Thread to have Barack Up as the NT Banner on Tuesday!

Sep 13, 2004
It may be premature considering he hasn't gone into office yet, but i think the MLK banner should be changed to a Barack banner on Tuesday. Opinions?

[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]* Waits for Mr. Delorean to come and object *[/color]
Why not? This is a huge part of history. I'd like to see it. Not that same old pic either. Lets do something new...
Individual threads in the General forum are fine, but does all of NIKEtalk have to jump on the Obama craze? Just leave it alone and keep the site pertaining toits original intent.
Originally Posted by pull a Fredo

Individual threads in the General forum are fine, but does all of NIKEtalk have to jump on the Obama craze? Just leave it alone and keep the site pertaining to its original intent.
why are people referring to the inauguration of the first black president, a significant moment in history despite your politics as a"craze"?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Why not? This is a huge part of history. I'd like to see it. Not that same old pic either. Lets do something new...
Obama ran a near flawless campaign and won the Presidency. let's see if he can fulfill any of his promises to America beforecrowning him with banners and holidays and all that.
Won't happen.

You got Dirty, And then you got Meth, Who is like politically ambiguous.

Edit - Then you got salty/bitter NTers objecting and crying.
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