Tiger Woods put a ring on it but can't stop sexting

man this dude tiger is a real scumbag
the best pro athlete of a genereation cut down in his prime by what can only be described as a vast parade of slews.

a damn shame.
...the high school girlfriend swooping in for her piece of the pie

[h1]Tiger Woods High School Girlfriend Says He Broke Up With Her By Letter[/h1]
By Doug

Created 12/14/2009 - 3:47pm

Setting the standard for many women to come Tiger Woods' high school girlfriend was a beautiful blue eyed blonde.

PHOTOS: See Tiger's High School Girlfriend's Year Book Pictures

Dina Gravell (who now goes by the married name of Gravell-Parr) met the golfing ace in 1992 when she was 17 and he was 16 and they both attended Western High School in Anaheim CA. The pair dated for three years before drifting apart, ending when Tiger broke things off.

PHOTOS: See Tiger's Beautiful Wife in a Bikini

"We dated in high school and he broke up with me through a letter I still have," Dina tells RadarOnline.com. And noting the physical similarities she shares with his ex-model wife, Dina goes on to say, "It's kind of an interesting parallel because people say I look a lot like his wife Elin. I'm a twin just like her, my father-in-law's name is Earl, which was Tiger's father's name, and now my last name is Parr, which is a very golf related name!"

PHOTOS: Sexy Pics of All of Tiger's Women

But it seems Dina doesn't regret the end of the relationship with her first love. "I look at Elin and think, 'That could of been me'," she tells RadarOnline.com. "Thank God it's not!"


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Originally Posted by JinKazama

...the high school girlfriend swooping in for her piece of the pie

[h1]Tiger Woods High School Girlfriend Says He Broke Up With Her By Letter[/h1]
By Doug

Created 12/14/2009 - 3:47pm

Setting the standard for many women to come Tiger Woods' high school girlfriend was a beautiful blue eyed blonde.

PHOTOS: See Tiger's High School Girlfriend's Year Book Pictures

Dina Gravell (who now goes by the married name of Gravell-Parr) met the golfing ace in 1992 when she was 17 and he was 16 and they both attended Western High School in Anaheim CA. The pair dated for three years before drifting apart, ending when Tiger broke things off.

PHOTOS: See Tiger's Beautiful Wife in a Bikini

"We dated in high school and he broke up with me through a letter I still have," Dina tells RadarOnline.com. And noting the physical similarities she shares with his ex-model wife, Dina goes on to say, "It's kind of an interesting parallel because people say I look a lot like his wife Elin. I'm a twin just like her, my father-in-law's name is Earl, which was Tiger's father's name, and now my last name is Parr, which is a very golf related name!"

PHOTOS: Sexy Pics of All of Tiger's Women

But it seems Dina doesn't regret the end of the relationship with her first love. "I look at Elin and think, 'That could of been me'," she tells RadarOnline.com. "Thank God it's not!"


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Doesnt this $%* have anything else better to dothen talk about a dude breaking up with her 15 years ago.

Get over it, you dont even have a picture together and you could've been Tigers wife
I bet if Tiger came up to her now and said top me off she'd jump atit.
"We dated in high school and he broke up with me through a letter I still have," Dina tells RadarOnline.com. And noting the physical similarities she shares with his ex-model wife, Dina goes on to say, "It's kind of an interesting parallel because people say I look a lot like his wife Elin. I'm a twin just like her, my father-in-law's name is Earl, which was Tiger's father's name, and now my last name is Parr, which is a very golf related name!"

But it seems Dina doesn't regret the end of the relationship with her first love. "I look at Elin and think, 'That could of been me'," she tells RadarOnline.com. "Thank God it's not!"

Originally Posted by CP1708

"We dated in high school and he broke up with me through a letter I still have," Dina tells RadarOnline.com. And noting the physical similarities she shares with his ex-model wife, Dina goes on to say, "It's kind of an interesting parallel because people say I look a lot like his wife Elin. I'm a twin just like her, my father-in-law's name is Earl, which was Tiger's father's name, and now my last name is Parr, which is a very golf related name!"

But it seems Dina doesn't regret the end of the relationship with her first love. "I look at Elin and think, 'That could of been me'," she tells RadarOnline.com. "Thank God it's not!"

Originally Posted by CP1708

EnEyeKayEe wrote:

#+#+ is she doing comin' out the woodwork?!
Thas a good question. Hmmmm

You said it would be a bunch of random broads Tiger never met.

This was his "first true love" though.

She's just telling her truth.
(at her)
Doesnt this $%* have anything else better to do then talk about a dude breaking up with her 15 years ago.

Get over it, you dont even have a picture together and you could've been Tigers wife
I bet if Tiger came up to her now and said top me off she'd jump at it.

I know right...

ole girls husband is either MAD salty right now or is a little punk @!**%. How you gonna let your wife come out and say Tiger dug me out 15 years back...and Icoulda been Elin...? Really...that coulda been you...and amazingly your father in law's name is Earl and your name is Parr like golf?
GET OUTTA HERE WITH THAT...you want you wife's claim to fame to be I was one ofthe first scratches on Tiger's bed post?
It's official peoplewill do ANYTHING to feel important.

