this Thread about nothing thread is killing da whole vibe in general...

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to be fair tho they aren't breaking any rules or anything.

Actually, in a way they are. Posting for the sake of posting...just saying lol

Agreed. So much post whoring in that thread. :x :stoneface:

and it's usually the same dudes in there...

Like I said in the other thread, The thread goes to fast for someone to keep up with, Some of the stuff that's posted gets overlooked (thread worthy) or not even post worthy, Dude just post **** to post...
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didnt k-steezy get suspended for free posting? if rules were applied uniformly that thread would be killed based on aforementioned infraction.
you guys sound like children...

post whoring? free posts? who the **** cares? I thought you were upset that quality topics weren't being made... i don't think quality topics come from free posts so what's your issue? if you can go through the last 20 pages and find 5 quality topics that you truly believe could of held a thread on their own, your opinion might be worth something.

I love that thread. its not over-saturated with annoying folks who want to debate religion every second, or are always against a popular opinion just for the sake of argument. or people who need to post 500 pictures of themselves, then go e-snitching when they get called out for their corniness.

the only people that seem to be whining are the attention ******, because they're not getting their e-go fed.

i can't check every page because it moves very fast, but i usually check the last 5-7 pages and see whats been happening. and i love it. it's a change of pace for the general forum, and as you can see by this thread, people still reply and see all the other threads out there.
its a brand new thread in music b.

every single post in your post has been addressed in da 10 pages this thread has grown.
Where? I know it wasn't addressed by you.

Here's my post for the 3rd time.

I'm asking you questions and you keep dodging them.
it promotes laziness..instead of making a new thread about ANYTHING new besides formatted news articles, it gets thrown in there.

trash thread sink to da bottom fast, you know what you call that? natural selection. let da process of natural selection take place organically. da problem is people

and putting EVERYTHING in da that thread, so potential DOPE threads get BURIED it that only a couple of ya who post there all da time get to see instead of

having its own thread and letting da entire community see.
How does it promote laziness? That thread is pretty active.

That's a broad generalization that makes no sense.

What do you mean by new? Most new posts in tan aren't thread worthy.

What are some examples of dope threads that were lost in the tan?

Threads sink to the bottom because people aren't interested not because of natural selection.

Regardless of whether a thread has traits that makes nters post in it or not, it'll still fall to the bottom if nters aren't interested.

Only till some nters see that a thread is over 10 pgs that they realize that they may be missing out on something if they don't enter a thread.

Hence, the expression "I slept on this thread."

IMO, that thread has brought a lot of positivity to this site.

Especially since there aren't arguments left and right.

TAN has been my place to chop it up since it's chill.

Dudes in there are giving away free .... just cause.

I've gotten at least 100 new dope songs just from that thread. s/o to whyhellothere

That one of the many dope things that I've gotten out of that thread.

Most of the posts that interest me in that thread are of things that other nters found, wanted to comment on, or share.

Here's an example of a majority of tan posts.

This one in particular is hilarious to me.
This made my day 
Do these types of posts need their own thread?
I challenge everyone who posted in here to make a thread today......just pick something a go with it.
This but as we all know that this won't happen.

Like someone a page back said, it's almost like a chatroom with the same sns.

That small amount of people are sapping the life out of NT?
didnt k-steezy get suspended for free posting? if rules were applied uniformly that thread would be killed based on aforementioned infraction.
This dude's trying to find any reason to get the thread locked.

Just join the thread and quit complaining man.

We all nt fam right?
TAN > TAY >>>>> all the other threads.

Shameless plug

"TAY" is just another worthless threads in the General, But it's your thread, So I see what you mean...

didnt k-steezy get suspended for free posting? if rules were applied uniformly that thread would be killed based on aforementioned infraction.

I guess Mods taking it easy nowadays, I remember dudes getting sniped for post whoring back in the day. :lol:

I could name a few dudes that would've been banned by now for free posting. :lol:
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You dont know the struggle until you had sex in a food lion stockroom.......and you dont even work there.
its a brand new thread in music b.

every single post in your post has been addressed in da 10 pages this thread has grown.
Where? I know it wasn't addressed by you.

Here's my post for the 3rd time.

I'm asking you questions and you keep dodging them.
it promotes laziness..instead of making a new thread about ANYTHING new besides formatted news articles, it gets thrown in there.

trash thread sink to da bottom fast, you know what you call that? natural selection. let da process of natural selection take place organically. da problem is people

and putting EVERYTHING in da that thread, so potential DOPE threads get BURIED it that only a couple of ya who post there all da time get to see instead of

having its own thread and letting da entire community see.
How does it promote laziness? That thread is pretty active.

That's a broad generalization that makes no sense.

What do you mean by new? Most new posts in tan aren't thread worthy.

What are some examples of dope threads that were lost in the tan?

