Thoughts on the Lizzo twerking at NBA game vol. This Why Rikishi trending

which is highly irresponsible, being lizzo's shape isn't something aspirational or anything worth of value.

She is a talented musician that is comfortable in her skin. She is an inspiration for people who have low self esteem due to their weight.

no one is telling people to get fat or being obese.

use logics please.

With suicide and teens having low self esteem it’s not conducive to fat shame them. That’s bullying.

encourage them to lose weight and be healthier. PERIOD

however, at the same time if they are talented and have a God given ability they shouldn’t be denied an opportunity to showcase it because they are fat/overweight/obese.

She is a talented musician that is comfortable in her skin. She is an inspiration for people who have low self esteem due to their weight

talent ≠ physique

lizzo can be a talented singer who's alcoholic/fiend..not gonna cosign promotion that either.

da obesity is an issue.
This conversation isn’t going anywhere man.

ive Known a ton of fat/overweight/obese people in my life. I don’t fat shame them, you encourage them. If your 300 lbs losing that weight isn’t as easy as some of y’all think.

Encourage them to go to the gym and incorporate a healthier overall life style. Don’t fat shame them.

Lizzo is a talented musician that happens to be fat/overweight/obese. Hopefully she lose some weight, but if not she’s still a talented musician that deserves to be praised for her talent. Don’t hate on her.

Goodbye fellas
You are wrong. I could also state that Europe's health care system is far more reliable than that of the United States. Not only that, the tests that determine obesity, BMI, was flawed to begin with. The reason? The original tests were done on six middle aged white men, in Greenwich CT, years ago. The standard for obesity left out genetics, something they never knew played a part in health, and then the region your ancestors came from, which would determine how susceptible you are to certain disease. But you do not need to believe me! Research it yourself! I can emphatically state, especially since I have worked in the NFL, those offensive line men would be considered obese through the standards of BMI, as well would one LeBron James.

Obesity is NOT a disease, and that is because what is determined to be obese? Is incredibly subjective.
u sound like u not up to date on standardized health neither

BMI aint been the barometer n been debunked for over 10 years now

but u is right obesity not a disease, mfs love a out
not me i lift 5 times a week religiously. I know most of y’all are soft though cause most people don’t do any exercising. Bunch of Alps on nt I guarantee it.

Also, Lizzie knows what she’s doing. She keeps putting herself out there like that. she wants people to talk about her.
y’all looking foolish caping for this broad

Obesity now considered a ‘disease’
The American Medical Association (AMA) has officially recognized obesity as a chronic disease. Defining obesity as a disease should spur physicians and patients — and insurers— to regard it as a serious medical issue.

One in three Americans are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Obesity is not only widespread, but it’s become a real health risk. It can lead to other serious problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease
What's your waist size and BMI? (factors this resource use to determine obesity)
u sound like u not up to date on standardized health neither

BMI aint been the barometer n been debunked for over 10 years now

but u is right obesity not a disease, mfs love a out
Pardon, but the attached article is from 2013, of which isn't ten years.
Didn't know........

Of course you're never gonna get a picture of someone's overall health just by looking at their weight or outward appearance, but some of the arguments being made to minimize the impact obesity has on the body are completely ridiculous. The "whataboutism" going on in this thread is really just a distraction and not completely relevant to the topic at hand.
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