Tiger Woods put a ring on it but can't stop sexting



if he tries to comeback with a malt liquorcommercial in 2 years.
Mike and Mike hinted this morning that something might be coming out today that would top everything so far... Talkin bout they didn't even want to getinto it...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Mike and Mike hinted this morning that something might be coming out today that would top everything so far... Talkin bout they didn't even want to get into it...
Yooooooooooooooooo I need a source on these texts...no way those arereal. This is like a quoteable holy grail!

Jaimee: take a break from watching boring old golf

Jaimee: I mean the amazing sport of golf

Jaimee: [more than an hour later] babe I was kidding

LOL at tiger getting pissed and chick backpedaling like a rookie DB tryin to cover Moss

Tiger: Figured you would say that. Big black guys.

Jaimee: u are my first, last and only black guy!

hey, heeeeeeeeey..........

Tiger: you are wrong I'm bone thugs in harmon
really el tigre...you THAT grimey...

... find out why I keep falling more and more for u

Tiger: Because I'm blasian

[h2]Tiger Woods and Wife Might Be Headed to Sweden Amid Prostitute Rumors[/h2] [h3]Friends Say Woods and Elin Nordegren Are Planning to Move to Sweden Soon[/h3] [h4]By RUSSELL GOLDMAN[/h4]
Dec. 11, 2009-

Amid new allegations that Tiger Woods actively paid for sex with prostitutes come reports from both sides of the Atlantic that Woods and wife Elin Nordegren are planning an imminent escape to Sweden, where they will plan their next move.

"Tiger is going to Sweden with his wife, and they want to leave as soon as possible," a close friend of Nordegren's told ABCNews.com.

The Swedish papers are reporting a similar arrangement, and last week confirmed that Nordegren had purchased a $2 million home on an island off Stockholm, reachable only by boat.

Whether the couple will seek a divorce, however, remains a question.

People magazine and several Swedish papers have reported that Nordegren will not seek a divorce, but the friend told ABC News that Nordegren is waiting until all the allegations of infidelity come out.

Another friend told People magazine, "She's a child of divorce, and that's not something she's likely going to want to do. She really believes in the importance of parents staying together."

The friend who spoke to ABC News.com said, "[Elin's] not rushing to divorce. & She's going to take her sweet time. She wants all the dirty laundry to be out on the table before she signs anything."

That pile of dirty laundry grew Friday amid allegations from Hollywood madam Michelle Braun that she arranged meetings with Woods and at least four prostitutes from 2006 to 2007 for a total cost of $60,000, according to the New York Post.

"Tiger has been one of Michelle's clients for years," private investigator Dan Hanks, who worked for Braun, checking her clients' backgrounds, told ABC News.com.

Hanks, who had access to Braun's client list and spoke with Braun earlier this week about Woods, said he knew of an occasion in which Woods hired three prostitutes at one time for an evening in Las Vegas.

Nordegren was totally blindsided by accusations that Woods carried on affairs with as many as a dozen women, her friend said.

"Elin had absolutely no idea whatsoever that there were any mistresses until very recently," she said.
[h3]Nordegren's Mom Source of Support[/h3]
"Tiger was always traveling, but [Nordegren] had too much to do taking care of their family, properties, travel and finances to babysit her husband. Of course, she had enormous amounts of help, but she likes to be hands on. She trusted her husband as he traveled the world.

"The things he did were so immature that it wouldn't have crossed her mind that that's what he was doing," the friend said. "Staying out all night with these party girls in Vegas? She can't believe it. If they went backwards in time, she wouldn't change a thing about what she did. It would never occur to her that he'd be doing all of these terrible things with her and the babies at home."

Nordegren and Woods married in 2004. Together they have a daughter Sam, 2, and a son Charlie, 10 months.

Nordegren's parents divorced when she was 6. Her mother, Barbo Holmberg, a Swedish politician, has been in the United States, staying with her daughter at the Windermere, Fla., home owned by Woods.

Holmberg was rushed to a local hospital after collapsing in the house Tuesday.

Her mother has been a source of support, Nordegren's friend said.

