This is why the bible and other religious texts had to be written by scorned MALES

hai dima, when we gonna raise our hairy racially ambigous heathens?
hai dima, when we gonna raise our hairy racially ambigous heathens?
Dame Theory wrote:

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 

Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???

Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 

"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not

I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

The only thing i've gathered is how you've used religion to hone in on things that give youre life purpose... well thats just fine but just know that you don't NEED belief. Additionally, your belief and explanation of it are often contradictory. 

I wonder why you think everything is out of your hands. You are FAR more in control of your life than you realize. 

As a pre-medical student and someone who is very much into the study of medicine and biology and science etc...this statement is not only a slap in the face to those that spend their LIVES researching these methods to save your life but the marvelous system of homeostasis and immunity in your body that allows it to recover. Just because you can't explain it does NOT mean that God did it. Maybe you should look to explain things instead of shying away from providing a real justification for how things really happen. I don't see a scab on my arm and thank god for letting it heal. No, I read up on the process of beta cells and other immunity cloting agents that form lattices of protein over abrasions and form temporary covers over the skin to allow it to heal faster. Sounds like God is a much simpler answer so I guess its much easier to allow you skip learning about how things work. Rather, if god was around, why did he allow you to get THAT sick? You really think God saved you? He held your life on a string over a ledge and then pulled you up when you cried "uncle!" ? Does that make any sense to you? 

Bingo! your reason for believing in God. Everyone has one.  
. Once again, you deserve more credit than God for overcoming your addiction. Addiction is a psychological condition. Your menality and need to survive and motivation to succeed is what carried you though. You have a mind of metal that is resilient and I congratulate you on that mile-stone. HOWEVER, giving credit to god does not indicate any amount of the sacrifice that you endured nor does it address everything you contributed by way of resources and introspection to overcome the condition. You over came addiction. God wouldn't allow oyu to get addicted. God wouldn't make recovery a long process. God would actually prevent you from needing to recover. God, if he is so great, he wouldn't allow you to suffer like that. Maybe its that God isn't there and you fell prey to your addiction. You overcame your selfishness as a person and YOU deserve that credit, not someone who showed up late to the party and took all the credit. 

Lets say God did create the universe. Your answer does not say HOW he did it. Forget the why and the when ...HOW? First of all science is far better than faith. If science gets it wrong, the ideas change. You mean to tell me the billions of dollars spent annually by scientific endeavors globally to decipher to origins of the universe pale in comparison to a few lines of text in the bible? Are you KIDDING me? Science says it could be "many" things because there are equally plausible suggestions. Religion has ONE suggestion that doesn't offer any real explanation. God did it. Moving what??? 

He answers prayers different from the ones you prayed for? like what? You didn't give an explanation of a prayer he answered for you. Plus, if hes not answering the ones you want then I guess either A.) +%%! just happens in life for a reason or B.) you're not praying for the right things C.) god doesn't know what you want...maybe cause hes not there? Additionally, How can you say I can't ask God for certain things outside of his will for my life...well if its HIS will how can he not exceed HIS will for MY life? It seems utterly useless then. God has limits on his own powers? Uh...but hes God?

God's law, sounds a lot like codified law that existed long before the origins of christianity. Additionally, if god can't help those who sin, why should they ask god to be forgiven? Also god turned his back on himself as he was being martyred for the sins of humanity that he created? What?

Don't look at this is as disrespect, however much of what you say is not only inaccurate but also unjustified. Why are you a christian and not something else?

It's funny how you skip over almost everything I say and make an assumption on WHAT happened to me, How do you know I didnt cause what happened to me and he saved me? Im not going to sit here and spill my guts over the internet for something you have no idea about, Nor do you really care sorry Bro, but I KNOW what GOD DID FOR ME.........I gave you an example and you want exactly what happened, sorry I dont know you like that to go further into it.
And Bingo what? because he gave me freedom from something that's why I believe??? who said that, I believed in him longgggggg before any of these things happened, this just gave me more of a reason that he loves me, has nothing to do with believing in Him, you are putting words in my mouth bro.......Im giving you an example of one of many reasons Ive seen his Love for me.........Id be here all day if I told you everything in why I believe in Him

It's called Faith "in a few lines of text" Sorry but he said he did it, therefore to me HE DID, if I didnt see his work in my own life and his Love for me and mine for Him IN A REAL WAY (even if you dont think so) then I could see your point........Again just because you havent driven a Lambo does not mean it's not fast, you cant tell me.......Ive been in the drivers seat AND ITS FAST

You dont get Prayer bro, simple as that.........God knows "the best" for us, even when we dont know it, its called his Will, I used to ask for "things" and then realized once I read the bible more that Jesus always prayed and asked for Gods WIll not his own "do it your way god not my way" get it? Prayer is fellowship/praise to God not a request line for things you want.

