Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I'm getting a lot of differing answers. Which one of you is right, if there is a right n wrong way? You are all on different pages. Can we have a consensus on what is the right way to believe?
Ok well you team bible guys hash that out because you're contradicting each other.

Don't mean that in a disrespectful way either. I just want to hear the definitive answer to that
Let me clear it up from what I'm gathering. When others said he's not in hell means he's not a prisoner or facing the punishment of being there.

A Warden is in prison but he/she is not a prisoner.
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Let me clear it up from what I'm gathering. When others said he's not in hell means he's not a prisoner or facing the punishment of being there.

A Warden is in prison but he/she is not a prisoner.

Anything to not conclude that the dude doesn't exist.

The born again raspberry said no. You agreed. Now retro j says yes and it's well not the way you think.

You guys don't know the answer.

We found fallacy in this whole god guy and now it's "a warden is in jail but he's not a prisoner"
God is present in hell. Omnipresent means just that. His wrath is just as real as His love.

So let me get this straight. Homie has courtside seats in "hell" but just happens to be like nah, I'm not gonna intervene when my imperfect creations run into inevitable trouble in an imperfect world. The homie is everywhere but says **** it I'mma let them rock even though **** may be haywire in at any given moment on earth.

I hate to disrespect or step on anyones beliefs but the idea of God is literally some fairy tale story time ****. If your God is real he's a pretty ****** character. Keep conjuring up stories to compensate for the FACT that you have absolutely no idea what happens once this "human" shell expires. Until then...

"Tell the bossman we got beef, and tell his only son i'mma see em when I see em. And when I see em I'mma beat em like the movie."
Doesn't get more clear cut than that. Don't see who you could interpret it in any other way.

Hell is the absence of God. God is everywhere, but hell.
Don't get it twisted

When Jesus died he went to hell.

Hell is simply the lack of God. That is the true punishment The little man with horns and the 9 circles or whatever are man's interpretation. God chooses to not be present in hell. He is omnipresent still. You can argue until you're blue in the face about literal definitions but thats how it ism
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Let me clear it up from what I'm gathering. When others said he's not in hell means he's not a prisoner or facing the punishment of being there.

A Warden is in prison but he/she is not a prisoner.

Again your metaphor for god just doesn't make sense with the topic. We're talking about the creator of all things. The most powerful being of all. Yet you continue to down grade him
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Ants are cool...


6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,

8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
Entomology is rooted in nearly all human cultures from prehistoric times, primarily in the context of agriculture (especially biological control and beekeeping), but scientific study began only as recently as the 16th century
There are thousands of species of ants. Ants from the time of the dinosaurs have been preserved in amber. They are identical to those living today. The fossil record shows that they have not evolved from other insects; ants have always been ants.

Cool fact.
God is present in hell. Omnipresent means just that. His wrath is just as real as His love.
They are right. Multiple verses in Revelation shows that he is present in hell or he'll is in his presence. But the prisoners will not
Be able to know God or see him.
My apologies.
:rofl: see this is what we get for trying to decipher god

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