This is why the bible and other religious texts had to be written by scorned MALES

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 
"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

The only thing i've gathered is how you've used religion to hone in on things that give youre life purpose... well thats just fine but just know that you don't NEED belief. Additionally, your belief and explanation of it are often contradictory. 

I wonder why you think everything is out of your hands. You are FAR more in control of your life than you realize. 

As a pre-medical student and someone who is very much into the study of medicine and biology and science etc...this statement is not only a slap in the face to those that spend their LIVES researching these methods to save your life but the marvelous system of homeostasis and immunity in your body that allows it to recover. Just because you can't explain it does NOT mean that God did it. Maybe you should look to explain things instead of shying away from providing a real justification for how things really happen. I don't see a scab on my arm and thank god for letting it heal. No, I read up on the process of beta cells and other immunity cloting agents that form lattices of protein over abrasions and form temporary covers over the skin to allow it to heal faster. Sounds like God is a much simpler answer so I guess its much easier to allow you skip learning about how things work. Rather, if god was around, why did he allow you to get THAT sick? You really think God saved you? He held your life on a string over a ledge and then pulled you up when you cried "uncle!" ? Does that make any sense to you? 

Bingo! your reason for believing in God. Everyone has one.  
. Once again, you deserve more credit than God for overcoming your addiction. Addiction is a psychological condition. Your menality and need to survive and motivation to succeed is what carried you though. You have a mind of metal that is resilient and I congratulate you on that mile-stone. HOWEVER, giving credit to god does not indicate any amount of the sacrifice that you endured nor does it address everything you contributed by way of resources and introspection to overcome the condition. You over came addiction. God wouldn't allow oyu to get addicted. God wouldn't make recovery a long process. God would actually prevent you from needing to recover. God, if he is so great, he wouldn't allow you to suffer like that. Maybe its that God isn't there and you fell prey to your addiction. You overcame your selfishness as a person and YOU deserve that credit, not someone who showed up late to the party and took all the credit. 

Lets say God did create the universe. Your answer does not say HOW he did it. Forget the why and the when ...HOW? First of all science is far better than faith. If science gets it wrong, the ideas change. You mean to tell me the billions of dollars spent annually by scientific endeavors globally to decipher to origins of the universe pale in comparison to a few lines of text in the bible? Are you KIDDING me? Science says it could be "many" things because there are equally plausible suggestions. Religion has ONE suggestion that doesn't offer any real explanation. God did it. Moving what??? 

He answers prayers different from the ones you prayed for? like what? You didn't give an explanation of a prayer he answered for you. Plus, if hes not answering the ones you want then I guess either A.) +%%! just happens in life for a reason or B.) you're not praying for the right things C.) god doesn't know what you want...maybe cause hes not there? Additionally, How can you say I can't ask God for certain things outside of his will for my life...well if its HIS will how can he not exceed HIS will for MY life? It seems utterly useless then. God has limits on his own powers? Uh...but hes God?

God's law, sounds a lot like codified law that existed long before the origins of christianity. Additionally, if god can't help those who sin, why should they ask god to be forgiven? Also god turned his back on himself as he was being martyred for the sins of humanity that he created? What?

Don't look at this is as disrespect, however much of what you say is not only inaccurate but also unjustified. Why are you a christian and not something else?
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 
"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

The only thing i've gathered is how you've used religion to hone in on things that give youre life purpose... well thats just fine but just know that you don't NEED belief. Additionally, your belief and explanation of it are often contradictory. 

I wonder why you think everything is out of your hands. You are FAR more in control of your life than you realize. 

As a pre-medical student and someone who is very much into the study of medicine and biology and science etc...this statement is not only a slap in the face to those that spend their LIVES researching these methods to save your life but the marvelous system of homeostasis and immunity in your body that allows it to recover. Just because you can't explain it does NOT mean that God did it. Maybe you should look to explain things instead of shying away from providing a real justification for how things really happen. I don't see a scab on my arm and thank god for letting it heal. No, I read up on the process of beta cells and other immunity cloting agents that form lattices of protein over abrasions and form temporary covers over the skin to allow it to heal faster. Sounds like God is a much simpler answer so I guess its much easier to allow you skip learning about how things work. Rather, if god was around, why did he allow you to get THAT sick? You really think God saved you? He held your life on a string over a ledge and then pulled you up when you cried "uncle!" ? Does that make any sense to you? 

