that you never questioned your beliefs to strengthen or weaken your faith, you answer with a completely different explaination, that you HAVE raised these questions and that you made the choice to still believe...

like, why didn't you just give us the reason in the first place? you still havent technically given us the reason WHY you believe......

not being able to articulate your stance on topics that you, yourself, take SO SERIOUS that we can't even question them or we come off as degrading your faith, is kind of.....unsettling? degrading to your own faith? illogical?

see what the true essence of these posts are, now?

they explain WHY they dont believe, with tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings

the religious explain why they believe, but never use tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings....

when those religious types try to use evidence that isnt tangible nor widely accepted by human beings, thats when the "degrading somebody's faith" comes in.....and they're not really degrading your religious, they're degrading the FAITH you have put into the religion ILLOGICALLY...

ive went back and forth with Dame about this before, someone said "just because someone uses religion to get to point b, doesnt mean they didn't ultimately get to point b"

which i agree with....

personal religion is fine...

it's when MASSES of the relgious want to FORCE those who DONT prescribe to their religion to accept their religion (directly or indirectly) is what i have a problem with...

i.e. abortion rights, marriage rights, teaching creationism in schools, politics fueled by religion, etc.

the very idea of christianity is to lead others to salvation, i.e. impose your religion on those who do not practice it in order to SAVE THEIR SOULS

you see how weird that is to people that don't even believe in god?

like "we need to do something about global warming"

"nah, god got us..."

that may be an okay answer for people who have faith in a god, but for the other population in the room, they're like....."and that helps us fix global"

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)

Was it Jesus or your own self confidence and resolve to succeed? 
Just ask yourself these things. I'm not putting "beliefs" on you. I'm just asking you to consider this. 

You deserve MORE credit that thing you were told to worship. You have more self-esteem than that. You have more power and credibility than you think. Believe in the power of your own will-power and not what you were told to give power to. Thats how religion/belief in god reinforces itself. It seeps into EVERY achievement and claims it as its own. 

Think about this cartoon if you were a scientist. Wouldn't it PISS YOU OFF to know that some religion was claiming the fruits of your success? 

Originally Posted by oidreez

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)
hence the age-old debate, is there or isnt there a god.....

im not picking on you at all. im genuinely curious.


everybody, calm down....

dame and anton provide some pretty sound evidence AGAINST what many of you believe...

and instead of trying to provide sound evidence to support yourself, you crumble into a "you guys are mean and degrading" type of defense....

of course people won't believe your explainations on WHY you believe, but if i plainly ask you why you believe, answer with the actual reason you believe......

  lol @ the cartoon

the infallable god.

the positive is gods doing, the negative is god's doing, its all part of his plan, just believe in him, that he has your best intentions in mind, because he's already stepping in and actively participating in your existance...

that +#+@ is so very essential christan AND anti-christian at the same time, its laughable.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

well, if you found a personal reason to believe, why did you just tell us "i believe cause i was raised that way"?

why didn't you drop the reason why you continued to believe once you raised these questions?

the athiest NTers OPENLY drop their reasons why they STOPPED believing.....

i wouldnt say "pride" is the best word to describe it, but they're PROUD that they reached a conclusion on their own, and can fully articulate their stance on the issue...

not to pick on YOU, but i find that most christians i come across cannot articulate why they believe...

like, i asked you flat out, and your answer was "cause i was raised that way"

but now that we explain how that could be seen as laughable, logically, because it insinuates that you never questioned your beliefs to strengthen or weaken your faith, you answer with a completely different explaination, that you HAVE raised these questions and that you made the choice to still believe...

like, why didn't you just give us the reason in the first place? you still havent technically given us the reason WHY you believe......

not being able to articulate your stance on topics that you, yourself, take SO SERIOUS that we can't even question them or we come off as degrading your faith, is kind of.....unsettling? degrading to your own faith? illogical?

see what the true essence of these posts are, now?

they explain WHY they dont believe, with tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings

the religious explain why they believe, but never use tangible evidence thats widely accepted by all human beings....