Put it like this, one year I asked for a bunch of video games for xmas, I didnt want anything else but that.........Come to find out I got an N64 something I never felt id get.......God has done this many times in my life when Ive said "let your will be done not mine" and what I felt like I wanted he opened up something better for me, get it?

Who said God cant help those who Sin? I said he cant stop us from Sin, huh? And furthermore if you want to know more about The Trinity just look it up........because Honestly I dont want to keep going back and forth, Im not trying to convince You here, real talk, youre asking questions and Im giving answers.......God tells us if the word isnt received then we are to shake the dust from our shoes and move on.........If you really want to know more youve got my inbox, if not it's just a grand stand to you for people to see and it will last forever

Dame Theory wrote:

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 

Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???

Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 

"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not

I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

The only thing i've gathered is how you've used religion to hone in on things that give youre life purpose... well thats just fine but just know that you don't NEED belief. Additionally, your belief and explanation of it are often contradictory. 

I wonder why you think everything is out of your hands. You are FAR more in control of your life than you realize. 

As a pre-medical student and someone who is very much into the study of medicine and biology and science etc...this statement is not only a slap in the face to those that spend their LIVES researching these methods to save your life but the marvelous system of homeostasis and immunity in your body that allows it to recover. Just because you can't explain it does NOT mean that God did it. Maybe you should look to explain things instead of shying away from providing a real justification for how things really happen. I don't see a scab on my arm and thank god for letting it heal. No, I read up on the process of beta cells and other immunity cloting agents that form lattices of protein over abrasions and form temporary covers over the skin to allow it to heal faster. Sounds like God is a much simpler answer so I guess its much easier to allow you skip learning about how things work. Rather, if god was around, why did he allow you to get THAT sick? You really think God saved you? He held your life on a string over a ledge and then pulled you up when you cried "uncle!" ? Does that make any sense to you? 

Bingo! your reason for believing in God. Everyone has one.  
. Once again, you deserve more credit than God for overcoming your addiction. Addiction is a psychological condition. Your menality and need to survive and motivation to succeed is what carried you though. You have a mind of metal that is resilient and I congratulate you on that mile-stone. HOWEVER, giving credit to god does not indicate any amount of the sacrifice that you endured nor does it address everything you contributed by way of resources and introspection to overcome the condition. You over came addiction. God wouldn't allow oyu to get addicted. God wouldn't make recovery a long process. God would actually prevent you from needing to recover. God, if he is so great, he wouldn't allow you to suffer like that. Maybe its that God isn't there and you fell prey to your addiction. You overcame your selfishness as a person and YOU deserve that credit, not someone who showed up late to the party and took all the credit. 

Lets say God did create the universe. Your answer does not say HOW he did it. Forget the why and the when ...HOW? First of all science is far better than faith. If science gets it wrong, the ideas change. You mean to tell me the billions of dollars spent annually by scientific endeavors globally to decipher to origins of the universe pale in comparison to a few lines of text in the bible? Are you KIDDING me? Science says it could be "many" things because there are equally plausible suggestions. Religion has ONE suggestion that doesn't offer any real explanation. God did it. Moving what??? 

He answers prayers different from the ones you prayed for? like what? You didn't give an explanation of a prayer he answered for you. Plus, if hes not answering the ones you want then I guess either A.) +%%! just happens in life for a reason or B.) you're not praying for the right things C.) god doesn't know what you want...maybe cause hes not there? Additionally, How can you say I can't ask God for certain things outside of his will for my life...well if its HIS will how can he not exceed HIS will for MY life? It seems utterly useless then. God has limits on his own powers? Uh...but hes God?

God's law, sounds a lot like codified law that existed long before the origins of christianity. Additionally, if god can't help those who sin, why should they ask god to be forgiven? Also god turned his back on himself as he was being martyred for the sins of humanity that he created? What?

Don't look at this is as disrespect, however much of what you say is not only inaccurate but also unjustified. Why are you a christian and not something else?

