Tipping Vol. Why am I paying you extra to do your job?

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Originally Posted by mandown91

nothing.... just dont tip and go upon your business ....
the defense rests.
OK cheapo.
@ people comparing a teenage server as opposed to one at an upscale restaurants who are more knowledgeable about the specific dishes, the extensive wine lists and what compliments which foods, etc.....all while refilling and doing whatever it is you want and making you as satisfied as possible, regardless if you're an a-hole, with 7+ tables at a time.

I hope you guys don't eat at upscale places with that mentality.

i doubt any of the non-tippers on here has ever asked a waiter what type of red would pair well with their foie gras. 
Originally Posted by frink85

Originally Posted by do work son

Originally Posted by frink85

i dont buy the "food would cost more" argument. at some point, server wages were lowered to account for tips. why then, has the price of the meal not dropped dramatically?

furthermore, anyone who believes that not tipping justifies spitting in someones food or vandalizing their property, needs some sense knocked into them.

that said, i tip according to the service i receive, usually 15-20%. i will leave a buck if the service was crap.

cmon son. restaurants lowering their prices and minimizing their profits? what part of the game is that? the point is to get more money. if i tell you that you can pay your employees at a lower wage, are you gonna lower the price of your product, or keep them where they are and make more money because you pay your employees less?

do you buy the argument now?
oh trust i understand all that. that said, its ridiculous. and the end result is that the difference comes out of the consumer's pockets, and the consumer has to worry about getting his food spat at because an employee's boss doesnt pay him/her a minimum/living wage? now tell me what part of the game is that? these dudes need to unionize or something. and before anyone says it, there's a difference between being cheap and recognizing a flawed system. the consumer AND the employee is getting the shaft, while the restaurant hauls in. dont even get me started on that delivery charge for pizza places that ISNT a tip...

that is the game son.

the point for the employer is too minimize their costs and maximize their profits. if any changes are made, the employers goes as far as they can to make the consumer cover all the costs. they don't charge servers way below the regular minimum wage just to $%^& with them, they do it because the government allows them to do so because the government recognizes that you should tip.
I remember awile ago i was drunk one day and went on a date on new years eve and left the waitress a 60 dollar tip. I will always remember that lady's face when she saw the money. I swear she looked like she won the lottery
. At the end of the day, tipping shouldnt be mandatory but its just a good thing to do. Sure its their job to serve you...doesnt mean you shouldnt leave gratuity...especially if they are nice and provide great service...If you don't want to tip...cool....but don't act like they dont deserve the tip because its "their job".
First off OP, stop being cheap. As stated in other threads prior, you don't want to tip, don't go out. Think of it this way, how would you feel if the restaurant had a window where you could walk to get your stuff yourself? Want a refill? Go get it. You wouldn't like it if you had to go back multiple times. So there's that. It's a service you pay for, get over it. Plus, you really talking about selling 50 iPhones in 3 hours? Not to say you don't do a good job, but they sell themselves pretty much.
Originally Posted by beh235

First off OP, stop being cheap. As stated in other threads prior, you don't want to tip, don't go out. Think of it this way, how would you feel if the restaurant had a window where you could walk to get your stuff yourself? Want a refill? Go get it. You wouldn't like it if you had to go back multiple times. So there's that. It's a service you pay for, get over it. Plus, you really talking about selling 50 iPhones in 3 hours? Not to say you don't do a good job, but they sell themselves pretty much.

Not for arguments sake, but how do you figure?
note to self, making a tipping thread if i ever wanna make a 20+ page thread.

last thing i'll say on this issue is this. if you can afford expensive shoes and luxury items for yourself, it's a real bad look if you penny pinch when your at a restaurant.

i got a few friends i never invite out to eat at restaurants anymore because they do one of the following: refuse to go unless it's happy hour or they have lunch specials on the menu currently going on, they'll loudly and publicly complain about the prices, they'll be that guy at the bar sipping on a water looking broke and butthurt while everyone else has their drinks, or they'll act like a fish outta water when the bill comes and try to throw the tip responsibilities on everyone else.

