Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Dude you minus whale have surgery to replace your brain with a KJV bible. Have you said ANYTHING that came from you? All your answers are biblical reference. Have an original thought for Christ sake (pun intended) Ask yourself questions. I'm challenging u to think.
Would be dope to install the Bible into brains.
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I don't believe in God whatsoever. I'm well versed in religion though (raised Roman Catholic). I'm what I would consider a good person and what would be defined as a good christian. What happens to me when I die?
You begin decaying.

Billions upon billions of people have died before you, and every single one of them began nature's decaying process.

Some say that you have ANOTHER part of you that goes to heaven or hell or is reincarnated or floats around, depending upon which religion you're following.

But as far as what has been proven, by the billions of people before you?

You decay.

The afterlife concept is really something cling to in order to feel better about loved ones who have died, and to feel good about their own death, that it won't REALLY be over when it's over.

But again, going by the billions of people before you, none of them have given any sort of sign that they were still in existence, in any way, after death.

Would have repped but over my limit and that was my theory as well but what I'm asking is, let's say I'm wrong. Let's assume an afterlife does exist. Do I make it to Heaven if I don't believe in God/Jesus..etc. but I lived a life that helped people and followed the important christian rules? IE: love one another, help thy fellow man, etc.
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If you're not looking for answers then why are you here? If its to show me the light, I have already seen it and walk towards it daily. The bible may not systematically break down the periodic table of elements, but it's not designed to. They're lessons that are learned in the world. I know that and I'm sure my fellow believers know that.

There is no limitation on me. I'm sorry to hear that you feel I'm putting restrictions on my mind. You want to put faith in a ever changing and shifting system. Ok.
The Bible is a book. Parables. Stories to keep children from running away. A means to control feeble minded people who cannot think for themselves.

I'm not trying to attack you, nor am I trying to poke fun at you, but it's hard to take your responses seriously.

You and the bible toter are essentially saying that your whole life is planned out and in his hands. How is that living?

Why follow so blindly with no physical evidence?
For me, yes.
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Lobo the word is our truth. Our textbook.

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

If my faith makes me dumb, foolish, ignorant, or any other word you can think of. That's me. I stand on that rock.

I haven't called anyone dumb, foolish, ignorant or anything like that. I paid you a compliment by saying the way you come across is nothing like Durty.

If you were to look at this objectively, who do you think would be more conducive to being heard and understood; you or durty? I think you know that answer. Like I said, you don't come across as an empathetic holier-than-thou evangelist. Take solace in your ability to form proper sentences.

Saying "the word is our truth, our textbook" is like saying "we put our infant in a child seat from 1964." Yes, I understand the text and intent. In my opinion, to let something so archaic and unable to stand the test of time be your harness is flawed. Durty seems to think that a thousands of years old document should still be taken literally.

Again, I think you are selling yourself short by saying you two are alike. You may be similar, but I don't get the impression that you think of yourself as highly as Durty does. You're literally having to work as his interpreter.
If the bible remained untouched and unchanged for all this time id out more trust into it, but it's not. In fact it has translations that actually contradict each other. Add in the point that kings have altered it to suit their own personal gain and I mean c'mon.

The bible is like a wiki page. Anyone can edit that thing as they please
I haven't called anyone dumb, foolish, ignorant or anything like that. I paid you a compliment by saying the way you come across is nothing like Durty.

If you were to look at this objectively, who do you think would be more conducive to being heard and understood; you or durty? I think you know that answer. Like I said, you don't come across as an empathetic holier-than-thou evangelist. Take solace in your ability to form proper sentences.

Saying "the word is our truth, our textbook" is like saying "we put our infant in a child seat from 1964." Yes, I understand the text and intent. In my opinion, to let something so archaic and unable to stand the test of time be your harness is flawed. Durty seems to think that a thousands of years old document should still be taken literally.

Again, I think you are selling yourself short by saying you two are alike. You may be similar, but I don't get the impression that you think of yourself as highly as Durty does. You're literally having to work as his interpreter.
I don't think of myself highly

I think we are all sinners and don't deserve salvation

me included.

Just to know how great and merciful

God is makes me want to spread the Truth.

I'm nothing without God

Don't get it twisted.
Would have repped but over my limit and that was my theory as well but what I'm asking is, let's say I'm wrong. Let's assume an afterlife does exist. Do I make it to Heaven if I don't believe in God/Jesus..etc. but I lived a life that helped people and followed the important christian rules? IE: love one another, help thy fellow man, etc.
One of these newly abathed christian women starting messing with me at work.

Single-mom, baby daddy died from banging previous to her finding Jeebus.

We go on a few dates, whilst intoxicated, anything

Next date, no drinking, sex happens, upon climax, all hell breaks lose about fornicating and how I'm going to hell for having unprotected, unmarried sex with her.

She gave me the same non-sense raspburry is spewing once she calmed down.

I told her I feel I do enough good to outweigh the bad and don't need religion nor a following of Christ to justify who I am.

Her response?

You're going to hell mother fufa!
One of these newly abathed christian women starting messing with me at work.

Single-mom, baby daddy died from banging previous to her finding Jeebus.

We go on a few dates, whilst intoxicated, anything

Next date, no drinking, sex happens, upon climax, all hell breaks lose about fornicating and how I'm going to hell for having unprotected, unmarried sex with her.

She gave me the same non-sense raspburry is spewing once she calmed down.

I told her I feel I do enough good to outweigh the bad and don't need religion nor a following of Christ to justify who I am.

Her response?

You're going to hell mother fufa!
So you're taking it out on me

cuz she played the hypocrite?
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So you're taking it out on me

cuz she played the hypocrite?
I'm taking it out on you because you're being a troll.

