Thousands Rally Across the United States For Peter Liang, Cop Convicted In Brooklyn Stairwell Shooti

Mar 13, 2008
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — Thousands of protesters have rallied in New York and around the country in support of a former police officer who was convicted of manslaughter for a shooting in a housing project stairwell.

A crowd of 10,000 rallied in Brooklyn on Saturday to protest former officer Peter Liang’s conviction in the 2104 shooting of Akai Gurley.

“It’s one of the largest turnouts I’ve seen in a long time,” State Senator Martin J. Golden, of Brooklyn, told WCBS 880.

Liang, 28, could be sentenced to 5 to 15 years for shooting Gurley, who was unarmed.

Liang testified that the shooting was an accident. Many of his supporters say they believe Liang is being scapegoated because of anger over other police shootings. Upon being convicted of a felony, Liang was automatically terminated from the NYPD.

Some say he has been treated unfairly because he is Asian-American.

Sen. Golden issued a statement on Saturday in solidarity with the protesters.

“Today, I join with my fellow New Yorkers in recognizing that the accidental death of Akai Gurley was a horrible tragedy which has devastated all involved,” Golden said in a statement. “The rallies taking place throughout our City and Nation are bringing the voices of many Asian-Americans to the front lines of the debate around justice in America.”

Golden said the rallies were held to express a “frustration” held by many across the nation.

Organizers said rallies took place in more than 30 cities in the U.S. Saturday including Philadelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

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Some of the quotes from the protesters are wild.

Over one million Chinese-Americans in over 40 American cities were protesting Liang’s conviction Saturday, organizers said. Many believe the young cop was specifically targeted because he is Asian and a rookie.

"I don't want to say it's a racial thing, but obviously it's some kind of racial justice,” said 56-year-old Wing Ma. “It's not real justice."

“Usually I believe in the justice system of this country,” he added. “But not anymore.”

The guy who purposely strangled someone, who then died, wasn’t found guilty, and this guy who accidentally fired his gun, unintentionally, was found guilty.”

"(Liang’s) not the only one who killed a victim,” said Eddie Ng, 67. “Why do they pick on him but not other policemen?"
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So an Asian cop shot and killed a black guy at the notorious Pink Houses?

Yeah, he's getting the max sentence. Nothing to see here.
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I just quickly read up on this, and I don't feel sorry for this guy.

-He knowingly joined a group that is known to harass the same minority citizens they paid very well to protect. Then through his own negligence he kills a black guy, and people are upset that the legal system didn't do their best to deny the decease's family justice. :smh:

-He chose to join the NYPD, he was performing a vertical patrol, he had his gun drawn for some reason, and his gun "accidentally went off" :rolleyes

Even if it was a accidental discharge, he still deserves to be in jail

This protesters seem upset that white supremacy through the criminal justice system is not taking care of Liang. Welp he is a minority too, what did they expect?

It is very disappointing to Asian Americans be so dismissive of the issues facing Black Americans.

-He is not a victim, his negligence caused a man's death. He belongs in jail
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Spoke on this incident in this thread:

Appalled by these protestors. Absolutely disgusting seeing people defend this murderer. It'd be one thing if his gun just went off, but he failed to administer care to Akai Gurley at the scene. He's fully accountable.

Folks blaming it on the training. WHAT!? If he was poorly trained then he should've removed himself from duty.

It's funny seeing everything I said in the previous thread come full-circle. You want to willfully join a broken system? Fine, but don't cry after the system fails you.

Zero sympathy for this man. Absolutely ZERO!!!
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I just quickly read up on this, and I don't feel sorry for this guy.

-He knowingly joined a group that is known to harass the same minority citizens they paid very well to protect. Then through his own negligence he kills a black guy, and people are upset that the legal system didn't do their best to deny the decease's family justice. :smh:

-He chose to join the NYPD, he was performing a vertical patrol, he had his gun drawn for some reason, and his gun "accidentally went off" :rolleyes

Even if it was a accidental discharge, he still deserves to be in jail

This protesters seem upset that white supremacy through the criminal justice system is not taking care of Liang. Welp he is a minority too, what did they expect?