It's funny how you skip over almost everything I say and make an assumption on WHAT happened to me, How do you know I didnt cause what happened to me and he saved me? Im not going to sit here and spill my guts over the internet for something you have no idea about, Nor do you really care sorry Bro, but I KNOW what GOD DID FOR ME.........I gave you an example and you want exactly what happened, sorry I dont know you like that to go further into it.
And Bingo what? because he gave me freedom from something that's why I believe??? who said that, I believed in him longgggggg before any of these things happened, this just gave me more of a reason that he loves me, has nothing to do with believing in Him, you are putting words in my mouth bro.......Im giving you an example of one of many reasons Ive seen his Love for me.........Id be here all day if I told you everything in why I believe in Him

It's called Faith "in a few lines of text" Sorry but he said he did it, therefore to me HE DID, if I didnt see his work in my own life and his Love for me and mine for Him IN A REAL WAY (even if you dont think so) then I could see your point........Again just because you havent driven a Lambo does not mean it's not fast, you cant tell me.......Ive been in the drivers seat AND ITS FAST

You dont get Prayer bro, simple as that.........God knows "the best" for us, even when we dont know it, its called his Will, I used to ask for "things" and then realized once I read the bible more that Jesus always prayed and asked for Gods WIll not his own "do it your way god not my way" get it? Prayer is fellowship/praise to God not a request line for things you want.

Put it like this, one year I asked for a bunch of video games for xmas, I didnt want anything else but that.........Come to find out I got an N64 something I never felt id get.......God has done this many times in my life when Ive said "let your will be done not mine" and what I felt like I wanted he opened up something better for me, get it?

Who said God cant help those who Sin? I said he cant stop us from Sin, huh? And furthermore if you want to know more about The Trinity just look it up........because Honestly I dont want to keep going back and forth, Im not trying to convince You here, real talk, youre asking questions and Im giving answers.......God tells us if the word isnt received then we are to shake the dust from our shoes and move on.........If you really want to know more youve got my inbox, if not it's just a grand stand to you for people to see and it will last forever

It amazes me how much ignorance there is toward the true merit of the bible and Christianity. The old testestament is basically the history of Israel. The new testatment is the way we are to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus. You can look at it that way. I desire and am willing to answer questions from each and every one of you but not on the public forums. If you have questions, ask me in my inbox.

Christianity can be summed up in one line: Love God, Love others.

We cannot love others until we first love God. God is the author of love. Only He has the ability to show true unconditional love.

As a people, we can love our familiy, love our friends, love our husbands/wives etc but that love is no where near the love that God is because it's not unconditional and its not 100% pure. We have to come to God and seek Him and grow in faith. When we do that, He can pour Himself into our lives and show us what love is really all about. When we open our hearts and minds to that, He will bless us. Once we experience that love and have it in our hearts, we can start to show that love to others. It will radiate out of us and people will notice the difference in us compared to others.

We will never be able to truly know the love of God, no matter how close we get to Him in our lives because we CANNOT understand it. We are mortal flesh and blood. He is immortal and a spiritual being who has always been and who always will be. We can't even begin to compare ourselves to that.

We need to experience God's love first hand so we can know it and spread it around the world. Christianity is all about sharing how awesome Jesus is and how awesome our reward will be in the afterlife. There is so much hypocricy in Christianity and so many liars that profess to be Christians, that it gives us a bad name. It's so important for those of us that truly love God with all of our hearts to share what Jesus really wants for our lives.

Again, please message me personally if you have anything to say because so much of the stuff I have read here just makes me shake my head in sadness and disbelief.
It amazes me how much ignorance there is toward the true merit of the bible and Christianity. The old testestament is basically the history of Israel. The new testatment is the way we are to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus. You can look at it that way. I desire and am willing to answer questions from each and every one of you but not on the public forums. If you have questions, ask me in my inbox.

Christianity can be summed up in one line: Love God, Love others.

We cannot love others until we first love God. God is the author of love. Only He has the ability to show true unconditional love.

As a people, we can love our familiy, love our friends, love our husbands/wives etc but that love is no where near the love that God is because it's not unconditional and its not 100% pure. We have to come to God and seek Him and grow in faith. When we do that, He can pour Himself into our lives and show us what love is really all about. When we open our hearts and minds to that, He will bless us. Once we experience that love and have it in our hearts, we can start to show that love to others. It will radiate out of us and people will notice the difference in us compared to others.

We will never be able to truly know the love of God, no matter how close we get to Him in our lives because we CANNOT understand it. We are mortal flesh and blood. He is immortal and a spiritual being who has always been and who always will be. We can't even begin to compare ourselves to that.

We need to experience God's love first hand so we can know it and spread it around the world. Christianity is all about sharing how awesome Jesus is and how awesome our reward will be in the afterlife. There is so much hypocricy in Christianity and so many liars that profess to be Christians, that it gives us a bad name. It's so important for those of us that truly love God with all of our hearts to share what Jesus really wants for our lives.

