Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Is the world flat?

"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:"
Isaiah 40:22

This didn't make sense back in the day either....
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phuzzy badpheet phuzzy badpheet
I don't see any contradiction friend. I see God using men for his own glory.
I challenge you to ask God to reveal himself to you.
Im being sincere here. I will pray today and ask God to show himself to you and anyone else brave enough to ask the same.
I believe God will show himself some time soon, via miracle or a request you may have, like a job being provided to you or a loved one getting healed.
Do you, and anyone else accept my challenge?
@Phuzzy Badpheet
I don't see any contradiction friend. I see God using men for his own glory.
I challenge you to ask God to reveal himself to you.
Im being sincere here. I will pray today and ask God to show himself to you and anyone else brave enough to ask the same.
I believe God will show himself some time soon, via miracle or a request you may have, like a job being provided to you or a loved one getting healed.
Do you, and anyone else accept my challenge?
Hey, I am open. I have stated early on, my first post here. I want to know the God that hooked Bill Gates up. I have had enough of the God in the bible, he is too elusive, too many excuses for why he can't show up for the oppressed.

Joshua 10:12-13

Then spoke Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord gave the Amorites over to the men of Israel; and he said in the

sight of Israel, "Sun, stand thou still at Gibeon, and thou Moon in the valley of Aijalon." And the sun stood still, and the

moon stayed, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun

stayed in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.

Ecclesiastes 1:5

The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.

The earth is stationary:

1 Chronicles 16:30

tremble before him, all earth; yea, the world stands firm, never to be moved
Tell me what you think these verses mean and what are you trying to show by posting them?
Tell me what you think these verses mean and what are you trying to show by posting them?
The definition of those verses are pretty clear cut. Why do you need me to explain them to you? 

Why are you ducking my question?

You don't want to admit that Galileo was right, and the god in the bible was wrong?
The definition of those verses are pretty clear cut. Why do you need me to explain them to you? 

Why are you ducking my question?

You don't want to admit that Galileo was right, and the god in the bible was wrong?
I asked you to explain because it seems like you have misinterpreted scripture and taken it out of context on a few occasions. So explain what those scriptures mean and then I will answer your response.
Just because a person isn't indoctrinated by biblical scripture doesn't mean they misunderstood or misinterpreted it.
Just because a person isn't indoctrinated by biblical scripture doesn't mean they misunderstood or misinterpreted it.
You are correct, but myself and biblical Christians claim that the Bible is the perfect word of God with now flaws or contradictions. So when a flaw/contradiction is presented to discredit the Bible it is typically because one misinterprets it or takes certain passages out of context. Like I stated before, the Bible is like no other religious text. It is a collection of historical documents. Over 25,000 archeological digs have been conducted and all support and don't contradict the Bible. That is one of the reasons I believe it to be true. Y'all can present what y'all believe to be evidence to discredit the Bible, but it is nothing new and has probably already been addressed by theologians/historians....but keep digging smh
You are correct, but myself and biblical Christians claim that the Bible is the perfect word of God with now flaws or contradictions. So when a flaw/contradiction is presented to discredit the Bible it is typically because one misinterprets it or takes certain passages out of context. Like I stated before, the Bible is like no other religious text. It is a collection of historical documents. Over 25,000 archeological digs have been conducted and all support and don't contradict the Bible. That is one of the reasons I believe it to be true. Y'all can present what y'all believe to be evidence to discredit the Bible, but it is nothing new and has probably already been addressed by theologians/historians....but keep digging smh
No one in here has provided historical proof of an exodus.
All I can say to folks that are CHRISTIANS like myself stand firm on your foundation...This so called "INFORMATION AGE" is really the AGE OF DECEPTION so many people are on social media, message boards, & youtube voicing their opinions from the smartest & intellectual to the craziest & wackiest so be careful who you converse with...
All I can say to folks that are CHRISTIANS like myself stand firm on your foundation...This so called "INFORMATION AGE" is really the AGE OF DECEPTION so many people are on social media, message boards, & youtube voicing their opinions from the smartest & intellectual to the craziest & wackiest so be careful who you converse with...

I agree that deception is rampant, but to avoid people who think differently than yourself is a toxic behavior.

Even Jesus ate with sinners.
All I can say to folks that are CHRISTIANS like myself stand firm on your foundation...This so called "INFORMATION AGE" is really the AGE OF DECEPTION so many people are on social media, message boards, & youtube voicing their opinions from the smartest & intellectual to the craziest & wackiest so be careful who you converse with...

