Thoughts on the Lizzo twerking at NBA game vol. This Why Rikishi trending

son completely ignored da American CDC guidelines that obesity is a disease and went to Europe for affirmation :lol: :lol:

its a disease b.
You are wrong. I could also state that Europe's health care system is far more reliable than that of the United States. Not only that, the tests that determine obesity, BMI, was flawed to begin with. The reason? The original tests were done on six middle aged white men, in Greenwich CT, years ago. The standard for obesity left out genetics, something they never knew played a part in health, and then the region your ancestors came from, which would determine how susceptible you are to certain disease. But you do not need to believe me! Research it yourself! I can emphatically state, especially since I have worked in the NFL, those offensive line men would be considered obese through the standards of BMI, as well would one LeBron James.

Obesity is NOT a disease, and that is because what is determined to be obese? Is incredibly subjective.
You are wrong.

Obesity now considered a ‘disease’
The American Medical Association (AMA) has officially recognized obesity as a chronic disease. Defining obesity as a disease should spur physicians and patients — and insurers— to regard it as a serious medical issue.

One in three Americans are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Obesity is not only widespread, but it’s become a real health risk. It can lead to other serious problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Obesity now considered a ‘disease’
The American Medical Association (AMA) has officially recognized obesity as a chronic disease. Defining obesity as a disease should spur physicians and patients — and insurers— to regard it as a serious medical issue.

One in three Americans are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Obesity is not only widespread, but it’s become a real health risk. It can lead to other serious problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Here's a question for you.
How are they determining obesity? That is where the question lies, and why other organizations, as what I posted, disagree with the AMA.
I think most of u in here shaming has an affinity for this woman. She seems cool being fat and that's cool. How does this thread even have 17 pages?

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Obesity is 100% a disease if you go by the definition of what a disease is
Ninja : If she was a heavy DR chick you'd be quit as a hell

umm no :lol:

she'd be flamed outta existence even worse because political correctness doesn't exist in Spanish.

lizzo is morbidly obese and needs to seek help.


literally walking diabetes.
One in three Americans are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Obesity is not only widespread, but it’s become a real health risk. It can lead to other serious problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Redefining Obesity? The Experts Weigh In On BMI S Validity
Anonymous scientist

(An employee of the federal government who asked for anonymity because of rules prohibiting federal workers from criticizing federal policies).

I am not surprised at the report in JAMA. This is certainly not the first report that has found reduced risk of death in people who are overweight by the current definition using BMI, but it summarizes previous published studies and thus has, by far, the largest number of subjects analyzed. Until 1998, the U.S. considered normal weight up to a BMI of 27.8. That was primarily because the lowest claims on life insurance were associated with that weight range. In 1998, NIH and CDC got together and aligned the U.S. cutoffs for overweight and obesity with those of the World Health Organization. These decisions have as much political maneuvering as science behind them.

BMI correlates with fatness but was not designed to be used for individuals, only for population averages. So, people like Michael Jordan or Barry Sanders were considered obese because of their high BMIs when they were playing professional sports.

But mortality is not the only important issue associated with overweight/obesity. Diabetes prevalence has tripled, the incidence of fatty liver has increased and medical costs for these conditions are enormous. Likewise, the number of joint replacements because of obesity has skyrocketed and the dollars paid for these all come partially from government programs. So quality of life may be compromised and medical costs elevated without any effect on mortality, which was the only focus of the recent JAMA paper.

that aside, is her tweet right or wrong? :nerd:

Like with everything there is probably some happy medium between, fat people are horrible and should be shunned by socitey and fat people should be as fat as possible it's great.

not everything needs to political battle between "the left" and "the right".
I said this in another thread, nobody actually care about Lizzo's health. :lol:

some of yall are full of it,

people are mostly mad because cause Lizzo is fat, and fat chicks being extra seems to annoy some people.

If lizzo was a percocet popping, IG model with freshly fat transferred fat ***, and lipo'd abs

who was slowly dying from a lean addiction....I bet there wouldn't be one word about "OMG her health". :lol:

People would quite willing to watch her twerk and act like a fool, and show her *** at a laker game. :lol:
f lizzo was a percocet popping, IG model with freshly fat transferred fat ***, and lipo'd abs

who was slowly dying from a lean addiction....I bet there wouldn't be one word about "OMG her health". :lol:

no one here would be celebrating being a fiend like lizzo is celebrating being obese tho..
no one here would be celebrating being a fiend like lizzo is celebrating being obese tho..
What? Dudes out here celebrating the bodies of unhealthy women everyday. :lol:

You're on the internet too much man, I'm telling you.

I'm sure there are a bunch of dudes who like fat women happy Lizzio is out busting it open. Let them enjoy it. Not everything is a fight between the "left and the right'
What? Dudes out here celebrating the bodies of unhealthy women everyday. :lol:

bodies ≠ drug habits.

stick to da script.

you're not gonna wiggle out of that box you just painted yourself in.

please find a example of NTers celebrating fiends da way lizzo celebrates her obesity.
bodies ≠ drug habits.

stick to da script.

you're not gonna wiggle out of that box you just painted yourself in.

please find a example of NTers celebrating fiends da way lizzo celebrates her obesity.

you are not understanding me. there are plenty women who are not healthy, but through surgery or whatever have attractive bodies, no one is inquiring about the health, we just like the way it looks.

so its hard for me to take seriously people concerned over Lizzo's health.

a lot of dudes just aren't into fat chicks; which is fine.

but don't start talking to me about her health. You don't care. :lol:
Fat shaming is a terrible thing to do. Point blank.

99% of people who are obese did not wake up one morning and say “I want to be fat and unhealthy”. Obesity is usually tied to other socio-economic factors such as income and access to healthy food, along with heredity.

Lizzo is being pushed to the forefront because she is body-positive, not because she is obese. There are a ton of children out there who mainly not fault of there own are obese with very low esteem. Why are some of you people having an issue with this woman is beyond me, she’s a talented musician and let her rock simple.

I just really hope people stop with this fat shaming and instead encourage people to live a healthier lifestyle.
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If y'all only knew how much Hollywood politics involved in greenlighting someone at her level, then y'all would understand why an obese caricature is being pushed just like the junkies being pushed. At no time being drugged out and writing all over your face been acceptable like today. I got a big g problem with the junkie rappers as well as the AARP card holding rappers and their crack raps.

Either way they all promoting substance abuse. Wether it's real sugar or booger sugar
If y'all only knew how much Hollywood politics involved in greenlighting someone at her level, then y'all would understand why an obese caricature is being pushed just like the junkies being pushed. At no time being drugged out and writing all over your face been acceptable like today. I got a big g problem with the junkie rappers as well as the AARP card holding rappers and their crack raps.

Either way they all promoting substance abuse. Wether it's real sugar or booger sugar

bro come on man. So you’re saying the powers to be are promoting Lizzo because they want people to be fat and obese? come on man. It’s really not that serious.
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