Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I was born and raised without religion. My girlfriend of a few years have been trying to introduce me to Christianity. I truly do give an honest effort but I just can't believe in it. It sucks because she's very passionate about it and I want to support her but I just can't follow through with it. How can I witness his existence? Why doesn't he give us clear evidence that he in fact does exist? The more I hear about the stories the more I question. How come we don't hear stories like those in the bible in our present day? He seems a lot more evident and apparent in the bible than he does today in our life. How can I witness a miracle?

The most powerful being can't be heard, seen, touched, or felt. He'll come when you die and was here before you were alive.

Any of this sound a little too, I don't know, convenient?
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I was born and raised without religion. My girlfriend of a few years have been trying to introduce me to Christianity. I truly do give an honest effort but I just can't believe in it. It sucks because she's very passionate about it and I want to support her but I just can't follow through with it. How can I witness his existence? Why doesn't he give us clear evidence that he in fact does exist? The more I hear about the stories the more I question. How come we don't hear stories like those in the bible in our present day? He seems a lot more evident and apparent in the bible than he does today in our life. How can I witness a miracle?
The most powerful being can't be heard, seen, touched, or felt. He'll come when you die and was here before you were alive.

Any if this sound a little too, I don't know, convenient?
Lol Trust me, I have plenty of doubt myself. That's why I come asking how can we KNOW? Or how do you know personally? It's easier to say why he isn't, I want to hear why he is. If maybe someone can direct me to some quotes in this thread if it's already been discussed.
I was born and raised without religion. My girlfriend of a few years have been trying to introduce me to Christianity. I truly do give an honest effort but I just can't believe in it. It sucks because she's very passionate about it and I want to support her but I just can't follow through with it. How can I witness his existence? Why doesn't he give us clear evidence that he in fact does exist? The more I hear about the stories the more I question. How come we don't hear stories like those in the bible in our present day? He seems a lot more evident and apparent in the bible than he does today in our life. How can I witness a miracle?
For God to come unto any man, one must first humble his heart.

Repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness.

Tell him you accept Jesus Christ as his Son and Savior of your soul.

And that you trust in Christ alone.

Pray from the heart and he will reveal himself 

to you.

I pray you come to see who God really is.

Don't let the nay sayers hold you back from the light.
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So what do you all expect to do in Heaven? On your knees 24/7 worshiping?
Which is why I said people don't really want to go to Heaven, they just fear going to Hell
I replied to the heaven questions here \/
It'll be in a new body that's prepared for eternity. In our current state, our body's would get tired.
I guess you're thinking of being in heaven in your current state. We aren't prepared for eternity yet.
Heaven sounds horrible, I just envision church for eternity. I rather be in hell with all the homosexuals, ****, and sinners.
Hell is where your worst fears torment you for eternity with no escape. You'll also have a new body that is prepared for eternal torment. It's like being locked in a coffin with a black widow and a scorpion who constantly feed on you. Followed by hell itself being tossed into the lake of fire once judgement is made so your tormentors will be tormented with you as well...and you'd rather be there?
This doesn't really explain to me why faith is a good thing.  This just tells me that you need faith to please god. I'm asking why.
Faith is good because it means you trust God. I don't know what other answer you're looking for.
I was born and raised without religion. My girlfriend of a few years have been trying to introduce me to Christianity. I truly do give an honest effort but I just can't believe in it. It sucks because she's very passionate about it and I want to support her but I just can't follow through with it. How can I witness his existence? Why doesn't he give us clear evidence that he in fact does exist? The more I hear about the stories the more I question. How come we don't hear stories like those in the bible in our present day? He seems a lot more evident and apparent in the bible than he does today in our life. How can I witness a miracle?
For God to come unto any man, one must first humble his heart.

Repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness.

Tell him you accept Jesus Christ as his Son and Savior of your soul.

And that you trust in Christ alone.

Pray from the heart and he will reveal himself 

to you.

I pray you come to see who God really is.

Don't let the nay sayers hold you back from the light.
Very serious. Can I still do the first few steps if I'm questioning his existence in the first place? That's where I'm confused, I don't know how to repent myself towards someone that I'm not sure is there.

Also, "he will reveal himself to you", can I ask how he has revealed himself personally to you? Or to anyone who would like to answer and share their experience.
I replied to the heaven questions here \/

I guess you're thinking of being in heaven in your current state. We aren't prepared for eternity yet.

Hell is where your worst fears torment you for eternity with no escape. You'll also have a new body that is prepared for eternal torment. It's like being locked in a coffin with a black widow and a scorpion who constantly feed on you. Followed by hell itself being tossed into the lake of fire once judgement is made so your tormentors will be tormented with you as well...and you'd rather be there?

Faith is good because it means you trust God. I don't know what other answer you're looking for.
Our new body will be incorruptible.  Our current body is corruptible.

Our new body will be glorified.  Our current body is dishonorable.     

Our new body will be powerful.  Our current body is weak.     

 Our new body will be spiritual.  Our current bodies natural. 

1 Conrinth 15:42-45

where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor  free, but Christ is all and in all.