Threads sink to the bottom because people aren't interested not because of natural selection.

Regardless of whether a thread has traits that makes nters post in it or not, it'll still fall to the bottom if nters aren't interested.

Only till some nters see that a thread is over 10 pgs that they realize that they may be missing out on something if they don't enter a thread.

Hence, the expression "I slept on this thread."

IMO, that thread has brought a lot of positivity to this site.

Especially since there aren't arguments left and right.

TAN has been my place to chop it up since it's chill.

Dudes in there are giving away free .... just cause.

I've gotten at least 100 new dope songs just from that thread. s/o to whyhellothere

That one of the many dope things that I've gotten out of that thread.

Most of the posts that interest me in that thread are of things that other nters found, wanted to comment on, or share.

Here's an example of a majority of tan posts.

This one in particular is hilarious to me.
This made my day 
-promotes laziness = less threads CREATED to make general move faster instead topics get sucked up, barely spoken about, and BURIED (i wrote this NUMEROUS times)

-from da 2 pages alone i looked at that thread, PLENTY of thread worthy and instead of getting talked about thoroughly, its replied to 2-3 times and since da thread moves

too fast, left neglected (said that **** a million times already)

-threads sink to da bottom is natural selection because INTERESTING threads are being made which ARE being responded to as opposed to da crap in da thread about

nothing being subsidized by things that should have their own thread to begin with (said this before)

-if a thread isn't interesting, its not da fault of anyone but da thread starter, all da thread about nothing does is GIVE a platform to otherwise failed thoughts of nothingness.

there's a REASON free posting isnt encouraged.

-finding a good thread that you slept on earlier is probably da best thing ON NT general, cuz when people are bored they'd click a thread they'd usually ignore otherwise..if

topics are BURIED in da thread about nothing, you nothing lower discussion about said topic, you ruin any chance of da topic being found by someone who DOESNT post in

da thead about nothing. (said this a million times)

-instead of leaning on a GENERAL thread for songs, had you of ventured in da music section, where they've been on point as far as spotting da latest talents, from Drake,

to chief keef, to big sean, etc. 100 songs would've sounded measly in comparison.

-brand new gifs have ALWAYS benefited prolonged popularity when they're introduced in a new thread. i remember da "yo can someone post da juelz DID not read, lol" i

made spawned so many more gifs other then da one i requested, because da power of synergy amongst a community of NTers on general, NOT just in da thread about nothing.

and everything i wrote 99% of it was covered by either me or someone else in this thread, copy and pasting it 3 times when you should''ve just read and answered your own

-promotes laziness = less threads CREATED to make general move faster instead topics get sucked up, barely spoken about, and BURIED (i wrote this NUMEROUS times)

-from da 2 pages alone i looked at that thread, PLENTY of thread worthy and instead of getting talked about thoroughly, its replied to 2-3 times and since da thread moves

You should look into politics son. Someone asked you a question and you refuse to answer and post useless generalization.

What topics could have been made that weren't in those 2 pages?
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da longer pages might make it seem like that, but its definitely has to do with da amount of post content we're losing to da abyss of that randomness.
If that were the case, you'd have made this post in June.  The biggest change to General in the last 60 days has been the move to 50 topics per page, and that creates exactly the effect you're describing.  

Since so many words have been wasted already, let's talk numbers instead. 

This thread was on the front page for most of the day yesterday:

It was last updated at 6:13 am est.  It was passed by over 130 different topics today

As a result, it's now near the bottom of page 3.  On the old board, it would've fallen to page 7.  

That's not enough for you?  I don't know where you've been, but that's roughly as fast-moving as the General forum was before the "thread about nothing."  

In contrast, a thread on the Jordan brand last updated at 8am est is still on page ONE.  So, clearly, the Jordan Brand forum is NOT moving faster than the General forum, either. 
da longer pages might make it seem like that, but its definitely has to do with da amount of post content we're losing to da abyss of that randomness.
If that were the case, you'd have made this post in June.  The biggest change to General in the last 60 days has been the move to 50 topics per page, and that creates exactly the effect you're describing.  

Since so many words have been wasted already, let's talk numbers instead. 

This thread was on the front page for most of the day yesterday:

It was last updated at 6:13 am est.  It was passed by over 130 different topics today

As a result, it's now near the bottom of page 3.  On the old board, it would've fallen to page 7.  

That's not enough for you?  I don't know where you've been, but that's roughly as fast-moving as the General forum was before the "thread about nothing."  

In contrast, a thread on the Jordan brand last updated at 8am est is still on page ONE.  So, clearly, the Jordan Brand forum is NOT moving faster than the General forum, either. 
Methgod has spoken..... again 
Ninjahood, you should put bronzer on your face when you give your you can appeal to more NTers and gain their support. 8)
im sure he will overlook it just like all the questions he still hasnt answered & continue posting useless bs as if he is shooting for $300 so he can sell some foams
How does it promote Nters to be lazy? I don't understand your first sentence. Meth said that the traffic is the same so how is general moving slower?