Again, please message me personally if you have anything to say because so much of the stuff I have read here just makes me shake my head in sadness and disbelief.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

dude dodged ALL of my questions...

came back asking if I know what the bible said about this and that

Its cool. No one answered any of my questions neither.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

dude dodged ALL of my questions...

came back asking if I know what the bible said about this and that

Its cool. No one answered any of my questions neither.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 
"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

And you cant say for sure you wouldn't of gotten better had you not prayed or believed in GOD. How many other little boys and girls prayed and got a terminal illness, prayed their hearts out just for health, and died. some make it some dont, simple as that, no god. Dont hide behind, oh god is calling you home, no, or god works in mysterious ways, thats vauge covers for answers that cant be explained.

Also I use to pray when I was a child, Im 23, living in a nice house, w/ beautiful family all around me, I dont pray ever since i have come to realize that I dont agree with organized religion, and the bible seems like a good story to live your life by, but nothing more. And I would say my life is good, no sickness, good job, friends, people love me. And there are people in religions of all kinds that pray, dont sin, and have it terrible. See what im getting at? and 2 things are gonna happen weather you believe in god or not, you're still gonna have struggles, and you're still gonna die. simple.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 
"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

And you cant say for sure you wouldn't of gotten better had you not prayed or believed in GOD. How many other little boys and girls prayed and got a terminal illness, prayed their hearts out just for health, and died. some make it some dont, simple as that, no god. Dont hide behind, oh god is calling you home, no, or god works in mysterious ways, thats vauge covers for answers that cant be explained.

Also I use to pray when I was a child, Im 23, living in a nice house, w/ beautiful family all around me, I dont pray ever since i have come to realize that I dont agree with organized religion, and the bible seems like a good story to live your life by, but nothing more. And I would say my life is good, no sickness, good job, friends, people love me. And there are people in religions of all kinds that pray, dont sin, and have it terrible. See what im getting at? and 2 things are gonna happen weather you believe in god or not, you're still gonna have struggles, and you're still gonna die. simple.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 
"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

And you cant say for sure you wouldn't of gotten better had you not prayed or believed in GOD. How many other little boys and girls prayed and got a terminal illness, prayed their hearts out just for health, and died. some make it some dont, simple as that, no god. Dont hide behind, oh god is calling you home, no, or god works in mysterious ways, thats vauge covers for answers that cant be explained.

Also I use to pray when I was a child, Im 23, living in a nice house, w/ beautiful family all around me, I dont pray ever since i have come to realize that I dont agree with organized religion, and the bible seems like a good story to live your life by, but nothing more. And I would say my life is good, no sickness, good job, friends, people love me. And there are people in religions of all kinds that pray, dont sin, and have it terrible. See what im getting at? and 2 things are gonna happen weather you believe in god or not, you're still gonna have struggles, and you're still gonna die. simple.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I can't address your love for your friend... I don't know him but it seems that you really think he's there. I wonder where you're from. How you grew up. Did you all have money? How are your grades? I wish I knew more about your background on this note. Also...what has he done for you? I want just a few specific examples that GOD did for you that you could not and did not do yourself. 
Look up Lawrence Krauss' "A universe from nothing." There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing. It happens all the time. Just educate yourself on abiogenesis. Other theories. I don't have time to list all of these right now but there ARE competitive theories out there. Furthermore, why do you think God did it? I don't know how the universe started. However, I don't SAY that I know. How do you KNOW that God did it? ...and "because he said so" doesn't work. I think using God to assert what you DONT know for certain is just as dishonest. You're better off looking into other theories that tend to have more explanation behind them. Lets say God did do it...HOW did he do it? Is that not something you should be able to answer???
Ok you know what? No, I don't know what prayer is verbatim in the Bible. Educate me. 

Why did you not address this point I had?

"Welll what a pointless God. Why pray for help at all then if you have to account for the fact that he might not be there for you? Sounds like a gamble. What if you're on that losing end?"

Sin? Its something bad...or what God says is bad. What is sin according to the bible? Educate me. 
"I don't know him but it seems that you REALLY think he's there"............He really is there Friend, just because you have not experienced it does not mean I have Not
I don't know how it matters if I had Money or how I was Raised, but I grew up on the poor side, wondering if id have lights or water running the next day, eating corn flakes for dinner, but then Ive had times when I have lived well according to the Worlds standards of good, but you could take everything from me and id still praise him, that leads into in what I could not have done by myself, I got very sick a while back to the point of Death and I didnt see anyway out of it, but he took me by the hand and saved my life..........he also gave me freedom from addiction at a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn back to that "demon" that held onto me, But more then anything it's the Love he shows me by waking me up everyday and giving me life, I cant even explain the feeling I have when I think of The Love I have for him and he has for Me

"There are several theories that indicate that the universe MIGHT have come from nothing"..........See that's the problem is you say MIGHT, my belief does not say HE MIGHT have created the Universe, it says he DID, now you can believe that or not but atleast it tells you flat out, unlike Science where it could be MANY things

Prayer according to the Bible is used in a few ways, one for Praise, 2 for a "transmission" back home (the bible clearly says we are not home here) to communicate to The Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and what His Will is, just read and see what Jesus said everytime he prayed "your will" he never asked the Father to do something that was not in his Will.

