Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Yes, some people do that.


The rejection isn't always based on the failures of followers; sometimes it's based on the failure of whoever is supposed to be out there.
Thats you blaming man's work on God.

Stop trying to escape the evil

that is man.

He gives mercy to all sinners

not just what you deem to be terrible.
But you said Christians sin accidentally.

And fapping is a sin.

Then said Christians don't fap accidentally.
When you fap its a continuous action

unlike accidentally stumbling your eyes on a girl.

The Holy Spirit warns you as soon as you

even think about it.
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Yes, some people do that.


The rejection isn't always based on the failures of followers; sometimes it's based on the failure of whoever is supposed to be out there.
Thats you blaming man's work on God.

Stop trying to escape the evil

that is man.

He gives mercy to all sinners

not just what you deem to be terrible.
Either god was incompetent when he created man, resulting in this awful being, or he purposely created man with the inclination to sin. 
So god doesn't have a plan for us?

You can have a plan for a child. You want you children to do good in school. Go to college. Get a job. Get married. Have kids. That doesn't mean they'll do it or do it in that order.

But running w/ the Christian concept of hell & free will and tying them into your example, imagine giving your child free will and having a college plan for them... but on the way, you give them all kinds of tempting alternatives, literally putting these alternatives right in their face while hoping they stick w/ your plan... and then when they choose one of these alternatives, you disown them, and send them to suffer somewhere horrible, like Cleveland.
Fair enough.

If god cannot control us or see what we are going to do is that not a limitation of power? Does that not disprove the notion of god being all powerful?

Why would He want to control us? He didn't create us to be robots.

Look at it from this prospective?

This is a bus map of Cincinnati's transit system...

View media item 1120940

This isn't the whole map, just the downtown portion. Now what I'm saying is, instead of you being a individual route. YOU can be ALL. Its up to YOU which one you choose to be. You can be route 1, 2X, 3, 3x, So on and so on. Now God knows not just the BUS SYSTEM, but the traffic conditions, whose waiting for which route at which stop. Who is working in which building for which company and their daily schedule.

OK so lets say you choose to be route 27. Well suppose God has scouted out everyone and everything that you will encounter taking this route. So he would know if that's a good route or not. He may have wanted you to take Route 16.

Its kinda hard to explain but that's just a piece of how I view.
Yes, some people do that.


The rejection isn't always based on the failures of followers; sometimes it's based on the failure of whoever is supposed to be out there.
Thats you blaming man's work on God.

Stop trying to escape the evil
that is man.

He gives mercy to all sinners
not just what you deem to be terrible.
Then 'god' is not all-merciful, not to those suffering children, nor is 'he' to be credited for being a protector.

But running w/ the Christian concept of hell & free will and tying them into your example, imagine giving your child free will and having a college plan for them... but on the way, you give them all kinds of tempting alternatives, literally putting these alternatives right in their face while hoping they stick w/ your plan... and then when they choose one of these alternatives, you disown them, and send them to suffer somewhere horrible, like Cleveland.

Sir I will not stand for you trashing a Ohio city.

You think God dangles drugs in people's face? Or gorgeous woman who wants you despite your wife and kids?
Then 'god' is not all-merciful, not to those suffering children, nor is 'he' to be credited for being a protector.
His justice for all murderers and rapists is reserved for 

Judgement Day. 

You don't have to worry about their fates 

cuz its in God's hand.

Neither the fates of the children, because they are

in his hands regardless of the evils man

has done to them.

But saying God is unjust and hateful is

contrary to his true nature.
But you said Christians sin accidentally.

And fapping is a sin.

Then said Christians don't fap accidentally.
When you fap its a continuous action
unlike accidentally stumbling your eyes on a girl.

The Holy Spirit warns you as soon as you
even think about it.
Well, it's either the Holy Spirit, or it's the guilt you feel from every single person who had told you 'lust' is naughty.

It's definetly one or the other.
His justice for all murderers and rapists is reserved for 
Judgement Day. 
You don't have to worry about their fates 
cuz its in God's hand.

Neither the fates of the children, because they are
in his hands regardless of the evils man
has done to them.

But saying God is unjust and hateful is
contrary to his true nature.

We blame God for man all too often.

Everyone wants freedom of choice. Keep in mind their are sick individuals with that same freedom.
Well, it's either the Holy Spirit, or it's the guilt you feel from every single person who had told you 'lust' is naughty.