And for the record, I think all Christians are hypocrites. Christian convenience is what I call it.

You're nothing but condescending in your replies and nothing is honest about you.

You'd have to have character be to be honest, and by your own admission, you follow whatever he or the bible say.

There's no way for you to know what honesty is when you're unwilling to allow dishonesty into your thought. How can you tell whats what?
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One of these newly abathed christian women starting messing with me at work.

Single-mom, baby daddy died from banging previous to her finding Jeebus.

We go on a few dates, whilst intoxicated, anything

Next date, no drinking, sex happens, upon climax, all hell breaks lose about fornicating and how I'm going to hell for having unprotected, unmarried sex with her.

She gave me the same non-sense raspburry is spewing once she calmed down.

I told her I feel I do enough good to outweigh the bad and don't need religion nor a following of Christ to justify who I am.

Her response?

You're going to hell mother fufa!

Did you have her missionary...

View media item 1120612

Did she yell "get behind me, satan!"

View media item 1120612
I'm taking it out on you because you're being a troll.

And for the record, I think all Christians are hypocrites. Christian convenience is what I call it.

You're nothing but condescending in your replies and nothing is honest about you.

You'd have to have character be to be honest, and by your own admission, you follow whatever he or the bible say.

There's no way for you to know what honesty is when you're unwilling to allow dishonesty into your thought. How can you tell whats what?
Cuz I've been on both sides of the road.

The high way and the narrow way(current).

I'd be dishonest to tell you that

I do not care about you guys and you 

guys should go on and live the lives you wish

Cuz I do care.

I'm straight to the point on the

internet and in a thread about Christ

ithere is no need for explanation for some of 

these answers.

I'm sorry the woman knowingly sinned

and condemned you for participating

But being bitter

and saying all Christians are just like her

is not sensible.
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Cuz I've been on both sides of the road.

The high way and the narrow way(current).

I'd be dishonest to tell you that

I do not care about you guys and you 

guys should go on and live the lives you wish

Cuz I do care.

I'm straight to the point on the

internet and in a thread about Christ

ithere is no need for explanation for some of 

these answers.

I'm sorry the woman knowingly sinned

and condemned you for participating

But being bitter

and saying all Christians are just like her

is not sensible.
It is.

No one is perfect. Not you, not your "GOD, not me.

The bible is literal, right? Then why do Christians have tattoos?

Why do pastors, preachers and deacons cheat on their wives.

Why do Christians JUDGE. I may have generalized the first 2 questions but this is FACT...Christians are some of theeee most judgmental folks on the planet.

I am not bitter either. I got the yambs, smirked the rest of the year at work till she left. The hell thing doesn't affect me because it doesn't exist.

I can argue that life is hell. Sex is heaven and GOD is really satan.

You see how that works...I can make anything up if I can make people believe it.
Ska, what REALLY happened? You go that long and then splat.
Think of it in the same way that you would think of a born again Christian.
Ultimately, @PLVN  is right. If it helps you process my transformation better, think of me the way you would a born-again believer... except I transformed over to the side that gets regularly chastised to 'hell' and has no weekly meeting or group discounts at minor league games.

The reason I'm avoiding your question RKO (I've seen every time you've presented it) is because the answer is not something you're ready for, and because this isn't the DarthSka thread.

The reason I say the answer is something you're not ready for is because, from what I've seen both in this thread and over the years, you are completely tied to Christian thinking, something I have completely turned from. What I would say would only sound like Christian bashing, but the things I have to say about Christianity aren't nice, obviously, or else I wouldn't have turned from it.

See, I'm betting that reading THAT caused you to think something like "Nah, Ska, there are some awesome Christians."

And I didn't say anything about Christians.

I'm talking about being done w/ Christianity.
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Ultimately, @PLVN  is right. If it helps you process my transformation better, think of me the way you would a born-again believer... except I transformed over to the side that gets regularly chastised to 'hell' and has no weekly meeting or group discounts at minor league games.

The reason I'm avoiding your question RKO (I've seen every time you've presented it) is because the answer is not something you're ready for, and because this isn't the DarthSka thread.

The reason I say the answer is something you're not ready for is because, from what I've seen both in this thread and over the years, you are completely tied to Christian thinking, something I have completely turned from. What I would say would only sound like Christian bashing, but the things I have to say about Christianity aren't nice, obviously, or else I wouldn't have turned from it.

See, I'm betting that reading THAT caused you to think something like "Nah, Ska, there are some awesome Christians."

And I didn't say anything about Christians.

I'm talking about being done w/ Christianity.
Did you know God?
everyone is a sinner. all Christians are sinners. the differences between a Christian and a non-christian are these:
repenting for your sins

trying not to sin (daily struggle and basically impossible)

recognizing that you yourself are a sinner destined for hell

that you are in need of Jesus to be saved from hell and your sins
How do you know he doesn't?
No one has ever seen him. There's no proof of his existence.

We don't know if it's a man or woman. The bible was created by man so who is say that it wasn't a feminine being that made all this magic known in the bible

I can't prove he exists, you can't prove he does.
everyone is a sinner. all Christians are sinners. the differences between a Christian and a non-christian are these:
repenting for your sins

trying not to sin (daily struggle and basically impossible)

recognizing that you yourself are a sinner destined for hell

that you are in need of Jesus to be saved from hell and your sins
Another crock of B.S. fear mongering at it's finest.

Saying "sorry" is all it takes to go to heaven?

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Christianity failed me, Islam open my eyes, God saved me.

( Dont wanna derail thread. Just have an honest/non trap question)

I have heard that the more faithful to Islam you are, the more violent and (secretively) intolerant you become to non believers. How do you feel about that?

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.

How do you feel about what this says? ( Do you have a different interpenetration than what this outlines?)
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