The problem is people think prayer is a request line, it's not that you cant ask the Father for things but if it's outside of his will for your life he's not going to answer it how "We want" trust when I say he answers every prayer just not how we want him to..........Ive Prayed for things and then realized his answer to that prayer was so much better then what I was originally asking for that Im glad he didnt answer in the way I wanted him to but did it in HIS WAY

Sin is more then just something "BAD" what is bad? what you consider bad might not be bad to another person..........Sin according to the Bible is Transgression of Gods law and Will for our life, when we Sin we are set apart from him and everything he is trying to do in our life, do you think a lie hurts God? pshhhh you are only hurting yourself because a sinless God cant do his Will in our life when we are in Sin, it's why God turned away from Jesus while he was on the Cross because he could not look upon the Sin he bore for all mankind 

Sin cant send you to Hell, no man will ever live perfect even Paul wrote how he could not seem to do right at times, but what Sin does do is set us apart from God that we dont except the gift he's trying to give us...........Sin is like a trail of candy leading into the woods, we fallow it because it looks so good but once we look back we dont realize how far we have gone from home and sometimes dont know how to get back, now we are stuck and sometimes just stay there and never come back...........

I could go on more and more about what sin is according to the Bible and maybe I will but I dont want to make this an ongoing things, I told myself NT isnt the place for this because of how people really disrespect one another, that and the bible says to say what you need to say and keep it pushing.........I cant make you or any one believe and that's not what I am here for, if a person does not what the Peace I have in my life then honestly that's okay you are the only one missing out from what I have in my Life

And you cant say for sure you wouldn't of gotten better had you not prayed or believed in GOD. How many other little boys and girls prayed and got a terminal illness, prayed their hearts out just for health, and died. some make it some dont, simple as that, no god. Dont hide behind, oh god is calling you home, no, or god works in mysterious ways, thats vauge covers for answers that cant be explained.

Also I use to pray when I was a child, Im 23, living in a nice house, w/ beautiful family all around me, I dont pray ever since i have come to realize that I dont agree with organized religion, and the bible seems like a good story to live your life by, but nothing more. And I would say my life is good, no sickness, good job, friends, people love me. And there are people in religions of all kinds that pray, dont sin, and have it terrible. See what im getting at? and 2 things are gonna happen weather you believe in god or not, you're still gonna have struggles, and you're still gonna die. simple.
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

It amazes me how much ignorance there is toward the true merit of the bible and Christianity. The old testestament is basically the history of Israel. The new testatment is the way we are to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus. You can look at it that way. I desire and am willing to answer questions from each and every one of you but not on the public forums. If you have questions, ask me in my inbox.

Christianity can be summed up in one line: Love God, Love others.

We cannot love others until we first love God. God is the author of love. Only He has the ability to show true unconditional love.

As a people, we can love our familiy, love our friends, love our husbands/wives etc but that love is no where near the love that God is because it's not unconditional and its not 100% pure. We have to come to God and seek Him and grow in faith. When we do that, He can pour Himself into our lives and show us what love is really all about. When we open our hearts and minds to that, He will bless us. Once we experience that love and have it in our hearts, we can start to show that love to others. It will radiate out of us and people will notice the difference in us compared to others.

We will never be able to truly know the love of God, no matter how close we get to Him in our lives because we CANNOT understand it. We are mortal flesh and blood. He is immortal and a spiritual being who has always been and who always will be. We can't even begin to compare ourselves to that.

We need to experience God's love first hand so we can know it and spread it around the world. Christianity is all about sharing how awesome Jesus is and how awesome our reward will be in the afterlife. There is so much hypocricy in Christianity and so many liars that profess to be Christians, that it gives us a bad name. It's so important for those of us that truly love God with all of our hearts to share what Jesus really wants for our lives.

Again, please message me personally if you have anything to say because so much of the stuff I have read here just makes me shake my head in sadness and disbelief.