It's definetly one or the other.
Trust me, I know what the preacher and teacher said

and I still fapped without fear.

But once I felt the love and fear of God

All I can say is

fapping is suicide. lol
We blame God for man all too often.

Everyone wants freedom of choice. Keep in mind their are sick individuals with that same freedom.
Indeed there are.

Whether the nonbelievers want to

admit it or not we have more

killings over in the states thanks 

to the decline of morality and 

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Then 'god' is not all-merciful, not to those suffering children, nor is 'he' to be credited for being a protector.
His justice for all murderers and rapists is reserved for 
Judgement Day. 
You don't have to worry about their fates 
cuz its in God's hand.

Neither the fates of the children, because they are
in his hands regardless of the evils man
has done to them.
When some little kids are out there playing cricket and a soldier opens fire and they all get maimed (but not killed), it's not really helping them to tell them "Don't worry, he'll get his when he dies... and god has a GREAT plan for you if you end up dying."

I doubt you have the stomach for even more graphic evils, so I'll leave it at that for now and let you imagine the definition of 'childhood trauma' from the comfort of your pew.
When you fap its a continuous action
unlike accidentally stumbling your eyes on a girl.

The Holy Spirit warns you as soon as you
even think about it.

Alright good. Lol. Just wanted you to clarify. Cuz the others asking questions will see that and dismiss it. Any answer not connecting with another answer will be used against you.

Fapping. The toughest sin for man IMO. :lol:
When some little kids are out there playing cricket and a soldier opens fire and they all get maimed (but not killed), it's not really helping them to tell them "Don't worry, he'll get his when he dies... and god has a GREAT plan for you if you end up dying."

I doubt you have the stomach for even more graphic evils, so I'll leave it at that for now and let you imagine the definition of 'childhood trauma' from the comfort of your pew.
Whether you like it or not

10/10 people die.

Some tragically and some peacefully.

But we all have to face what happens next

and thats Judgement.

If you live out your life mad at God

you are just wasting the greatest

opportunity you'll ever have.

 I've heard and seen the evils 

of this world enough to know how

sick the world is, doesn't stop

me from admitting I need the

Lord cuz we, you and me, 

are blessed to still be alive 

The life of a Christian being easy is

a myth, but what is in store for 

Heaven will wipe your tears away.
When some little kids are out there playing cricket and a soldier opens fire and they all get maimed (but not killed), it's not really helping them to tell them "Don't worry, he'll get his when he dies... and god has a GREAT plan for you if you end up dying."

I doubt you have the stomach for even more graphic evils, so I'll leave it at that for now and let you imagine the definition of 'childhood trauma' from the comfort of your pew.

SKA, not all of us a peachy upbringings.

I'll share something with you all. I had a pretty good childhood but I also had a drunk and abusive father. He didn't hit me, but my mother. That's not like having my limbs blown off due to evil radical men. But its very troubling to witness.
His justice for all murderers and rapists is reserved for 
Judgement Day. 
You don't have to worry about their fates 
cuz its in God's hand.

Neither the fates of the children, because they are
in his hands regardless of the evils man
has done to them.

But saying God is unjust and hateful is
contrary to his true nature.

We blame God for man all too often.
Two reasons:
- because 'god' is credited for man's positive accomplishments FAR too often; even when man is credited by most believers, they still must praise 'him' for giving man the ability. But w/ negatives? "Oh, that was totally man, all the way."

- because 'he' is credited for being all-protecting, all-able, and a shepherd to his flock. You want to be protected for being a good shepherd? Then TEND.
We blame God for man all too often.

Everyone wants freedom of choice. Keep in mind their are sick individuals with that same freedom.
Indeed there are.

Whether the nonbelievers want to

admit it or not we have more

killings over in the states thanks 

to the decline of morality and 

You might want to back this up with some sources. 

Also, we blame god because he created man. 
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Alright good. Lol. Just wanted you to clarify. Cuz the others asking questions will see that and dismiss it. Any answer not connecting with another answer will be used against you.

Fapping. The toughest sin for man IMO.
I tell you brother.
We blame God for man all too often.

Everyone wants freedom of choice. Keep in mind their are sick individuals with that same freedom.
Indeed there are.

Whether the nonbelievers want to

admit it or not we have more

killings over in the states thanks 

to the decline of morality and 

Why is it that the secular nations generally have lower rape and murder rates than nations where the population is overwhelmingly religious?
SKA you're really falling into that comparison I made about you being like the dad from Signs :lol:
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