This is why the bible and other religious texts had to be written by scorned MALES

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

You say you believe in your religion because you have not been convinced otherwise, but what made you believe in your religion in the first place?  Why do you believe in God?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and really expose myself to some potentially huge embarrassment, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that your parents are Muslims.

I wonder if that had any factor in you being Muslim. 
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

You say you believe in your religion because you have not been convinced otherwise, but what made you believe in your religion in the first place?  Why do you believe in God?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and really expose myself to some potentially huge embarrassment, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that your parents are Muslims.

I wonder if that had any factor in you being Muslim. 
lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

 you obviously aint seen my posts in the sports forums

thats all i do is debate
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

 you obviously aint seen my posts in the sports forums

thats all i do is debate
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

 you obviously aint seen my posts in the sports forums

thats all i do is debate
But you can't tolerate it when it comes to religion? This page is full of thoughtful questions. I really fail to see how beliefs are being pushed onto others.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

 you obviously aint seen my posts in the sports forums

thats all i do is debate
But you can't tolerate it when it comes to religion? This page is full of thoughtful questions. I really fail to see how beliefs are being pushed onto others.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

You say you believe in your religion because you have not been convinced otherwise, but what made you believe in your religion in the first place?  Why do you believe in God?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and really expose myself to some potentially huge embarrassment, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that your parents are Muslims.

I wonder if that had any factor in you being Muslim. 
Your not wrong, it had a huge factor. However when I was younger I just believed because I was told to do so. As an adult now, I could  have chose to find another religion or become an atheist like I assume you are. I chose to embrace my religion and now it is an independent decision. I have not encountered anything that has made me doubt my religion. That answer your question?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

You say you believe in your religion because you have not been convinced otherwise, but what made you believe in your religion in the first place?  Why do you believe in God?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and really expose myself to some potentially huge embarrassment, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that your parents are Muslims.

I wonder if that had any factor in you being Muslim. 
Your not wrong, it had a huge factor. However when I was younger I just believed because I was told to do so. As an adult now, I could  have chose to find another religion or become an atheist like I assume you are. I chose to embrace my religion and now it is an independent decision. I have not encountered anything that has made me doubt my religion. That answer your question?
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism
Hold up, you have evidence or some reasonable/rationale/logical objective support to Allah's existence? or do you simply not hold the idea of having evidence or some reasonable/rationale/logical objective support to your beliefs in high regard and think believing  without those things a.k.a. blindly believing is better?

I wouldn't even say this is a matter of you having to be convinced by others but you asking the difficult questions for yourself about why you believe in something. In this day and age, especially for ppl not born in 3rd world countries, no one has to be a victim of the environment, culture, and/or society they were born in when it comes to knowledge with the access to information we have. I can understand the attachment, emotional or otherwise when it comes to facing hard truths and logical stances in regards to your faith but I'd hope you'd come to the realization that we're all better off when we do so.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism
Hold up, you have evidence or some reasonable/rationale/logical objective support to Allah's existence? or do you simply not hold the idea of having evidence or some reasonable/rationale/logical objective support to your beliefs in high regard and think believing  without those things a.k.a. blindly believing is better?

I wouldn't even say this is a matter of you having to be convinced by others but you asking the difficult questions for yourself about why you believe in something. In this day and age, especially for ppl not born in 3rd world countries, no one has to be a victim of the environment, culture, and/or society they were born in when it comes to knowledge with the access to information we have. I can understand the attachment, emotional or otherwise when it comes to facing hard truths and logical stances in regards to your faith but I'd hope you'd come to the realization that we're all better off when we do so.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

It goes further than asking questions

Edit -  Did you even bother reading the first mother #*+!!@# post of this thread? Where do you see a question there?

Edit 2 - Try comparing the number of "hey, pay attention to me, im an athiest" posts to the "hey look at me, im a jew/christian/muslim" posts the number of one greatly outnumbers the number of the other. Guess which one.

Edit 3 - Seriously though, guess.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

It goes further than asking questions

Edit -  Did you even bother reading the first mother #*+!!@# post of this thread? Where do you see a question there?

Edit 2 - Try comparing the number of "hey, pay attention to me, im an athiest" posts to the "hey look at me, im a jew/christian/muslim" posts the number of one greatly outnumbers the number of the other. Guess which one.