Alright lets talk about ignorance since you want to go there. I don't give a rats $+# about Israel. There. You think I care about a place that has relocated millions of existing settlers and continues to kill them mercilessly over some dumb %%% bible story? That doesn't exist? The bible has no true merit. Its a STORY. A made up tale borrowed from countless other texts and histories that borrowed from others and so on. Nothing about that book is reputable in any sense. See past your own bias here. You only revere it because of what you think it offers you. You clearly haven't seen the bible as an objective book. Nothing more nothing less. The bible does have stories that ADOPT moral imperatives and absolutes. Nothing in the bible is original besides the fictional stories they used to fill in gaps. Morality existed before the bible and will always exist. There is as much merit to christianity as much as there is to judaism, islam, ba'hai, etc. Its all the same crap. Take a comparative religion class. Read about the history of mono and polytheistic faiths. I've probably read my bible more than you have in search of the truth and trust me, if you're old enough to type, you have enough common sense to know that the bible AINT it. 

Another phrase stolen by religion. What happened to "Do unto others"? Too common for you guys? God doesn't love you when he clearly is indifferent to most of how you live your life and how hes punished people in the same book you look to explain your existence. Pathetic. 

God is the author of love? Utterly asinine. Incredibly stupid. How arrogant of your god to claim something that so many others who don't practice your faith clearly have. How much of a narcissist are you? Your god is one of many gods that just ended up more jealous that he wasn't getting any love in the beginning. You clearly don't even know the history of your god. Do some freaking research dude. This is incredible. Whats worse is the notion that you say that God created love. Get the hell out of here. Love for one another existed long before the creation of the modern understanding of God and even exists in other forms in other animals. You are the one who is ignorant to some of the things that you THINK you know. 

Another fallacy impounded by your inability to really know humanity, psychology, or anything of relevance on the subject. Altruism is NOT solely a human trait. There are many many many instances where kids are shown to exhibit positive cohabitation with altrusitic behavior without intervention. Its only when they witness violent acts do they look to enact them. God's love? Sounds like you want your piece of the pie in the sky right? The unconditional love I have is for people i'm around. People who visibly care about me. People who I can experience. maybe you should focus on caring more about people around you for who they are and not because god tells you to. Sounds like you need a reason to do what you should already be doing. 

Sounds like an argument from ignorance. We can't understand his we should believe in it even more. BULL $!#+ !!! Tell me one instance in life where when something doesn't make sense that we accept it and in fact invest more into it. I'll wait, because you can't and you won't list an example. You're so focused on immortality and looking at this life as an audition for heaven you're forgetting to live your own life here. How silly. I wonder if you're happy wasting your time. Furthermore, why compare yourself to something that has these attributes of being greater than you are? huh? what kind of person submits to something they really and truly in their heart of hearts knows they've NEVER had an HONEST experience of that they could show with a shadow of a doubt that existed but only they THINK was the result of something their god did?? A slave. A mental slave. 

Oh how typical! Lets spread christanity. The same religion that stiffles intellectual pursuit of science, only recently gave women rights and is struggling giving rights to gays. The same christianity that is being used to propagate this almost modern crusade against muslims. The same religion that for hundreds of years preached hatred of jews? If christanity is so great, what about the other religions? Thats right! You don't care about them. You think you're in the right gang. Why? Cause it said you're in the right gang. YOU DONT EVEN QUESTION yourself. You can't verify why you actually think the things you do. You bask in ignorance.

And my FAVORITE part of the whole thing... "message me in my inbox". YOU'RE A CLOWN. You aren't a representer of your faith! You're a phony. What a coward to not want to be embarassed for defending himself for fear of being frozen. How childish. Thats every believers favorite tool. I won't discuss this any more with you. Why? I'm just exposing the holes in your story that you so willingly overlooked. You were better off not saying that little quip but now I have to address it. You get to say what you want but any one else can't address you. You're no better than an immature little bully with a belief in some hippy who wondered around in the desert and made up some stories that to this day make no sense. 

have fun. 
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

It amazes me how much ignorance there is toward the true merit of the bible and Christianity. The old testestament is basically the history of Israel. The new testatment is the way we are to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus. You can look at it that way. I desire and am willing to answer questions from each and every one of you but not on the public forums. If you have questions, ask me in my inbox.

Christianity can be summed up in one line: Love God, Love others.

We cannot love others until we first love God. God is the author of love. Only He has the ability to show true unconditional love.

As a people, we can love our familiy, love our friends, love our husbands/wives etc but that love is no where near the love that God is because it's not unconditional and its not 100% pure. We have to come to God and seek Him and grow in faith. When we do that, He can pour Himself into our lives and show us what love is really all about. When we open our hearts and minds to that, He will bless us. Once we experience that love and have it in our hearts, we can start to show that love to others. It will radiate out of us and people will notice the difference in us compared to others.

We will never be able to truly know the love of God, no matter how close we get to Him in our lives because we CANNOT understand it. We are mortal flesh and blood. He is immortal and a spiritual being who has always been and who always will be. We can't even begin to compare ourselves to that.