"Tiger and Elin are not doing any couples counseling at this time," she said. "But Elin is seeing someone to give her the strength to deal with all of this. And her mother has been a huge help. Last week, she was furious but, this week, Elin has too much to do."

A call to Woods' lawyer Mark NeJame for comment was not returned.

Copyright [emoji]169[/emoji] 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures

Tiger's Pimp game must be on Hulk status...

I feel bad for her but this chick is crazy if she stays with Tiger after all this. I mean if all this is true, dude was runnin' up in like 9 different chicks (that we know about)...RAW! Not including you...come on baby girl [Mark Jackson] You're better than that [Mark Jackson]
Yeah great thinking Tiger. Move to Sweden where practically all the women are blonde, blue-eyed and beautiful. Good luck bro.z
O. MY. GOD. 60 GRAND on PROSTITUTES in 1 year?! I can't take this anymore...

This dude has so many issues it's not even that funny at this point.
EASILY the biggest/fastest fall from grace I have ever seen.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Yeah great thinking Tiger. Move to Sweden where practically all the women are blonde, blue-eyed and beautiful. Good luck bro.z

Naw man, you ain't lookin at it right, this is so he can use his cover better, tellin her when he gets caught, "I thought she was you baby, bonethugs"
if the wife doesnt divorce tiger, shes obviously staying for the money

she wouldnt be staying if they never signed a prenupt
Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

if the wife doesnt divorce tiger, shes obviously staying for the money

she wouldnt be staying if they never signed a prenupt
So Tiger DID have her sign it?
I just dont like that it has to get played out in front of the whole world

Once we heard he cheated, that could been it far as the public was concerned...all the other "transgressions" could have just been forwarded str8 tohis wife

he is paying far worst than what the avg man will have to pay for cheating imo
If this dude was really smashing random broads (including prostitutes) on a weekly basis for years(RAW
), he deserves every bit of this IMO.
He wasn't doin the prostitutes raw though was he? Not even they would allow that would they?
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

I just dont like that it has to get played out in front of the whole world

Once we heard he cheated, that could been it far as the public was concerned...all the other "transgressions" could have just been forwarded str8 to his wife

he is paying far worst than what the avg man will have to pay for cheating imo
Price of fame. You want the riches, you gotta deal with this type of stuff. Not saying the media isn't going OD, but that doesn't mean Ipity Tiger either.

As I originally said, he could have given a WAY better statement from the get go and not even allowed 2nd guessing and pondering. He left his lame statementopen to speculation.
he is paying far worst than what the avg man will have to pay for cheating imo

QFT, but Tiger isn't the avg guy...he couldn't expect to get treated with kid gloves...especially with the fact that we're talkingmultiple mistresses, goin raw, interracial relationships (like it or not its STILL a little taboo in the USA), and oh by the way its Tiger Freakin Woods. Allthat breeds what we now have...the armageddon of FAIL.

No matter how you slice it dude was MAD reckless and brought a lot of this on himself. Even if he wasn't Mr. squeaky clean before...think about it...dudeREALLY thought that smashin out all these chicks, and leaving all this evidence (sending texts and potentially letting these females snap pics) was NEVER goingto get out...?....either Tiger is a straight idiot or dude has an ego the size of his sex drive. It's almost like dude wanted to get caught....hmmmmm?

At the end of the day we don't have the right to judge him and most NT folks aren't. This is the equivalent of slowing down as you pass a massivewreck.
he is paying far worst than what the avg man will have to pay for cheating imo
The average man doesn't make millions of dollars off of their public image.
I know that the PGA Tour hopes his "indefinite break" really means "until the Masters" or else we're in store for the lowest ratedmajor since the mid-90s.
that's what public figure get when they're exposed. Had he come out forward initially, it wouldn't have gone down like that right now.
at him takin a break.

I can't wait til he gets back, the hype will be HUGE and he will go on a spree like we ain't seen before.
Originally Posted by CP1708

He wasn't doin the prostitutes raw though was he? Not even they would allow that would they?
you cray if you believe a poor female thats out here sellin her body wouldnt let a man worth about a bil if not more hit raw
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