Colo 3:11

We will have no racial or cultural distinctions
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I was born and raised without religion. My girlfriend of a few years have been trying to introduce me to Christianity. I truly do give an honest effort but I just can't believe in it. It sucks because she's very passionate about it and I want to support her but I just can't follow through with it. How can I witness his existence? Why doesn't he give us clear evidence that he in fact does exist? The more I hear about the stories the more I question. How come we don't hear stories like those in the bible in our present day? He seems a lot more evident and apparent in the bible than he does today in our life. How can I witness a miracle?
What stories have your heard/read? The most common way He reveals himself personally is through His word. Which ones have you read?
I was born and raised without religion. My girlfriend of a few years have been trying to introduce me to Christianity. I truly do give an honest effort but I just can't believe in it. It sucks because she's very passionate about it and I want to support her but I just can't follow through with it. How can I witness his existence? Why doesn't he give us clear evidence that he in fact does exist? The more I hear about the stories the more I question. How come we don't hear stories like those in the bible in our present day? He seems a lot more evident and apparent in the bible than he does today in our life. How can I witness a miracle?
What stories have your heard/read? The most common way He reveals himself personally is through His word. Which ones have you read?
To be honest, I haven't read many. A story that comes to mind which I guess doesn't have to do with revealing, but why did God ask Abraham to kill his son to test his faith? Do stories like those happen today?
God needed a man whose faith in Him was unwavering to lead his chosen people. He gave Abraham the gift of his son when his wife was no longer of child bearing age to showcase his power and compassion. Then he tested him with the prospect of losing what he held dearest. All to make sure Abraham would follow his instructions without fail.
Is there a present day Abraham? Has God given children to those who couldn't bear children in our generation? How did God speak to Abraham? Was it through his conscience? I want God to speak to me so that I know he exists.
Very serious. Can I still do the first few steps if I'm questioning his existence in the first place? That's where I'm confused, I don't know how to repent myself towards someone that I'm not sure is there.

Also, "he will reveal himself to you", can I ask how he has revealed himself personally to you? Or to anyone who would like to answer and share their experience.
Just talk from your heart, be open. He is omnipresent, so whether you decide to 

look at the sky, look next to you, or look at the floor, he'll hear you.

Simply, put I gave my life to him the New Year of 2012 and like so

the Holy Spirit came like lightning.

its indescribable the feeling it brings upon you, but it's so... real.

I replied to the heaven questions here \/

I guess you're thinking of being in heaven in your current state. We aren't prepared for eternity yet.

Hell is where your worst fears torment you for eternity with no escape. You'll also have a new body that is prepared for eternal torment. It's like being locked in a coffin with a black widow and a scorpion who constantly feed on you. Followed by hell itself being tossed into the lake of fire once judgement is made so your tormentors will be tormented with you as well...and you'd rather be there?

Faith is good because it means you trust God. I don't know what other answer you're looking for.

Our new body will be incorruptible.  Our current body is corruptible.

Our new body will be glorified.  Our current body is dishonorable.    

Our new body will be powerful.  Our current body is weak.    

 Our new body will be spiritual.  Our current bodies natural. 

1 Conrinth 15:42-45

where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.

Colo 3:11

We will have no racial or cultural distinctions

We now know from neurology that if you damage certain areas of the brain, faculties are lost. Everything about your mind can be damaged by damaging the brain. This is not intuitive, it is very well known. Something about the mind and it's subjectivity are lost. You can cease to recognized faces, animals, but remember names. So to damage the whole brain at death and then rise off the brain with all our faculties intact recognizing grandma and speaking English is just... I'm at a lose of words, b.
Is there a present day Abraham? Has God given children to those who couldn't bear children in our generation? How did God speak to Abraham? Was it through his conscience? I want God to speak to me so that I know he exists.
Yeah. Every born again Christian is capable of being

 a modern day Abraham.

If you seek Him wholeheartedly, you will find Him.
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To be honest, I haven't read many. A story that comes to mind which I guess doesn't have to do with revealing, but why did God ask Abraham to kill his son to test his faith? Do stories like those happen today?
It was necessary for Abraham to prove to God that he would obey Him and placed Him above everyone. Even the son that had been promised to Him. Abraham already knew God's character so he obeyed. At the place of sacrifice, Abraham even told Isaac, when he asked what was being sacrificed since they didn't come with an animal, that God would provide the sacrifice. God already knew that Abraham had faith in Him but it was still necessary to prove it through action, making his faith complete.

Back then He would speak directly to people.

Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, [sup]2 [/sup]but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

Now He speaks through Jesus. Try praying and specifically asking Jesus to reveal Himself to you through His word. Which word? You'll have one in mind when you finish praying.
Is there a present day Abraham? Has God given children to those who couldn't bear children in our generation? How did God speak to Abraham? Was it through his conscience? I want God to speak to me so that I know he exists.
There are probably people with stories like that but idk for sure. God spoke to him in Human form alongside two angels. You may never hear God in your lifetime, especially being so skeptical. He doesnt do requests.
I'm a born again christian. I was born in a huge Catholic church, Jesus gave me his golden shower.
When people slander your homosexuals you get angry and are first one to jump at them Mr ANTONLAVEY. so why do u continue to **** on others beliefs

Leave this thread with disrespectful garbage
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