personally their not really doing anything wrong but they lack proper ettiqute and it's a bad look when you go to a nice restaurant with someone like that. rather then complain or get on them about something their not required to change, i just decline on inviting them out to certain places.
As a bartender, I've seen the wide range of how people view tipping. I've had folks not tip me. I've had folks steal my tips that were on the bar while I was helping other customers. I've had folks (usually servers/bartenders from other bars) tip me a ridiculously high percentage for stuff ($7 tip for a pitcher 
). I've had people show the usual respect of $1 a drink which is highly appreciated.
At the end of the day, you are paying for a product, but you are tipping for appreciation for service. I don't have a barback. I cut my limes, I wash my glasses, I tap my kegs and restock my fridge. I clean up messes and make your @!* popcorn. I also handle a bar that can be stacked 3 deep all around the bar. When I can, I also offer conversation and all of that good stuff. If you don't want to tip, that's your prerogative. But don't expect me to be waiting on you after that first initial round. I'm going to take care of EVERYONE else, reload the dishwasher, check the score for the game, and chop it up with the waitresses. And expect to get exactly an ounce of liquor in your mixed drink. No more, no less. Because that is what I'm being paid for...to make and sell drinks.

Oh, and I'll be teaching 10th and 11th grade this semester. Would be nice to get tipped for that 
Originally Posted by pookieman


I can overstand what the op is saying, and yes i agree to an extent. Yes i have been a server and a cook fastfood and sit down. I personally felt my work wasnt deserving a tip, but realized that i needed it in order to make a decent wage. As far as prices goes those will increase regardless do to inflation, corporate greed, a mirade of reasons. Another thing alot of ppl who are so adament about tipping who are men, i have notice in their threads that they tip favorably to women esp.. pretty ones over ugly ones or men. So are you guys saying that the cost of living and livelyhood of ugly/fat chicks or men isnt as important as a girl you tricking off?

Also If it is based on the difficulty of work then why arent construction workers, garbagemen, etc even teachers not being tip. Esp teachers. Granted they dont make minimum wage but they are higly under paid and a great portion of the work they do is off the clock and arent being compensated for. So at the end of the day many teachers almost make minimum wage. Also why are ppl like cart attendants, ppl who carry groceries not getting tips. Well many arent allowed to accept tips? Are you really saying carrying a buttload of groceries in the freezing cold/ extreme heat not warrant a few extra dollars?

End of the day I do tip, not because of the service difficulty/or non difficulty, race, sex, looks etc.... but for empathy of their situation. I do agree that the work isnt very hard, but can be quite stressfull (well depending on the individuals level of tolerance). i also believe there are other professions who are equally deserving regardless of what the pay is, simply because the difficulty of the job and/or them going over and beyond what is asked of them.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by beh235

First off OP, stop being cheap. As stated in other threads prior, you don't want to tip, don't go out. Think of it this way, how would you feel if the restaurant had a window where you could walk to get your stuff yourself? Want a refill? Go get it. You wouldn't like it if you had to go back multiple times. So there's that. It's a service you pay for, get over it. Plus, you really talking about selling 50 iPhones in 3 hours? Not to say you don't do a good job, but they sell themselves pretty much.

Not for arguments sake, but how do you figure?

The way apple builds hype around that product in particular is amazing. I've seen the lines when the phone first drops and time after. Not much has to be said, if the consumer wants it they are going to buy it, they don't need convincing
Originally Posted by LDJ

I can overstand what the op is saying, and yes i agree to an extent. Yes i have been a server and a cook fastfood and sit down. I personally felt my work wasnt deserving a tip, but realized that i needed it in order to make a decent wage. As far as prices goes those will increase regardless do to inflation, corporate greed, a mirade of reasons. Another thing alot of ppl who are so adament about tipping who are men, i have notice in their threads that they tip favorably to women esp.. pretty ones over ugly ones or men. So are you guys saying that the cost of living and livelyhood of ugly/fat chicks or men isnt as important as a girl you tricking off?

Also If it is based on the difficulty of work then why arent construction workers, garbagemen, etc even teachers not being tip. Esp teachers. Granted they dont make minimum wage but they are higly under paid and a great portion of the work they do is off the clock and arent being compensated for. So at the end of the day many teachers almost make minimum wage. Also why are ppl like cart attendants, ppl who carry groceries not getting tips. Well many arent allowed to accept tips? Are you really saying carrying a buttload of groceries in the freezing cold/ extreme heat not warrant a few extra dollars?

End of the day I do tip, not because of the service difficulty/or non difficulty, race, sex, looks etc.... but for empathy of their situation. I do agree that the work isnt very hard, but can be quite stressfull (well depending on the individuals level of tolerance). i also believe there are other professions who are equally deserving regardless of what the pay is, simply because the difficulty of the job and/or them going over and beyond what is asked of them.

I hear that alot. Dudes often drop huge tips on attractive women who are waiting their table but would never do so for an unattractive girl/male server. I wonder what these people are trying to do, like do they really think dropping extra cash is going to let them smash the chick that night?