One thing you can say about Tiger, dude is consistent...blond, blue eyes, waitress, server...attention *#%%! is definitely his MO, with a brunette thrown infor some variety..Ha! Only thing that would surprise me now is if a black chick came out of the wood work.
Doc who treated Tiger, others had PEDs

NEW YORK -- A Canadian doctor who has treated golfer Tiger Woods, swimmer Dara Torres and NFL players is suspected of providing athletes with performance-enhancing drugs, according to a newspaper report.

The New York Times reported on its Web site Monday night that Dr. Anthony Galea was found with human growth hormone and Actovegin, a drug extracted from calf's blood, in his bag at the U.S.-Canada border in late September. He was arrested Oct. 15 in Toronto by Canadian police.

Using, selling or importing Actovegin is illegal in the United States.

The FBI has opened an investigation based in part on medical records found on Galea's computer relating to several professional athletes, people briefed on the inquiry told the Times on condition of anonymity because they did not want to be identified discussing a continuing investigation.

The anonymous sources did not disclose the names of the athletes, and Galea told the newspaper "it would be impossible" for investigators to have found material linking his athletes to performance-enhancing drugs.

According to the newspaper, Galea has developed a blood-spinning technique -- platelet-rich plasma therapy -- to help speed post-surgery recovery.

Galea visited Woods' home in Florida at least four times in February and March, the newspaper reported, to provide that platelet therapy after his agents were concerned by his slow recovery from June 2008 knee surgery.

Asked about Woods' involvement with Galea, agent Mark Steinberg told the newspaper in an e-mail: "I would really ask that you guys don't write this? If Tiger is NOT implicated, and won't be, let's please give the kid a break."

Woods announced Friday he is taking an indefinite leave from golf to work on his marriage after allegations of infidelity surfaced in recent weeks.

A message was left by The Associated Press late Monday night seeking comment from Steinberg.

Torres told the newspaper Galea found a previously undiagnosed tear in her quad tendon.

"Excluding draining my knee, he has never treated me, but I did see his chiropractor who did soft-tissue work on my leg," she said in an e-mail to the Times. "That was the extent of my visit with him."

Her agent, Evan Morgenstein, told the AP that Torres was not available for comment Monday night.

Brian H. Greenspan, Galea's criminal defense attorney, said an investigation will vindicate his client.

"Dr. Galea was never engaged in any wrongdoing or any impropriety," Greenspan said. "Not only does he have a reputation that is impeccable, he is a person at the every top of his profession."

Galea, who acknowledged he has used human growth hormone himself for 10 years, told the newspaper he never gave any athletes HGH, which is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency. And Galea told the Times he has never combined HGH or Actovegin with his platelet treatments.

"All these athletes come see me in Canada cause I fix them, and I think people just assume that I'm giving them stuff," he told the newspaper. "They don't have to come to me to get HGH and steroids. You can walk into your local gym in New York and get HGH."

Galea is also being investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for smuggling, advertising and selling unapproved drugs as well as criminal conspiracy, the Times reported.


insert Joker "here we go" gif
this is way past ugly ... when it rains it pours ... as soon as i saw torres name in there i was like she 41 winning gold medals ... i'm been suspiciousfor a while ...

let me find out that tiger got his andy P on and took "stuff" to heal
Cheating on your wife is one thing, steroids is another. The PGA Tour regularly tests for steroids, probably more than any other professional sport, andTiger's already said this is the doctor that drained his knee. I will be in a state of absolute awe if it comes out he used anything illegal. Say what youwill about the sex stuff, but I have a HARD time believing this one.
^ Couple flaws there. One, correct me if I'm wrong but PGA just started testing for ANYTHING last year for the first time. Two, Pro athletes'trainers/doctors/underground handlers are far ahead of any testing these pro leagues do. While the testing is miles better than it was earlier in the decade,the testing is still close to meaningless. The non-idiots are as always unlikely to be caught.

Woods passing any of these tests means nothing to me. Especially a man of his worth and connections. You take into account his physique, his strength, his bodyshape compared to others golfers, and his recent injuries and you realize those were in favor against him...not for him (I'm just throwing that out there).No pro athlete surprises me.

Dana Torres also is supposedly hooked in with this guy?

Here she is at 41 years old:


Didn't Tiger say that his torn ACL happened while he was running on a treadmill? I mean, it's not every day someone tears their ACL running on atreadmill. Unless...

I really don't want to believe it though.
Anyone see the quote on espn where The first sentence from Woods agent was "Don't print this"
dirty %@% ESPN.
Originally Posted by JD617

Didn't Tiger say that his torn ACL happened while he was running on a treadmill? I mean, it's not every day someone tears their ACL running on a treadmill. Unless...

I really don't want to believe it though.
yea man, i really dont want to believe it either.... I wonder what else will "come up" in the next few weeks though.

im still in shock at how fast all this $#%# came about. CRAZY!
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