Bingo! your reason for believing in God. Everyone has one.  
. Once again, you deserve more credit than God for overcoming your addiction. Addiction is a psychological condition. Your menality and need to survive and motivation to succeed is what carried you though. You have a mind of metal that is resilient and I congratulate you on that mile-stone. HOWEVER, giving credit to god does not indicate any amount of the sacrifice that you endured nor does it address everything you contributed by way of resources and introspection to overcome the condition. You over came addiction. God wouldn't allow oyu to get addicted. God wouldn't make recovery a long process. God would actually prevent you from needing to recover. God, if he is so great, he wouldn't allow you to suffer like that. Maybe its that God isn't there and you fell prey to your addiction. You overcame your selfishness as a person and YOU deserve that credit, not someone who showed up late to the party and took all the credit. 

Lets say God did create the universe. Your answer does not say HOW he did it. Forget the why and the when ...HOW? First of all science is far better than faith. If science gets it wrong, the ideas change. You mean to tell me the billions of dollars spent annually by scientific endeavors globally to decipher to origins of the universe pale in comparison to a few lines of text in the bible? Are you KIDDING me? Science says it could be "many" things because there are equally plausible suggestions. Religion has ONE suggestion that doesn't offer any real explanation. God did it. Moving what??? 

He answers prayers different from the ones you prayed for? like what? You didn't give an explanation of a prayer he answered for you. Plus, if hes not answering the ones you want then I guess either A.) +%%! just happens in life for a reason or B.) you're not praying for the right things C.) god doesn't know what you want...maybe cause hes not there? Additionally, How can you say I can't ask God for certain things outside of his will for my life...well if its HIS will how can he not exceed HIS will for MY life? It seems utterly useless then. God has limits on his own powers? Uh...but hes God?

God's law, sounds a lot like codified law that existed long before the origins of christianity. Additionally, if god can't help those who sin, why should they ask god to be forgiven? Also god turned his back on himself as he was being martyred for the sins of humanity that he created? What?

Don't look at this is as disrespect, however much of what you say is not only inaccurate but also unjustified. Why are you a christian and not something else?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

wait, they did all that typing to say things like "they said he was sleeping alone, he was REALLY in a two-family household. THEY had YELLOW sheets, his sheets were BLUE, so BOO-YOW, SOUTH PARK"

did he say jesus talked to him and told him a new gospel? did he say he found some plates in the woods? did he say he doesnt have the plates anymore and would orally tell the gospel? did he tell two different versions of the gospel god told him?

the answer to all of those is YES.


They think native americans are jews that sinned and forced to have red skin  
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

wait, they did all that typing to say things like "they said he was sleeping alone, he was REALLY in a two-family household. THEY had YELLOW sheets, his sheets were BLUE, so BOO-YOW, SOUTH PARK"

did he say jesus talked to him and told him a new gospel? did he say he found some plates in the woods? did he say he doesnt have the plates anymore and would orally tell the gospel? did he tell two different versions of the gospel god told him?

the answer to all of those is YES.


They think native americans are jews that sinned and forced to have red skin  
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

wait, they did all that typing to say things like "they said he was sleeping alone, he was REALLY in a two-family household. THEY had YELLOW sheets, his sheets were BLUE, so BOO-YOW, SOUTH PARK"

did he say jesus talked to him and told him a new gospel? did he say he found some plates in the woods? did he say he doesnt have the plates anymore and would orally tell the gospel? did he tell two different versions of the gospel god told him?

the answer to all of those is YES.


They think native americans are jews that sinned and forced to have red skin  

Mormonism is hella racist.
 They wouldn't let black people join their church till the 70s.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

wait, they did all that typing to say things like "they said he was sleeping alone, he was REALLY in a two-family household. THEY had YELLOW sheets, his sheets were BLUE, so BOO-YOW, SOUTH PARK"

did he say jesus talked to him and told him a new gospel? did he say he found some plates in the woods? did he say he doesnt have the plates anymore and would orally tell the gospel? did he tell two different versions of the gospel god told him?

the answer to all of those is YES.