We need to experience God's love first hand so we can know it and spread it around the world. Christianity is all about sharing how awesome Jesus is and how awesome our reward will be in the afterlife. There is so much hypocricy in Christianity and so many liars that profess to be Christians, that it gives us a bad name. It's so important for those of us that truly love God with all of our hearts to share what Jesus really wants for our lives.

Again, please message me personally if you have anything to say because so much of the stuff I have read here just makes me shake my head in sadness and disbelief.

Alright lets talk about ignorance since you want to go there. I don't give a rats $+# about Israel. There. You think I care about a place that has relocated millions of existing settlers and continues to kill them mercilessly over some dumb %%% bible story? That doesn't exist? The bible has no true merit. Its a STORY. A made up tale borrowed from countless other texts and histories that borrowed from others and so on. Nothing about that book is reputable in any sense. See past your own bias here. You only revere it because of what you think it offers you. You clearly haven't seen the bible as an objective book. Nothing more nothing less. The bible does have stories that ADOPT moral imperatives and absolutes. Nothing in the bible is original besides the fictional stories they used to fill in gaps. Morality existed before the bible and will always exist. There is as much merit to christianity as much as there is to judaism, islam, ba'hai, etc. Its all the same crap. Take a comparative religion class. Read about the history of mono and polytheistic faiths. I've probably read my bible more than you have in search of the truth and trust me, if you're old enough to type, you have enough common sense to know that the bible AINT it. 

Another phrase stolen by religion. What happened to "Do unto others"? Too common for you guys? God doesn't love you when he clearly is indifferent to most of how you live your life and how hes punished people in the same book you look to explain your existence. Pathetic. 

God is the author of love? Utterly asinine. Incredibly stupid. How arrogant of your god to claim something that so many others who don't practice your faith clearly have. How much of a narcissist are you? Your god is one of many gods that just ended up more jealous that he wasn't getting any love in the beginning. You clearly don't even know the history of your god. Do some freaking research dude. This is incredible. Whats worse is the notion that you say that God created love. Get the hell out of here. Love for one another existed long before the creation of the modern understanding of God and even exists in other forms in other animals. You are the one who is ignorant to some of the things that you THINK you know. 

Another fallacy impounded by your inability to really know humanity, psychology, or anything of relevance on the subject. Altruism is NOT solely a human trait. There are many many many instances where kids are shown to exhibit positive cohabitation with altrusitic behavior without intervention. Its only when they witness violent acts do they look to enact them. God's love? Sounds like you want your piece of the pie in the sky right? The unconditional love I have is for people i'm around. People who visibly care about me. People who I can experience. maybe you should focus on caring more about people around you for who they are and not because god tells you to. Sounds like you need a reason to do what you should already be doing. 

Sounds like an argument from ignorance. We can't understand his we should believe in it even more. BULL $!#+ !!! Tell me one instance in life where when something doesn't make sense that we accept it and in fact invest more into it. I'll wait, because you can't and you won't list an example. You're so focused on immortality and looking at this life as an audition for heaven you're forgetting to live your own life here. How silly. I wonder if you're happy wasting your time. Furthermore, why compare yourself to something that has these attributes of being greater than you are? huh? what kind of person submits to something they really and truly in their heart of hearts knows they've NEVER had an HONEST experience of that they could show with a shadow of a doubt that existed but only they THINK was the result of something their god did?? A slave. A mental slave. 

Oh how typical! Lets spread christanity. The same religion that stiffles intellectual pursuit of science, only recently gave women rights and is struggling giving rights to gays. The same christianity that is being used to propagate this almost modern crusade against muslims. The same religion that for hundreds of years preached hatred of jews? If christanity is so great, what about the other religions? Thats right! You don't care about them. You think you're in the right gang. Why? Cause it said you're in the right gang. YOU DONT EVEN QUESTION yourself. You can't verify why you actually think the things you do. You bask in ignorance.

And my FAVORITE part of the whole thing... "message me in my inbox". YOU'RE A CLOWN. You aren't a representer of your faith! You're a phony. What a coward to not want to be embarassed for defending himself for fear of being frozen. How childish. Thats every believers favorite tool. I won't discuss this any more with you. Why? I'm just exposing the holes in your story that you so willingly overlooked. You were better off not saying that little quip but now I have to address it. You get to say what you want but any one else can't address you. You're no better than an immature little bully with a belief in some hippy who wondered around in the desert and made up some stories that to this day make no sense. 

have fun. 
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]GP9Rm4108[/color]

Listen to videos like these about the indepth history of your God and where he/it/they originated. Maybe you might learn a thing or two.�

The sad thing is, this isn't even the whole story. All of what you know is a lie and you don't want to admit it.�

This isn't the whole story but it is much of it. Just take the time to expose yourself to a different view of what you THINK is the truth. You'll be surprised.�
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]GP9Rm4108[/color]

Listen to videos like these about the indepth history of your God and where he/it/they originated. Maybe you might learn a thing or two.�

The sad thing is, this isn't even the whole story. All of what you know is a lie and you don't want to admit it.�

This isn't the whole story but it is much of it. Just take the time to expose yourself to a different view of what you THINK is the truth. You'll be surprised.�
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Yo dame do you believe in or give any interest into intelligent design?

