Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

An epidemic with ex-Christians and even Christians today

Many people, including me, grew up in church, went to altar calls, and have

said they accepted Jesus into their hearts and never meant it.

And with the words of the minister, they say "You are now born again"

Problem with this is, its nothing but a false conversion.

You see people claiming Christian doing anything an unbeliever would,

cursing, promiscuity, pornography, drugs, drunkenness  

and claim at the end of the day.

"Well Jesus forgives me and loves me so I am good."

One who has been born again, not only receives the 

presence of the Lord, but the fear and the love of the Lord

Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.

My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

John 14:23

Though Christians still fall into sin accidentally, we do not actively

pursue sin. In fact, the thought of sinning is sickening when you

have the Spirit in you.

I don't know if you fell for false conversion, or simply never believed

but saw it as a religion of hope.

But just know that the truth of Christianity doesn't lie

in the church or in religious acts.

It is through the daily communion with God 

and the transformation can we say

we truly know that he lives
There's a middle ground here where the truth is found. The religious right brain thinking that hands over all responsibility to "god" or a force other than yourself is wrong. The left brain religion of Scientism thinking that everything is a mechanized machine with no spiritual aspect to it is wrong. Religion has anthropomorphized the the creator. Science has denounced it completely. We shouldn't get caught up in this linear type of thinking.
An epidemic with ex-Christians and even Christians today

Many people, including me, grew up in church, went to altar calls, and have

said they accepted Jesus into their hearts and never meant it.

And with the words of the minister, they say "You are now born again"

Problem with this is, its nothing but a false conversion.

You see people claiming Christian doing anything an unbeliever would,

cursing, promiscuity, pornography, drugs, drunkenness  

and claim at the end of the day.

"Well Jesus forgives me and loves me so I am good."

One who has been born again, not only receives the 

presence of the Lord, but the fear and the love of the Lord

Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.

My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

John 14:23

Though Christians still fall into sin accidentally, we do not actively

pursue sin. In fact, the thought of sinning is sickening when you

have the Spirit in you.

I don't know if you fell for false conversion, or simply never believed

but saw it as a religion of hope.

But just know that the truth of Christianity doesn't lie

in the church or in religious acts.

It is through the daily communion with God 

and the transformation can we say

we truly know that he lives
who are you talking to though? The sky? How do you know anyone is listening.

Oh, you got the job, or the car, or the house...that must be GOD answering your prayers
Christianity failed me, Islam open my eyes, God saved me.
( Dont wanna derail thread. Just have an honest/non trap question)

I have heard that the more faithful to Islam you are, the more violent and (secretively) intolerant you become to non believers. How do you feel about that?

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.

How do you feel about what this says? ( Do you have a different interpenetration than what this outlines?)
Context from what I believe. Have to read it as a whole. The explanation I got was regarding individuals attacking Muslims of that time since it was not accepted/was new. Therefore, it was a call for self-defense. 

Anyone else who knows better can shed light. @360waves  would do it more justice. 
edshoecator edshoecator you got it right.

admit your mistake, pray to God and confess, he will forgive. it's very simple.
1John 1:9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
some people here seem to reject God/Jesus because others have done wrong.

its wrong to judge God based on man's sinful actions.
Christianity failed me, Islam open my eyes, God saved me.
( Dont wanna derail thread. Just have an honest/non trap question)

I have heard that the more faithful to Islam you are, the more violent and (secretively) intolerant you become to non believers. How do you feel about that?

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.

How do you feel about what this says? ( Do you have a different interpenetration than what this outlines?)
The context and the fact that the Quran is written in Arabic probably matters here. 
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If that was it, I'd personally have no problem.

Thing is, that's not it. When someone tries to tell me that a faith-based world perspective makes logical sense, and/or that Christian events are scientifically viable, I'm'a chime in.

Someone tells me that they understand that their faith-based worldview doesn't make sense logically, and/or that they understand that the Christian events in the Bible don't add up scientifically, I leave 'em be.

But someone starts a thread w/ "Honest answers" in the title, I'm thinking they're going to try to make things add up for me, and not just offer "It's my faith" as a response to everything.

yup. you're not going to get those answers here my g. his "honest" answers, are far much different than the "honest" answer you're looking for b. it's two complete opposite sides of the spectrum.
Ultimately, @PLVN
 is right. If it helps you process my transformation better, think of me the way you would a born-again believer... except I transformed over to the side that gets regularly chastised to 'hell' and has no weekly meeting or group discounts at minor league games.

The reason I'm avoiding your question RKO (I've seen every time you've presented it) is because the answer is not something you're ready for, and because this isn't the DarthSka thread.

The reason I say the answer is something you're not ready for is because, from what I've seen both in this thread and over the years, you are completely tied to Christian thinking, something I have completely turned from. What I would say would only sound like Christian bashing, but the things I have to say about Christianity aren't nice, obviously, or else I wouldn't have turned from it.

See, I'm betting that reading THAT caused you to think something like "Nah, Ska, there are some awesome Christians."

And I didn't say anything about Christians.

I'm talking about being done w/ Christianity.

can we make another thread then about this? cuz ya boy over here is very interested. :lol: fa real tho.
An epidemic with ex-Christians and even Christians today

Many people, including me, grew up in church, went to altar calls, and have
said they accepted Jesus into their hearts and never meant it.
And with the words of the minister, they say "You are now born again"

Problem with this is, its nothing but a false conversion.

You see people claiming Christian doing anything an unbeliever would,
cursing, promiscuity, pornography, drugs, drunkenness 
and claim at the end of the day.
"Well Jesus forgives me and loves me so I am good."

One who has been born again, not only receives the 
presence of the Lord, but the fear and the love of the Lord

Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.
My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
John 14:23

Though Christians still fall into sin accidentally, we do not actively
pursue sin. In fact, the thought of sinning is sickening when you
have the Spirit in you.

I don't know if you fell for false conversion, or simply never believed
but saw it as a religion of hope.

But just know that the truth of Christianity doesn't lie
in the church or in religious acts.

It is through the daily communion with God 
and the transformation can we say
we truly know that he lives

all seriousness, does a Christian fap accidentally?
Ska that wasn't what I tho
I feel like I answered this earlier.

You said we are free to do gods will. Being told what to do is NOT free will. That doesn't make any sense nor does it contain a verse to support it.
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You said we are free to do gods will. Being told what to do is NOT free will. That doesn't make any sense nor does it contain a verse to support it.

You want scripture?

We can do as we please. We have the option/choice to follow God's lead.
You can have a plan for a child. You want you children to do good in school. Go to college. Get a job. Get married. Have kids. That doesn't mean they'll do it or do it in that order.

Thank you. I don't believe the stuff but that's a pretty solid answer. Free will isn't a hard concept to handle
You can have a plan for a child. You want you children to do good in school. Go to college. Get a job. Get married. Have kids. That doesn't mean they'll do it or do it in that order.

Fair enough.

If god cannot control us or see what we are going to do is that not a limitation of power? Does that not disprove the notion of god being all powerful?
some people here seem to reject God/Jesus because others have done wrong.

its wrong to judge God based on man's sinful actions.
Yes, some people do that.


The rejection isn't always based on the failures of followers; sometimes it's based on the failure of whoever is supposed to be out there.
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