They think native americans are jews that sinned and forced to have red skin  

Mormonism is hella racist.
 They wouldn't let black people join their church till the 70s.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Dude got his "relevation" in a cave when an "angel" visited him. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Dude got his "relevation" in a cave when an "angel" visited him. 
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Dude got his "relevation" in a cave when an "angel" visited him. 

I am convinced Prophet Mohammed had epilepsy.

But, this is what I do not get...How people are so set to believe that thousands of years ago, these men and prophets received God's revelations to lead the masses and have the truth about our existence and how we should obey God, yet in the same breath laugh at cults, Scientologists, and the crazy homeless man on the corner of the street yelling out that God spoke to him and he has received divine revelations.

I just want to know why they make exceptions and what makes them believe that these books are the truth and that the men who taught them were truly legit God's messengers. Not only that, but their religion is the absolute truth, while all the others are not.

After I read up on the history of the creation of the monotheistic faiths, it opened up my eyes. I felt like such a brainwashed sheep for believing into all that make believe and finally so free to not believe in it anymore. 

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Dude got his "relevation" in a cave when an "angel" visited him. 

I am convinced Prophet Mohammed had epilepsy.

But, this is what I do not get...How people are so set to believe that thousands of years ago, these men and prophets received God's revelations to lead the masses and have the truth about our existence and how we should obey God, yet in the same breath laugh at cults, Scientologists, and the crazy homeless man on the corner of the street yelling out that God spoke to him and he has received divine revelations.

I just want to know why they make exceptions and what makes them believe that these books are the truth and that the men who taught them were truly legit God's messengers. Not only that, but their religion is the absolute truth, while all the others are not.

After I read up on the history of the creation of the monotheistic faiths, it opened up my eyes. I felt like such a brainwashed sheep for believing into all that make believe and finally so free to not believe in it anymore. 

Why do I believe my religion is the absolute truth? Because it is 
. No but seriously, we follow the bible and what it has to say. A lot of other religions are Hypocrites, or they add their own doctrines that are clearly not mentioned in the bible. Examples: Trinity, Hellfire, Reincarnation.

Why do I believe that men were inspired by god? It is filled with prophecies reflecting detailed knowledge of the future, Its contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date and its internal harmony is significant
Why do I believe my religion is the absolute truth? Because it is 
. No but seriously, we follow the bible and what it has to say. A lot of other religions are Hypocrites, or they add their own doctrines that are clearly not mentioned in the bible. Examples: Trinity, Hellfire, Reincarnation.

Why do I believe that men were inspired by god? It is filled with prophecies reflecting detailed knowledge of the future, Its contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date and its internal harmony is significant
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Dude got his "relevation" in a cave when an "angel" visited him. 

I am convinced Prophet Mohammed had epilepsy.

But, this is what I do not get...How people are so set to believe that thousands of years ago, these men and prophets received God's revelations to lead the masses and have the truth about our existence and how we should obey God, yet in the same breath laugh at cults, Scientologists, and the crazy homeless man on the corner of the street yelling out that God spoke to him and he has received divine revelations.

I just want to know why they make exceptions and what makes them believe that these books are the truth and that the men who taught them were truly legit God's messengers. Not only that, but their religion is the absolute truth, while all the others are not.

After I read up on the history of the creation of the monotheistic faiths, it opened up my eyes. I felt like such a brainwashed sheep for believing into all that make believe and finally so free to not believe in it anymore. 

Two questions and One statement
Why are you agnostic and not an atheist? In public I just say i'm agnostic to move around socially a little better

Are you really and truly still open to the idea of god still existing

I agree with everything you said though. 

I think its interesting how these prophecies come in the most remote illiterate parts of the world. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

A question to the believers, what makes you believe that the religious text you believe in is true and that it is not truly man made? How is it more believable than any other figure that comes along today and says he has the revelations of God and is his messenger?

As a Muslim my view on this might be different than other people on here but here goes. I believe in my religion because I have not been convinced otherwise. From atheism to other religions, I personally have not been convinced that what I believe in is wrong. I've had my doubts about my religious text, The Holy Quran, but did my research and came to my own conclusion that it was not made up by some random person. I may be wrong, or I may be right, but either way I am comfortable with my beliefs.

BTW this pyramid quoting is getting out of hand.