when those religious types try to use evidence that isnt tangible nor widely accepted by human beings, thats when the "degrading somebody's faith" comes in.....and they're not really degrading your religious, they're degrading the FAITH you have put into the religion ILLOGICALLY...

ive went back and forth with Dame about this before, someone said "just because someone uses religion to get to point b, doesnt mean they didn't ultimately get to point b"

which i agree with....

personal religion is fine...

it's when MASSES of the relgious want to FORCE those who DONT prescribe to their religion to accept their religion (directly or indirectly) is what i have a problem with...

i.e. abortion rights, marriage rights, teaching creationism in schools, politics fueled by religion, etc.

the very idea of christianity is to lead others to salvation, i.e. impose your religion on those who do not practice it in order to SAVE THEIR SOULS

you see how weird that is to people that don't even believe in god?

like "we need to do something about global warming"

"nah, god got us..."

that may be an okay answer for people who have faith in a god, but for the other population in the room, they're like....."and that helps us fix global"

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)

Was it Jesus or your own self confidence and resolve to succeed? 
Just ask yourself these things. I'm not putting "beliefs" on you. I'm just asking you to consider this. 

You deserve MORE credit that thing you were told to worship. You have more self-esteem than that. You have more power and credibility than you think. Believe in the power of your own will-power and not what you were told to give power to. Thats how religion/belief in god reinforces itself. It seeps into EVERY achievement and claims it as its own. 

Think about this cartoon if you were a scientist. Wouldn't it PISS YOU OFF to know that some religion was claiming the fruits of your success? 

Originally Posted by oidreez

you're right. i should have gave a better reason than "i was raised to" but it will not make sense to you why i choose to believe. i could say i believe Jesus has helped me through tough times but you will find a counter argument. And i am NOT the type of person to force my beliefs on anyone (just to put that out there)
hence the age-old debate, is there or isnt there a god.....

im not picking on you at all. im genuinely curious.


everybody, calm down....

dame and anton provide some pretty sound evidence AGAINST what many of you believe...

and instead of trying to provide sound evidence to support yourself, you crumble into a "you guys are mean and degrading" type of defense....

of course people won't believe your explainations on WHY you believe, but if i plainly ask you why you believe, answer with the actual reason you believe......

  lol @ the cartoon

the infallable god.

the positive is gods doing, the negative is god's doing, its all part of his plan, just believe in him, that he has your best intentions in mind, because he's already stepping in and actively participating in your existance...

that +#+@ is so very essential christan AND anti-christian at the same time, its laughable.


bunch of delusional people believing in nonsense and thinks that their religion is better than the rest.
Christianity, Catholics and Muslims are the most evil of all. How can you justify thousands if not millions of people dying because of religion?

REAL TALK. with out religion, this "war" in the middle eat wont even exist.

I grew up believing in religion, but after that all has happened and yes history does repeat itself...the world will be better off with out it.

I'm sorry for the rant but if you actually open your eyes, forget the BS and accept the truth...that there isn't an omnipotent being watching over us.

But I guess do you. I'm not here to bash religion and I'm not a pro-atheist/agnostic....I could care less what people think. I just hate the fact the it affects my everyday life.


bunch of delusional people believing in nonsense and thinks that their religion is better than the rest.
Christianity, Catholics and Muslims are the most evil of all. How can you justify thousands if not millions of people dying because of religion?

REAL TALK. with out religion, this "war" in the middle eat wont even exist.

I grew up believing in religion, but after that all has happened and yes history does repeat itself...the world will be better off with out it.

I'm sorry for the rant but if you actually open your eyes, forget the BS and accept the truth...that there isn't an omnipotent being watching over us.

But I guess do you. I'm not here to bash religion and I'm not a pro-atheist/agnostic....I could care less what people think. I just hate the fact the it affects my everyday life.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

of course people won't believe your explainations on WHY you believe, but if i plainly ask you why you believe, answer with the actual reason you believe......


- most of them cant. thats where thier defense mechanism comes from. thats why they usually just clam up and reply with:
you guys are mean and degrading

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