This is why the bible and other religious texts had to be written by scorned MALES

well, im not sure who's making that mistake, but certainly, i am not.

anyone im questioning with contradictions in the bible has stated theirselves to be a specific religion which believes in the bible, or expressly stated that they believe in the bible.

of course there is a difference, and for the most part, anyone caught up in a debate willingly disclosed their religious background and beliefs prior to being questioned about them...

i dont see where people get all upset and call for locking these threads, questioning their purpose...

because you can't articulate your convictions....
well, im not sure who's making that mistake, but certainly, i am not.

anyone im questioning with contradictions in the bible has stated theirselves to be a specific religion which believes in the bible, or expressly stated that they believe in the bible.

of course there is a difference, and for the most part, anyone caught up in a debate willingly disclosed their religious background and beliefs prior to being questioned about them...

i dont see where people get all upset and call for locking these threads, questioning their purpose...

because you can't articulate your convictions....
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

Do you believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, Loch Ness, Buddha, etc? Nope. 
Mohammed said an "angel" visited him in a cave and told him to write this stuff

...are you serious?
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

Do you believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, Loch Ness, Buddha, etc? Nope. 
Mohammed said an "angel" visited him in a cave and told him to write this stuff

...are you serious?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me.  


watch the "Mormon" episode of southpark.


you could be a neo-mormon....

I was just watching that this weekend.  That's how I came up with that question

Episode was def full of

I'm just saying though...No one was actually smart enough and/or had the cojones to challenge anything that was given to them.  Or if they did...they were MURDERED or the Christians believers MASSACRED groups of non-believers.  "Thou shalt not kill" - oh wait time to repent.  
 Religion = hatred.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me.  


watch the "Mormon" episode of southpark.


you could be a neo-mormon....

I was just watching that this weekend.  That's how I came up with that question

Episode was def full of

I'm just saying though...No one was actually smart enough and/or had the cojones to challenge anything that was given to them.  Or if they did...they were MURDERED or the Christians believers MASSACRED groups of non-believers.  "Thou shalt not kill" - oh wait time to repent.  
 Religion = hatred.

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me. 
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

I've always wondered this too.

Let's say GOD appears before me and tells me to start a new religion.  Write a new bible.  will people believe me?  HELL NO.  I would get the  

So what makes the Bible real?  If people had rational thoughts, common sense, logic...etc back in the day, religion will not exist and the world will be a happier place.

Let's say the Bible never existed and a group of the people in todays time (2010) decides to write the bible...will any one believe them?  I don't think so.  

I still think RELIGION is pointless and the main reason we have wars.  Weighing in the pros and cons.  We should just get rid of it. 

Any 'believers' wanna answer my question?  What makes the bible real?  If said writers was to write a bible now in 2011 (suggesting that the bible was never made before) will people accept it or will it be turned into a big joke?

Someone enlighten me. 
Religion is the best hustle out, Scientology dudes straight caking...Who wants to start one with me?
Religion is the best hustle out, Scientology dudes straight caking...Who wants to start one with me?
a hollywood made revelation movie would certainly shake America up

*cleveland jokes will never get old
a hollywood made revelation movie would certainly shake America up

*cleveland jokes will never get old
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Religion is the best hustle out, 

which is why i can't roll.

it makes me do the sienfield "enough" .gif

when people are using religion to take advantage of others

or using god to advance their own personal goals or aspirations...

its forreal, crazy....
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Religion is the best hustle out, 

which is why i can't roll.

it makes me do the sienfield "enough" .gif

when people are using religion to take advantage of others

or using god to advance their own personal goals or aspirations...

its forreal, crazy....

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 

"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 

"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life
[table][tr][td][h1][font=Georgia,Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif]Mormons on South Park - Part 1: The First Vision Story[/font][/h1][/td][/tr][tr][td]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This South Park episode has Joseph Smith as an adult walking through his hometown with his neighbors discussing that he saw and talked with God and Jesus.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]One neighbor complains to Joseph Smith that he told his wife Smith’s story and she didn’t believe him. In response, Joseph Smith tells the neighbor’s wife that he was in the woods praying to know if he should be Protestant or a Catholic, when God and Jesus appeared to him and told him to start his own church because “none of the others had it right.[/font]
[table][tr][td][h1][font=Georgia,Verdana,Arial,Sans-serif]Mormons on South Park - Part 1: The First Vision Story[/font][/h1][/td][/tr][tr][td]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This South Park episode has Joseph Smith as an adult walking through his hometown with his neighbors discussing that he saw and talked with God and Jesus.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]One neighbor complains to Joseph Smith that he told his wife Smith’s story and she didn’t believe him. In response, Joseph Smith tells the neighbor’s wife that he was in the woods praying to know if he should be Protestant or a Catholic, when God and Jesus appeared to him and told him to start his own church because “none of the others had it right.[/font]
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

It goes further than asking questions

Edit -  Did you even bother reading the first mother #*+!!@# post of this thread? Where do you see a question there?

Edit 2 - Try comparing the number of "hey, pay attention to me, im an athiest" posts to the "hey look at me, im a jew/christian/muslim" posts the number of one greatly outnumbers the number of the other. Guess which one.

Edit 3 - Seriously though, guess.
1: Yeah, you're right. The first post raised some interesting points regarding the Bible. If that bothers you, then ignore the topic.

2: I've noticed that the atheists are inclined to question the beliefs of others. This is a discussion board. If someone is going to respond in a religious topic and take the side of religious, they should fully expect to be questioned. Otherwise, ignore it.

3: Seriously though, I've seen a lot of people complain about how they can't ignore a topic on a forum. Is it that difficult?
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

lol man you atheists are lamer than the christians

why do yall push your beliefs so hard on NT?

im always up for a good debate/argument

but this is worse than the jay-z/nas and kobe/jordan threads put together
You obviously aren't up for a good debate/discussion if asking questions is "pushing beliefs" onto other people.

It goes further than asking questions

Edit -  Did you even bother reading the first mother #*+!!@# post of this thread? Where do you see a question there?

Edit 2 - Try comparing the number of "hey, pay attention to me, im an athiest" posts to the "hey look at me, im a jew/christian/muslim" posts the number of one greatly outnumbers the number of the other. Guess which one.

Edit 3 - Seriously though, guess.
1: Yeah, you're right. The first post raised some interesting points regarding the Bible. If that bothers you, then ignore the topic.

2: I've noticed that the atheists are inclined to question the beliefs of others. This is a discussion board. If someone is going to respond in a religious topic and take the side of religious, they should fully expect to be questioned. Otherwise, ignore it.

3: Seriously though, I've seen a lot of people complain about how they can't ignore a topic on a forum. Is it that difficult?
wait, they did all that typing to say things like "they said he was sleeping alone, he was REALLY in a two-family household. THEY had YELLOW sheets, his sheets were BLUE, so BOO-YOW, SOUTH PARK"

did he say jesus talked to him and told him a new gospel? did he say he found some plates in the woods? did he say he doesnt have the plates anymore and would orally tell the gospel? did he tell two different versions of the gospel god told him?

the answer to all of those is YES.

wait, they did all that typing to say things like "they said he was sleeping alone, he was REALLY in a two-family household. THEY had YELLOW sheets, his sheets were BLUE, so BOO-YOW, SOUTH PARK"

did he say jesus talked to him and told him a new gospel? did he say he found some plates in the woods? did he say he doesnt have the plates anymore and would orally tell the gospel? did he tell two different versions of the gospel god told him?

the answer to all of those is YES.

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