I come from a Muslim family and when I research into how Islam was formed and that the Qur'an is a man made invention, that is when I became Agnostic.

Let me ask you then, what makes you so covinced that Islam is the truth and the Qur'an is the true word of God? Have you even tried to read into the history of Islam and its formation from a neutral standpoint and from an objective view different from the sources you looked into for you to come to the conclusion that Islam is not a man made religion?

Dude got his "relevation" in a cave when an "angel" visited him. 

I am convinced Prophet Mohammed had epilepsy.

But, this is what I do not get...How people are so set to believe that thousands of years ago, these men and prophets received God's revelations to lead the masses and have the truth about our existence and how we should obey God, yet in the same breath laugh at cults, Scientologists, and the crazy homeless man on the corner of the street yelling out that God spoke to him and he has received divine revelations.

I just want to know why they make exceptions and what makes them believe that these books are the truth and that the men who taught them were truly legit God's messengers. Not only that, but their religion is the absolute truth, while all the others are not.

After I read up on the history of the creation of the monotheistic faiths, it opened up my eyes. I felt like such a brainwashed sheep for believing into all that make believe and finally so free to not believe in it anymore. 

Two questions and One statement
Why are you agnostic and not an atheist? In public I just say i'm agnostic to move around socially a little better

Are you really and truly still open to the idea of god still existing

I agree with everything you said though. 

I think its interesting how these prophecies come in the most remote illiterate parts of the world. 
Originally Posted by retrospect90

Why do I believe my religion is the absolute truth? Because it is 
. No but seriously, we follow the bible and what it has to say. A lot of other religions are Hypocrites, or they add their own doctrines that are clearly not mentioned in the bible. Examples: Trinity, Hellfire.

Why do I believe that men were inspired by god? It is filled with prophecies reflecting detailed knowledge of the future,
Its contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date and its internal harmony is significant

The bible is fully of hypocrites and contradictory statements. Plus if its not mentioned in the bible it doesn't make sense? I don't get that. Why does the bible have to be absolute?

The prophecies are general and vague. Someone finds a new prophecy every damn day that gets debunked. How do you resolve these issues?

Its contents are NOT scientifically sound and their integration is not harmonious. Show proof of this. Almost every scientific fact listed here and in other threads has made the realm of religion smaller and smaller. if I recall the vatican constantly has to accept scientific notions that have been adopted widespread for many years before hand. 
Originally Posted by retrospect90

Why do I believe my religion is the absolute truth? Because it is 
. No but seriously, we follow the bible and what it has to say. A lot of other religions are Hypocrites, or they add their own doctrines that are clearly not mentioned in the bible. Examples: Trinity, Hellfire.

Why do I believe that men were inspired by god? It is filled with prophecies reflecting detailed knowledge of the future,
Its contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date and its internal harmony is significant

The bible is fully of hypocrites and contradictory statements. Plus if its not mentioned in the bible it doesn't make sense? I don't get that. Why does the bible have to be absolute?

The prophecies are general and vague. Someone finds a new prophecy every damn day that gets debunked. How do you resolve these issues?

Its contents are NOT scientifically sound and their integration is not harmonious. Show proof of this. Almost every scientific fact listed here and in other threads has made the realm of religion smaller and smaller. if I recall the vatican constantly has to accept scientific notions that have been adopted widespread for many years before hand. 
Can you give me an example of contradictory statements or hypocrites and what bible you have read? I just want to know where you're coming from.

Proof of It being scientifically sound: Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell"
It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer (Eratosthenes i believe his name was) calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then.

The fact that the books of the Bible were recorded by some 40 men as diverse as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree.
Can you give me an example of contradictory statements or hypocrites and what bible you have read? I just want to know where you're coming from.

Proof of It being scientifically sound: Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell"
It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer (Eratosthenes i believe his name was) calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then.

The fact that the books of the Bible were recorded by some 40 men as diverse as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree.
Originally Posted by retrospect90

Can you give me an example of contradictory statements or hypocrites and what bible you have read? I just want to know where you're coming from.

Proof of It being scientifically sound: Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell"
It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer (Eratosthenes i believe his name was) calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then.