If design was so intelligent we wouldn't have so many stupid things in our body. Look up the laryngeal nerve in giraffes on youtube w/ Richard Dawkins. Look up the vestigal membrane you have on your eye that covers it... Bet you didn't know you had that either. There are tons of lists of "poorly designed" features in nature. 

Plus I think people have a hard time grasping that its JUST as probable that all of this randomly happened as it is that it could not have happened. People love to gawk, and thats fine. Take wonder in the marvels of the world...but don't disrespect nature. It is a vile and unforgiving place. its largely indifferent. As humans we often see ourselves as so unique that we tend to overlook other perspectives and realities outside of just our heads. Its the difference between visiting a nice resort and living their with the people who work there. Its all subjective appreciation. I can appreciate the beauty in life but I think to call it "perfect" is ridiculous. Think about it. Why do you call it perfect? If its not perfect then how would you improve it? Chances are, your suggestions to improve it...are few and far inbetween. We can't improve nature, we can only describe it because most of it is out of our control. We can select for certain types of plants using breeding etc...but that is just us enabling pressures on nature...those processes occur anyways, even in different frequencies. We can manipulate a lot around us but we ultimately can't control all of it...yet... That being said, its better to accept it that "it just is" rather than "it works so well." It "works" so well because it was selected against. Think about it...if it didn't work...then what else would happen? You can't think of an alternative besides that it just occurs. The most we can do is describe it... I can go into gibbs free energy and conformation of molecules and energy states of atomics etc... none of that matters to most thats where these stupid ideas come from. Plus, most intelligent designers exist to combat the notion that they don't think they evolved from a different species because as humans we're so egotistical...and also they want to combat anything outside of the literalism of their holy book...which is a dangerous notion in itself. 

So No. Intelligent Design is stupid. I have no respect for that though as it has NO evidence or any sort of rational conjecture. Come up with a list of reasons for intelligent design and i'll show you a list for evolution thats infinitely longer. 
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Yo dame do you believe in or give any interest into intelligent design?

If design was so intelligent we wouldn't have so many stupid things in our body. Look up the laryngeal nerve in giraffes on youtube w/ Richard Dawkins. Look up the vestigal membrane you have on your eye that covers it... Bet you didn't know you had that either. There are tons of lists of "poorly designed" features in nature. 

Plus I think people have a hard time grasping that its JUST as probable that all of this randomly happened as it is that it could not have happened. People love to gawk, and thats fine. Take wonder in the marvels of the world...but don't disrespect nature. It is a vile and unforgiving place. its largely indifferent. As humans we often see ourselves as so unique that we tend to overlook other perspectives and realities outside of just our heads. Its the difference between visiting a nice resort and living their with the people who work there. Its all subjective appreciation. I can appreciate the beauty in life but I think to call it "perfect" is ridiculous. Think about it. Why do you call it perfect? If its not perfect then how would you improve it? Chances are, your suggestions to improve it...are few and far inbetween. We can't improve nature, we can only describe it because most of it is out of our control. We can select for certain types of plants using breeding etc...but that is just us enabling pressures on nature...those processes occur anyways, even in different frequencies. We can manipulate a lot around us but we ultimately can't control all of it...yet... That being said, its better to accept it that "it just is" rather than "it works so well." It "works" so well because it was selected against. Think about it...if it didn't work...then what else would happen? You can't think of an alternative besides that it just occurs. The most we can do is describe it... I can go into gibbs free energy and conformation of molecules and energy states of atomics etc... none of that matters to most thats where these stupid ideas come from. Plus, most intelligent designers exist to combat the notion that they don't think they evolved from a different species because as humans we're so egotistical...and also they want to combat anything outside of the literalism of their holy book...which is a dangerous notion in itself. 

So No. Intelligent Design is stupid. I have no respect for that though as it has NO evidence or any sort of rational conjecture. Come up with a list of reasons for intelligent design and i'll show you a list for evolution thats infinitely longer. 
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

dude dodged ALL of my questions...

came back asking if I know what the bible said about this and that

Thats all they do. Like dude...your bible is reason we're arguing...stop referring to it. They can't think without it. 
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