I've skimmed every page of tan and a majority of the posts aren't thread worthy.

Which posts specifically?  Why don't you make the posts that you feel need threads into threads and see how that goes.

Funny how tan is too fast, but you want 60 new topics a day. Wouldn't that make general too fast?

That isn't natural selection, that's thread popularity.

Interesting threads fall to the bottom all the time, not because of natural selection but because of it not having the appeal that it once had.

"nothing being subsidized by things that should have their own thread to begin with (said this before)"

What do you mean here? I honestly don't understand.

Even if what you said there was true, wouldn't that be a good thing since those "failed thoughts of nothingness" wouldn't be in quality threads?

Cool, I'd contest that finding random posts in the tan also have a

You keep saying that but I bet that you haven't even browsed though at least 100 pages of tan.

You keep saying that like it's a fact but you haven't provided a reasonable justification.

A majority of the posts in tan aren't thread worthy. How many times does this need to be posted?

Okay, fair enough if that were true.

Should every seemingly thread worthy post be a thread even though the person who brought said thready worthy post doesn't want it to be a thread?

Actually, I have ventured into the music forum. I've posted quite a bit of topics that got 0-6 replies.

I've also bookmarked music threads such as the team metalheads thread and the electro thread.

Before tan I did lean on the music thread, not anymore.

There's a reason why the music forum is nicknamed the rap forum. I like rap but that's only one of the many various genres that I listen to.

If I remember correctly, that thread only got steam because people didn't post the correct gif you requested at first and then it turned into a dnr gif appreaction thread.

I was asking you not someone else. I had already read every post when I copy/pasted my reply the first time.

I even asked you where there were answered, but you didn't answer that.

So far your claims aren't supported by any reasonable justifications.

Quit being a rob the neighbor and come chill in the tan.
i've said it before and i'll say it again. i don't see why folks just cant look at TAN as a news wire service. reporters (users) can use the service if they want to create articles (threads) or they can whip it up themselves. and like others have said, 1. if someone sees something that is thread worthy in TAN they can make it themselves. maybe the OP didn't think it was thread worthy. and not in a too scared to start a thread sense. 2. if you don't like the TAN don't go in there, i know i don't enter threads that don't interest me or i don't agree with.
This thread is the start of two things...

1. The study of internet forum flow AKA Forum Economics

2. The great civil war that may possibly end the general forum as we know it. Time to pick sides folks
im seeing da same damn threads in da first pages for a while, and im wondering where all da "news" is at....

having a HUGE junk thread with no direction is KILLING this section, because you lazy bums dont wanna make a new thread

and post current news.

and now there's one in da music section too :stoneface:

damn things need to be locked, ya wanna pretend to be on twitter? then GO on twitter with that long *** timeline-equse thread jumbled in complete


real life...

i never thought about this, i thought that NT was just dying...
mods need to end that ASAP
real life...


You are asking why this post wasn't made in June? It possibly wasn't made because...

1) People didn't notice. I did not realize that the problem with general being so slow lately could be that thread. I did not notice until ninja pointed it out.
2) Probably because no one would have thought it would grow to that size and so many people would post in that thread.

People with "its just the internet," comments are foolish. You guys visit NT why? because of boredom and for entertainment. How is it going to be entertaining when theres nothing to read? No lulz. No photoshop threads etc. etc. Yea you can go on reddit but not everyone on reddit has the same interest as you. Everyone on NT has similar interest or a similar background. THATS A FACT. Hood jokes work here but not on reddit. Anyways...

Ninja has made perfect examples such as when he quoted the person asking something about "Dayglow."
If this memebr would have made the thread instead of just posting in TAN, then other members would have known
1) What dayglow is
2) Whos going
3) the aftermath of dayglow, possible OP or other member updates with pics of half naked chicks and things they seen...

So what if it was only two to three pages. Thats a thread contributing to the community and allowing users to actually read new threads. It allows for possible lulz and things of that nature.

I can't believe Meth doesn't really care and is blaming the amounts of topics per page.
General has been slow. I used to check it in the morning, afternoon and at night for a couple of hours each time... Now i only check it like once aday for like 1 hour or less....

Hell Henz0 dont even post...

thread needs to be locked...

To the dude that did not get Ninja's comparison of NT and TAN to Walmarts in NY, you're dumb...
(wasn't the best but it was good).

Also, the dudes that are about TAN or saying "its just the interent," are dudes that havent been on NT as long or just trolls... ( mine says 07 but my banned name on EZboard never transferred to yuku... since '05)
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real life...

I checked the last page of the thread... I saw 4 post that could have been threads....
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