Edit 3 - Seriously though, guess.
Im partial either way, I have questions for boths sides. Atheists, even if evolution is real, how did those chemicals, or protiens mix, how did the puddle form or be in the right area ect.. catch my drift?

Religious people -- why is the bible so vauge? like, no exact dates on its prophecies, no explanation of how man was made, just "from dirt" no explanation on dinosaurs or cave men, like if it was written by a perfect creator, why didnt he make it so that when its read, its 100% proof like A+B = AB type of thing. Like were made from dirt buy were 75% water.. Why create humans and angels that will fail due to free will like put a tree in the middle of the planet and tell people not to eat from it? doesnt that sound like a good story. Like why didnt he just put the tree hella far away or barrier around it? it seems written by man for these reasons, also women have to be subjective to husbands, men cant be with men, it was eve's fault who tempted adam ect.. BUT once you start over, send the bad people to hell, and make a paradise earth, what is it to stop it from starting all over again? another angel convinces humans to do dirt and we go through another cycle..?
Im partial either way, I have questions for boths sides. Atheists, even if evolution is real, how did those chemicals, or protiens mix, how did the puddle form or be in the right area ect.. catch my drift?

Religious people -- why is the bible so vauge? like, no exact dates on its prophecies, no explanation of how man was made, just "from dirt" no explanation on dinosaurs or cave men, like if it was written by a perfect creator, why didnt he make it so that when its read, its 100% proof like A+B = AB type of thing. Like were made from dirt buy were 75% water.. Why create humans and angels that will fail due to free will like put a tree in the middle of the planet and tell people not to eat from it? doesnt that sound like a good story. Like why didnt he just put the tree hella far away or barrier around it? it seems written by man for these reasons, also women have to be subjective to husbands, men cant be with men, it was eve's fault who tempted adam ect.. BUT once you start over, send the bad people to hell, and make a paradise earth, what is it to stop it from starting all over again? another angel convinces humans to do dirt and we go through another cycle..?
ap bio.

these are teenagers.

argument, over.  

m partial either way, I have questions for boths sides. Atheists, even if evolution is real, how did those chemicals, or protiens mix, how did the puddle form or be in the right area ect.. catch my drift?

if God did it, why wasnt THAT explained in the bible, being that it's the literal and direct word of god?


why the fairy tale earth into adam, one rib taken out into eve?

maybe, just maybe, it was because HUMANS, at the time, HAD NO IDEA HOW ANYTHING WAS CREATED...NOT EVEN THE FOGGIEST....

so they came up with vivid explainations, following the oral tradition, making up fantastic stories, which, in a nutshell, once consolidated, became the bible.....

the stories are so old, and have been orally narrated so long, THERE ARE NO AUTHORS...WHO WROTE IT? GOD.

why is that so hard for people to accept? its expoentially more plausable than a heavenly being breathing " a soul" into a clump of dirt, then making a cloned woman out of the rib of mudman....

sorry, i gotta go with reality on this one...
ap bio.

these are teenagers.

argument, over.  

m partial either way, I have questions for boths sides. Atheists, even if evolution is real, how did those chemicals, or protiens mix, how did the puddle form or be in the right area ect.. catch my drift?

if God did it, why wasnt THAT explained in the bible, being that it's the literal and direct word of god?


why the fairy tale earth into adam, one rib taken out into eve?

maybe, just maybe, it was because HUMANS, at the time, HAD NO IDEA HOW ANYTHING WAS CREATED...NOT EVEN THE FOGGIEST....

so they came up with vivid explainations, following the oral tradition, making up fantastic stories, which, in a nutshell, once consolidated, became the bible.....

the stories are so old, and have been orally narrated so long, THERE ARE NO AUTHORS...WHO WROTE IT? GOD.

why is that so hard for people to accept? its expoentially more plausable than a heavenly being breathing " a soul" into a clump of dirt, then making a cloned woman out of the rib of mudman....

sorry, i gotta go with reality on this one...
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me. 
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me. 
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me.  


watch the "Mormon" episode of southpark.


you could be a neo-mormon....
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me.  


watch the "Mormon" episode of southpark.


you could be a neo-mormon....
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