Tiger Woods put a ring on it but can't stop sexting

RyGuy: you have to realize the PGA Tour is THE clean-cut pro sport though. A few guys have been busted for very minor things. Also, the PGA's reputation isalmost solely based on its image: it's a non-profit organization with its employees acting as model citizens. Something about players not being caught forusing steroids could shatter the sport, unlike the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.

JD617: he actually tore it running through his neighborhood or at the British Open a few years back, I forget which.
RyGuy: you have to realize the PGA Tour is THE clean-cut pro sport though. A few guys have been busted for very minor things. Also, the PGA's reputation is almost solely based on its image: it's a non-profit organization with its employees acting as model citizens. Something about players not being caught for using steroids could shatter the sport, unlike the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.
I get that. And I'm not saying they all suddenly are users. But this is a different era. Filled with huge paychecks and huge pressure and newavailable things to give you an edge. I think we are naive to think, even with the clean cut PGA, that none of them are taking stuff. Especially when they werefree from any testing what so ever until 2008. It's like any other sport...a cut throat business.

The whispers about Woods have been there for years. How his body changed. However like most I knew he was a workout freak and also had the time on his hands toreally get good training in. But as we have learned in this era the workout freaks are just as likely if not more likely to start poppin stuff to keep theirhuge gains. This latest news about Woods being possibly hooked in with a shady doctor didnt even make me blink. But thats just me.

Remember, its not all about "take drugs, get huge." Its training, its recovery, its battling back from injury. And yes its mental focus and addingforce to your swing.
Originally Posted by JD617

Didn't Tiger say that his torn ACL happened while he was running on a treadmill? I mean, it's not every day someone tears their ACL running on a treadmill. Unless...

I really don't want to believe it though.
Moises Alou wants you to believe this.
[h1]Tiger Woods Mistress #4 -- Intoxicating Behavior[/h1]
Posted Dec 15th 2009 12:33AM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has finally obtained photos of the mysterious 4th Tiger Woods affairess -- Julie Postle -- and judging by her hair, skin color and liberal use of the tongue, she definitely seems to be Tiger's type.

Postle -- a VIP host at Roxy nightlcub in Orlando -- claims to have had a two year affair with the golfer during his marriage to Elin Nordegren.

And as we first reported, Postle also claims Tiger used to tell her that his marriage to Elin was purely "for publicity."

Read more:
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

O. MY. GOD. 60 GRAND on PROSTITUTES in 1 year?! I can't take this anymore...

This dude has so many issues it's not even that funny at this point.
EASILY the biggest/fastest fall from grace I have ever seen.
Time heals all wounds.

In 25 years, the PGA Tour will be dominated by a dozen guys all named Tiger Woods, Jr.
First, Tiger gets into a car accident. Then, he is caught cheating on his wife...with like 5+ different girls. Now, his doctor is being linked with steriodsand other illegal practices. This dude is having the worst ending to a year EVER.

Womp, womp, womp, wooomp...burrrrrrr.
lord this year cant get any worse for him ...............................is wat i said when it came out he got caught cheatin now its just *popcorn gif* showtime
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

@ the op refusing to edit the title of the thread.

I came in here to comment on this (again). Why do we still have to read that he was released in good condition weeks after the report broke? OP do your job.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

@ the op refusing to edit the title of the thread.

I came in here to comment on this (again). Why do we still have to read that he was released in good condition weeks after the report broke? OP do your job.
At first I told OP to change it a few times, but now I disagree.

I think it makes everything that much funnier.
(even though, this %#*$truthfully ain't that funny, it's just sad
Tiger Woods = Turkey of the Year 2010 lock???

The committee is taking notes.

Next year's award already gained a sponsorship from sport's biggest turkey overall (ESPN). Tiger may end up having the award named after him as well.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

First, Tiger gets into a car accident. Then, he is caught cheating on his wife...with like 5+ different girls. Now, his doctor is being linked with steriods and other illegal practices. This dude is having the worst ending to a year EVER.

Womp, womp, womp, wooomp...burrrrrrr.

Originally Posted by JDB1523

Say what you will about the sex stuff, but I have a HARD time believing this one.
Me too.

There's nothing that conclusively points to him using them...so unless something else comes out, I'm not buying it.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

when it rains it pours ...
Couldn't have said it any better.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Womp, womp, womp, wooomp...burrrrrrr.
I said it out loud and everything.
[h1]My Letter to Tiger[/h1]
11 Comments | Posted by Basketball_Ron in Posts

Dear Tiger,
In reading the statements you have made, I can tell you are a stand up guy. Please remember only Jesus is perfect. You made a mistake and you admitted your infidelity.
I have made the same mistakes. Before I got married to my wife, I had a baby with another young lady, after I already had two by my girlfriend who is now my wife. We also had another baby which makes three for us and four for me. Two boys and two girls.
My wife is a much better wife than I am a husband. We still argue and disagree after being together 16 years. and I still cope with the fact that there are so many women out there and I choose to stay loyal to my wife.
I want to be home every night, but with traveling I can't, and sometimes I might want to go to a bar or club and be one of the fellas. Most of the time I stay in, because I have my kids and wife.
I cannot sit here and say the thought to have many women has never crossed my mind. If I were Jesus I could.
I have known my wife for 16 years- since I was 14 years old.
She was my first.
On the way to 2010 we had many ups and downs on the way, mostly my fault. But I really choose to work hard and play ball to support her and my kids. The same reason you are building your legacy.
I have been disturbed by this because there are many people who are happy that this bad news has come out.
There are a lot of sports announcers and regular reporters who are not perfect in their own homes, yet they want to bring you down.
You have done so much for people, the sport of golf, and your family and you gave your wife a life that people can't even dream of.
I thought you were 36 or 37 until I read the news today. A 33-year-old man who has been a model citizen with so much at stake. This is your first publicly known issue since you started your career, compared to my 50 or more publicly known issues and mistakes.
You have been the perfect role model for me and my sons for longer than anyone I have known.
With the exception of a few legends.
As your fan, I can't wait to see you golf again.
And us athletes know how much you personally love your family.

One love,
Ron Artest
This is just a fan mail letter to Tiger Woods fans and indirectly to Tiger himself.
Please, everyone support Tiger in these tough times for his family.

Also if you are a sports announcer or regular everyday reporter or blogger please step up like Tiger and tell your wife or husband if you have any skeletons in your closet. Especially if you were one of the few attacking TIGER!!
One Love People

I'm going to need Ron to make a rap like he did for Michael
did it ever cross anyone's mind that maybe she found out about him cheating so she chased him with a club so he got in the truck and mashed out and crashed
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

did it ever cross anyone's mind that maybe she found out about him cheating so she chased him with a club so he got in the truck and mashed out and crashed

Welcome to November 27th.
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