It is very disappointing to Asian Americans be so dismissive of the issues facing Black Americans.

-He is not a victim, his negligence caused a man's death. He belongs in jail

All of this.
I was so happy this piece of **** got convicted. **** him and the thousands that support him.

I was keeping track of his trial and smiled when I heard about his conviction but did not know their were protesters in favor of the murderer :x :stoneface:

:lol: @ this 2 wrongs make a right mentality. Murderer that strangled dude doesn't get convicted so the guy who "accidentally" killed someone shouldn't either :smh:

That's just more reason why the Eric Garner's murderers need to be put behind bars as well.

:smh: @ all of these unaware Asian Americans talking about now I don't believe in the justice system anymore. Only it took one of your own to murder somebody for you start talking about justice.
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Their argument is that he's guilty but he didn't get off like the other police officers because he's an Asian American? Man :smh:


In all aspects of life. Other cops should've been punished for their crimes. They weren't. He was. Sucks for him. Sucks for the families who didn't get justice in the past.
This protesters seem upset that white supremacy through the criminal justice system is not taking care of Liang. Welp he is a minority too, what did they expect?



its sickening to see asians rally behind dude...spitting in the face of the gurley family. intentional murder or not, this stupid *** cop's actions resulted in negligent homicide, and his first concern was his career. :smh:

interested to see who in my asian friends feels some type of way about this...and if i should feel some type of way about them and smack some damn sense into em lol
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are there laws for "accidental" murders? regardless, he has to get SOME sort of punishment for being incompetent as a cop. the NYPD should also be punished if they did "under train" their staff. 

if liang gets sentenced 15 years in prison for an "accidental" murder, can't wait to see what happens to the next cop that messes up 
are there laws for "accidental" murders? regardless, he has to get SOME sort of punishment for being incompetent as a cop. the NYPD should also be punished if they did "under train" their staff. 

if liang gets sentenced 15 years in prison for an "accidental" murder, can't wait to see what happens to the next cop that messes up :nerd:

Yes, but I think it generally comes down to whether the victim had some responsibility for the murder happening.

Like if a victim jaywalks and runs in front of your car is different than if you mistake the gas for the brake and drive on the sidewalk and kill someone.

You can't shoot someone that was minding their own business when you had nothing to defend yourself from so their was no reason to be shooting in the first place.

That's also why this case shouldn't be compared to Eric Garner because it's not the same. Eric Garner was messed up but an argument can be made(not that I agree with it) that he contributed to the situation by arguing with the cop and stuff, and a chokehold was used, which can be used to arrest someone as opposed to a gun, which is only to kill.
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Crimes like that are called manslaughter, reckless endangerment, gross negligence, etc.

15 years is about right for citizens and other professions but if it was up to me cops would be held to a higher standard and thus a longer sentence.
I don't understand this story? From what I read he and his partner are rookie cops and were asked to patrol a high-crime area. He was going up some staircases, had the gun unholstered cause it was dark and he was scared, got shook from a noise, accidentally let off a shot which ricocheted off a wall and hit Akai multiple staircases down. I saw another article stating he shot directly at Akai. Can't forensics or whatever easily figure that out? Liang and his partner didn't perform CPR on the victim afterwards because they didn't know how.

Is that right?
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From what I've always understood he shot dude directly, lied about seeing a gun or dude letting a shot off when Gurly's murder was first reported and then the truth came out in court.

If anything ricocheted it was due to multiple gun shots.

The main problem is he was ready to shoot, gun unholstered in a dark staircase, and did not identify himself or anything. Guns don't go off accidentally unless you got your finger on the trigger. Son didn't pay attention or has poor training

The blue wall is just thinner for rookies. He got no ties or favors to call in. Being Asian aint help at all.
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Their argument is that he's guilty but he didn't get off like the other police officers because he's an Asian American? Man :smh:

Right? Never mind the fact that a man lost his life, that his 2 year old daughter has to grow up without a father because of this man.

He belongs in prison. Instead of calling an ambulance for help or doing CPR, he texted his Police Union Reps to try and save his own *** whilst Akai was on the floor dying.
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