I agree with the part I bolded. I tip because these people are going out of their way (yes, it's their job, but they are still spending their time) to make me happy, and I appreciate that. My tipping shows my appreciation and also helps their situation. I can make money easily. I don't have trouble finding ways to make a little cash. These people work day in and day out trying to serve others and they have to worry about money. When I tip them good, it's a win-win. You really don't lose anything from tipping, except for a little cash that most people would probably have spent on something trivial later on anyways.
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by beh235

First off OP, stop being cheap. As stated in other threads prior, you don't want to tip, don't go out. Think of it this way, how would you feel if the restaurant had a window where you could walk to get your stuff yourself? Want a refill? Go get it. You wouldn't like it if you had to go back multiple times. So there's that. It's a service you pay for, get over it. Plus, you really talking about selling 50 iPhones in 3 hours? Not to say you don't do a good job, but they sell themselves pretty much.

Not for arguments sake, but how do you figure?

The way apple builds hype around that product in particular is amazing. I've seen the lines when the phone first drops and time after. Not much has to be said, if the consumer wants it they are going to buy it, they don't need convincing

Yeah no knock to the OP, but for a lot of Mac products, and iphones in particular, the people who are interested walk into the store and know what they want. It's not like a car where they have options and really need to consider whether they are getting a deal, but for the most part those looking for iphones know that's exactly what they want and they are going to buy it.
People who work as waiters/waitresses are taking a huge risk if they're relying on tips to make their money, it's a huge gamble because a) you're not forced to tip unless it's already added to the bill and b) you have to be good at what you do or you'll get little to nothing if you do get tipped. Just to reiterate, people in this industry shouldn't complain, period. There are other jobs out there if they're not satisfied working for a restaurant. There is no damb disclaimer stating that I have to pay for anything other than my damb bill.

With that said, I tip. Between 16-17% most of the time. The worse you do, the lower it goes.

And telling people that if you can't afford to tip don't go out to eat is a load of crock. It's the principle of tipping, not the status of finances.
Always tip man. Especially the pizza dude. During the NBA all star game I gave homie a brew
Originally Posted by Mccheesy

People who work as waiters/waitresses are taking a huge risk if they're relying on tips to make their money, it's a huge gamble because a) you're not forced to tip unless it's already added to the bill and b) you have to be good at what you do or you'll get little to nothing if you do get tipped. Just to reiterate, people in this industry shouldn't complain, period. There are other jobs out there if they're not satisfied working for a restaurant. There is no damb disclaimer stating that I have to pay for anything other than my damb bill.

With that said, I tip. Between 16-17% most of the time. The worse you do, the lower it goes.

And telling people that if you can't afford to tip don't go out to eat is a load of crock. It's the principle of tipping, not the status of finances.

fine, change "if you can't afford to tip" to "if you're not willing to tip" then. same principle. 

you know they rely on tips to earn a living. you know 18% is standard tip (15-20 depending on level of service, of course you can go lower if it's awful but keep in mind they may be slow because they have a ton of tables to wait on not just yours)

don't care if you can legally get away with not tipping or not.....if you aren't gonna tip, and tip properly, don't eat out.
if the service was good and you don't tip you're either broke/cheap.

no one can say otherwise. don't come at me like "i never tip i don't agree with it".  if you never tip and don't agree with it you're cheap.
I know how it is working in a food serving environment. I got paid minimum wage, and the amount of work was still !$@+@$+!. To see that waiters get paid half as much as min. wage, and do the same work is pretty insane.

Tip your waiters, stop being cheap, easy, no common-sense havin', jerks. If you really think your job is harder than theirs, perhaps quit and send yourself as a personal assistance to a chef/restaurant owner.

I know how it is, my mom used to run a food stand. She worked day and night keeping everything clean. She made EVERY single dish and cleaned up everything, every day. More than half the money she earned would go to utility and paying off stuff in order to keep the business. The least she can ask for is tips. Those tips eventually made it to our dinner table, being able to feed all 6 of us kids. I @!*$*!# love my mom.
I tip, and if I'm out with people who don't want to tip properly I will tip FOR them.
If people are cheap that's their prerogative I just wouldn't want to be associated with it, the whole reason I tip so well well is that when I come back I want good service.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by do work son

at people in here talking like waiting tables is beneath them. it ain't easy work by any means.

I'm not saying it's beneath me.  I'm asking someone to explain what's difficult about it.

Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I'm trying to say that that increase in the price of food that you're talking about is already there after you tip. They do have easy jobs. They walk to and from the chef window all day, write orders down, and communicate with people. That's difficult?
Here was my day today..
got to the restaurant today at 10am, By myself I had to carry 15 tables outside for our outdoor seating, then I set up our inside tables (20), I also cleaned the tables. and set them up, (cups, napkins, silverware), after that I  had to go downstairs and carry 4 buckets of ice to bring upstairs to the bar. Then I cleaned the menus (about 40). Each page spotless. Then I finally got my first customer. I sat them down, got them water, got them chips and salsa. helped them understand the menu. all while still bringing in cups, dishes, silverware from the kitchen where they get washed. I took their order, I picked up took their plates to their table. (do you know how heavy and hot those plates are? try taking 6 plates at the same time and then tell me if "bringing food" is an easy job0. I brought them their drinks that I had to make myself because I didn't have a bartender. I had to keep an eye on them every minute to make sure that they were fine. They called me over for some more salsa. The salsa is downstairs in a huge bucket.. that I have to carry upstairs 3 times a day cause we run out. I cleaned up their table (picking up plates is not east at all, especially when piled up. it weighs a lot), then I have to put the plates and silverware in different places where they get washed. heres a difference between mcdonalds and a restaurant.. mcdonalds doesn't bring you your food, pick up after you, they don't refill your cup while sitting. they dont even talk to you once you've gotten your food. Once they left, I had to clean the table and set it up again. they spilled crumbs on the floor so I had to sweep the floor. I also cleaned the restaurant windows, moped., made desserts, made drinks. and at the end of the day, all those tables i took outside in the morning, I had to bring back in. My server report said I had 80 customers today, so I basically did that 80 times today.. plus helping out the other waiters, and their tables.

so no buddy.. its not easy at all being a waiter. 

and let me break it down..

lets say you go to a restaurant. You order for take out and your total is 25$ (your burger and soda). you leave with your food and thats it.

you come again another day, and order the same exact thing.. but this time you dine in the restaurant. Your total is still 25$.. but someone set up a table for you, they cleaned your glass and dishes, they served you water, all you had to do was sit down and they took care of everything.. you didn't have to stand up and wait for your order. all you did was sit. then after you left.. they cleaned up after you.

when you ordered takeout. no one cleaned up after you, no one washed your utensils.  

Thats why restaurants don't pay waiters as much also, because the food is still the same price regardless of whether you eat in or get take out. the difference is the experience of it. 

I did several times.. Im sure you don't have to carry tables and set up the whole store at apple right? or carry pounds and pounds of plates. and I will bet you money that if we put a step meter on your average work day and on my average work day, I'd have triple the amount of walking that you do. 
Originally Posted by kilojules64

I tip, and if I'm out with people who don't want to tip properly I will tip FOR them.
If people are cheap that's their prerogative I just wouldn't want to be associated with it, the whole reason I tip so well well is that when I come back I want good service.

I used to hate going out to eat with scooted cause them +%%@$% would never tip -_- And id always throw in an extra 10$ or something lol.
Honestly OP is talking about how he would never get into the restaurant business and I don't knock him for it.. some people just aren't built for it..

Restaurants started off as a part time job while in college and now I just love the restaurant industry. 

You'd never work in restaurants, I'd never work retail. What I make on a busy friday, it would take me a week to make if i'd work retail.. it is hard work, but rewarding. 
Originally Posted by beh235

First off OP, stop being cheap.
Tipping is optional, so why is choosing not to tip considered cheap? Is it considered cheap if you don't type people that work different jobs with low wages?
As stated in other threads prior, you don't want to tip, don't go out.

That's not how it works. It's optional.
Think of it this way, how would you feel if the restaurant had a window where you could walk to get your stuff yourself? Want a refill? Go get it. You wouldn't like it if you had to go back multiple times.

Unless you're lazy, I don't see why this is a big deal. The fact is, restaurants offer service.
It's a service you pay for, get over it.

You're paying the business to provide you with food. Anything more is optional.
Is this thread really about tipping?

Or is it more about OP hinting that Apple isnt paying him enough?  Last I checked, apple is sitting record cash....more than the US government actually.

Lets talk to Apple and get this man a raise, and in the process ensure waiters/waitresses across the country get their tips!

Do you really not agree with the tipping etiquette or just dont want to agree with it? or worse yet, your parents never taught you it?

If you really dont agree with tipping, then you should move to China or Taiwan or any Asian country where tipping isnt a requirement at all.  I think you would fit in nicely.  Oh, and for the record, waiters/waitresses there on average dont make anything close to whats considered minimum wage in the US.

Americans have it so good, and some just dont realize it.
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