Funny thing is the information that's been brought up to refute biblical occurances (in this thread) is not new at all. The subject of Dionysus was brought up. A character that predates Jesus (amongst many others) who was born of a virgin, turned water into wine, was crucified for the sins of others etc etc and no answers have been given on the subject. There's actual historical proof of this God man Dionysus and how his story parallels Jesus. It's clearly mythology and yet the Jesus story is factual history? I'd like somebody to enlighten me on the subject.
Funny thing is the information that's been brought up to refute biblical occurances (in this thread) is not new at all. The subject of Dionysus was brought up. A character that predates Jesus (amongst many others) who was born of a virgin, turned water into wine, was crucified for the sins of others etc etc and no answers have been given on the subject. There's actual historical proof of this God man Dionysus and how his story parallels Jesus. It's clearly mythology and yet the Jesus story is factual history? I'd like somebody to enlighten me on the subject.
Check out that trailer i posted above. It goes in depth how the Flavian family copied most of the stories and had them re-wrote to form a more docile group of jews. 

Something I didn't know was that the Vatican was built on a site where Mithra (one of the christ archetypes) was worshipped. The statue is still there today.
Check out that trailer i posted above. It goes in depth how the Flavian family copied most of the stories and had them re-wrote to form a more docile group of jews. 

Something I didn't know was that the Vatican was built on a site where Mithra (one of the christ archetypes) was worshipped. The statue is still there today.

Do u know where I can peep the full documentary? I looked for it on YouTube but I don't think it's there
Do u know where I can peep the full documentary? I looked for it on YouTube but I don't think it's there
Yea i got you with the PM. Funny thing about it is the doc was pulled almost everywhere from the web that wouldve made it easy to watch.

At any rate, for the believer's what language did jesus and his disciples speak?
Funny thing is the information that's been brought up to refute biblical occurances (in this thread) is not new at all. The subject of Dionysus was brought up. A character that predates Jesus (amongst many others) who was born of a virgin, turned water into wine, was crucified for the sins of others etc etc and no answers have been given on the subject. There's actual historical proof of this God man Dionysus and how his story parallels Jesus. It's clearly mythology and yet the Jesus story is factual history? I'd like somebody to enlighten me on the subject.
Claiming that Dionysus was born from a virgin birth blatantly contradicts mythology surrounding this pagan god. The two most common stories of Dionysus’ birth involve the god Zeus, his father, either impregnating the mortal woman Semele, or impregnating Persephone (the Greek Queen of the underworld). In either instance, it is not a virgin birth (and it also gives allusion to the Bible’s description of fallen angels impregnating human women, something written in the book of Genesis 2,000 years before the myth of Dionysus). You claim that Dionysus’ ability to create wine as a sign that Jesus was a copy since Jesus turned water to wine at a wedding, but Dionysus was the god of wine. Jesus was the Son of God and humanity’s Savior. And while there is non-Christian evidence and proof that Jesus existed, there is none to support that Dionysus was a real person who actually existed. And Jesus crucifixion is well documented by the Bible and non Christian text. Over 6000 ancient manuscripts can attest to the details. Manuscripts that we still have. Not a single one about the existence of Dionysus. Plus Christ crucifixion fulfills a specific Hebrew prophecy 1000 years before Christ crucifixion. But I know. Y'all still gonna say Uh uh and come back with something else that has been disproven and has no evidence. What's funny is y'all argue against the Bible with claims that have zero historical or archeological evidence to support it, yet there are over 25,000 yes 25,000 archeological digs that support the validity of the Bible and it's text. Non that contradict each other. What more evidence do you need and that's a serious question?
And some of y'all are lazy. As much time as y'all look on the internet trying to find things to disprove the Bible, Why not also look to see if those same claims have already been disproven? But that makes to much sense.
And some of y'all are lazy. As much time as y'all look on the internet trying to find things to disprove the Bible, Why not also look to see if those same claims have already been disproven? But that makes to much sense.
What language did jesus speak?

and you gotta come off your high horse fam. There would be no controversey if there was some undeniable tangible evidence that you could provide validating the life of Jesus and the followers.
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What's funny is y'all argue against the Bible with claims that have zero historical or archeological evidence to support it, yet there are over 25,000 yes 25,000 archeological digs that support the validity of the Bible and it's text. Non that contradict each other. What more evidence do you need and that's a serious question?

Can we have the source to this claim?
And some of y'all are lazy. As much time as y'all look on the internet trying to find things to disprove the Bible, Why not also look to see if those same claims have already been disproven? But that makes to much sense.

Bro u obviously feel some type of way about that lazy comment I made so lemme apologize for that, it was a poor choice of words on my part. you can debunk just about anything these days especially the topic at hand if that's what u wanna look for. The ability to separate fact from fiction escapes many ppl. But you're out here throwing out specific numbers with nothing to back it claiming to have proved something no archeologist or theologian has been able to prove to date so forgive me if I take what you say with a grain of salt. I'm sure you feel the same tho. Agree to disagree. Carry on
That makes no sense. He knows what we are going to do but it's not predetermined? That's the definition of predetermined. Having free will and God knowing what we're going to do are mutually exclusive. Which one is it?

You're right, it isnt illogical but God isn't above logic. Proof? According to the bible God is actually very logical. He created everything in sync with each other. We need to breath so there's air. Man needed a partner so he made females. Earth needed a light so he made the sun. All very logical. So all of a sudden God isn't logical?
Please don't forget to address this blanco
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