Thoughts on the Lizzo twerking at NBA game vol. This Why Rikishi trending

If Donald Trump can call himself a very stable genius? Lizzo has a right to feel as if she is a sex symbol. I do know this, if she ever went to Amsterdam? She'd never have to work another day in her life. Big Black women get PAID over there by white men, paid handsomely I might add.
animosity aside, is that tweet right or wrong? :nerd:

it’s wrong. Bulimia and anorexia is a disease. Being fat is not.

being overweight shouldn’t be so frowned upon because being healthy is actually hard work in this society.

purposely starving yourself should be frowned up because that is waaaay unhealthier compared to being overweight.
Obesity is considered a disease layziegunts layziegunts

The American Medical Association has officially recognized obesity as a disease, a move that could induce physicians to pay more attention to the condition and spur more insurers to pay for treatments.

and no one believes either of em :lol:
Yeah, but medical science also proves many of you wrong....BIGLY.
Turns out, being obese isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In a new study by U.S. and European researchers, published [PDF] in the European Heart Journal, overweight and obese people were found to be at no greater risk of developing or dying from heart disease or cancer, compared with normal weight people, as long as they were metabolically fit despite their excess weight.

The researchers examined data on 43,265 participants enrolled in the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study between 1979 and 2003, who filled out questionnaires about their lifestyle and medical history and also underwent physical exams, blood tests and a treadmill test to gauge their cardiovascular fitness. The researchers categorized obese participants as “metabolically healthy” if, aside from their weight, they didn’t suffer from insulin resistance, diabetes, low levels of good cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood pressure. Nearly half of the obese participants in the study qualified as metabolically fit.

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