The fact that the books of the Bible were recorded by some 40 men as diverse as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree.
Yet the Catholic church has denied that the earth is a round sphere for ages. Science never claimed the Earth was flat, was it not Christiniaty that did and burned scientists alive for saying it was spherical?

Did the Bible also not claim that the Earth is supported by pillars and has edges? Spheres don't have edges or ends.

A circle is flat. Circle =/= Sphere.

By the time the Old Testament was written, the Greeks (ie. Eratosthenes) and some civilizations before them such as in Babylon and Persia had already worked out through common sense and exploration that the Earth was spherical. It was standard knowledge in that part of the world. The Old Testament is not 3,500 years old and the fact is that it dates to 500 B.C. maximum. The Greeks figured out that the Earth was spherical and calculated its equatorial diameter to within 10% of the modern value, and they did all that that without claiming divine inspiration.

The Earth is not technically round, or a circle. The text which you quoted is also quite vague. If there were a God that wanted to convince his human legions with accurate knowledge and to make prophecies for us to believe in him and that he is the real deal, why did he not describe the shape more specifically as an oblate spheriod or give us actual dimensions? Muslims make the same claims using vague phrasing, prophecies, and science to support facts derived by science as evidence that their holy religious text is amazingly accurate. So, then how does the Bible make it any more right than the Qur'anic prophecies and you do not take them Islam's "science" and "prophecies" as evidence?

The Bible also has so many contradictions and so many absurdities (ie. animals can change patterns by just looking at other patterns). I really hope the text is not taken literally as to have fulfilled "prophecies" and brought forth "scientific discoveries". 

Originally Posted by retrospect90

Can you give me an example of contradictory statements or hypocrites and what bible you have read? I just want to know where you're coming from.

Proof of It being scientifically sound: Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell"
It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer (Eratosthenes i believe his name was) calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then.

The fact that the books of the Bible were recorded by some 40 men as diverse as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree.
Yet the Catholic church has denied that the earth is a round sphere for ages. Science never claimed the Earth was flat, was it not Christiniaty that did and burned scientists alive for saying it was spherical?

Did the Bible also not claim that the Earth is supported by pillars and has edges? Spheres don't have edges or ends.

A circle is flat. Circle =/= Sphere.

By the time the Old Testament was written, the Greeks (ie. Eratosthenes) and some civilizations before them such as in Babylon and Persia had already worked out through common sense and exploration that the Earth was spherical. It was standard knowledge in that part of the world. The Old Testament is not 3,500 years old and the fact is that it dates to 500 B.C. maximum. The Greeks figured out that the Earth was spherical and calculated its equatorial diameter to within 10% of the modern value, and they did all that that without claiming divine inspiration.

The Earth is not technically round, or a circle. The text which you quoted is also quite vague. If there were a God that wanted to convince his human legions with accurate knowledge and to make prophecies for us to believe in him and that he is the real deal, why did he not describe the shape more specifically as an oblate spheriod or give us actual dimensions? Muslims make the same claims using vague phrasing, prophecies, and science to support facts derived by science as evidence that their holy religious text is amazingly accurate. So, then how does the Bible make it any more right than the Qur'anic prophecies and you do not take them Islam's "science" and "prophecies" as evidence?

The Bible also has so many contradictions and so many absurdities (ie. animals can change patterns by just looking at other patterns). I really hope the text is not taken literally as to have fulfilled "prophecies" and brought forth "scientific discoveries". 


retrospect90 wrote:
Can you give me an example of contradictory statements or hypocrites and what bible you have read? I just want to know where you're coming from.

Proof of It being scientifically sound: Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell"
It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer (Eratosthenes i believe his name was) calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then.

The fact that the books of the Bible were recorded by some 40 men as diverse as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree.

Here are a few contradictions for you:

Plently there for your nightly reading. 

You talking about the world being round doesn't equate to the use of ridding people of their blood as a modern technique to cure for disease. I thought the "earth was round" was too simple of an argument for you

maybe all their writings are all cohesive because they were all doctored! Maybe the translation you're reading isn't accurate. Does no one accept the notion that MAYBE when king james inferred much of what we accept as the bible that maybe they picked and choosed what to include in the book? Very selective. 1600 years after the writing started, it was finished...and yet even the most recent submissions are still the word of god and biblical worthy? You serious fam? 
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