Tipping Vol. Why am I paying you extra to do your job?

how do you guys feel about tipping in all you can eat KBBQ restaurants, where you cook your OWN food?

I always tip 20 percent.
I'll round to the higher dollar if it's a good server, and lower if they are a poor server.

In the thread regarding secrets about jobs, was it better for the waiter: to be tipped with the credit card, or pay with credit card for the meal, and tip with straight ca$h?
Originally Posted by cruzair13

how do you guys feel about tipping in all you can eat KBBQ restaurants, where you cook your OWN food?

I always tip 20 percent.
I'll round to the higher dollar if it's a good server, and lower if they are a poor server.

In the thread regarding secrets about jobs, was it better for the waiter: to be tipped with the credit card, or pay with credit card for the meal, and tip with straight ca$h?
better to be tipped cash, they get taxed when its on a CC
Op's avy + Post =
for some reason
I'd never hang out with people who don't tip, that's an embarrassment.

how do you guys feel about tipping in all you can eat KBBQ restaurants, where you cook your OWN food?

Minimally, but a lot of these places come by your table frequently and even chop up the food for you, and refill your drinks without the cup being half gone so they will get something

Not trying to make it a race thing also but knowing a lot of people in the industry there are certain "ethnic backgrounds" who they hate dealing with (just assume the stereotypes). It is what it is
I'm Asian if it matters. And most Asians are very stingy with their cash when it comes to giving it out.

I tip always, and I tip a ridiculously large amount if I receive good service. Most restaurants where I eat the servers see I'm a teenager so I don't get as good service, so when dudes are extra nice/respectful and do their job nicely, I'll give them a great tip. It also builds a good relationship with the people there. Shows both sides care.

I don't care if it's unjustified or unwarranted. Tipping is my way of expressing that I appreciate what the server did and that they made my night enjoyable.

To the dude who got butt hurt cause the waiter accidentally switched the drinks... wow. Do you, but I would never eat with you again if I was with you.
Conclusion from these constant threads. Most of NT is cheap except when it comes to spending money on themselves.

I tip and am in most instances an over tipper.
In restaurants I tip 20% usually about $20. Even if the service is poor I wind up tipping 15% unless they are really bad.
Pizza delivery on a $20 order is usually a $5 tip.
$5 Valet parking and up depending on the circumstances.
Take out I usually tip a buck or two.
"to insure promptness" (TIP) as others have told.. but it should be "to ensure promptness" but that's TEP.
Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by dtb00201

I'm constantly going back and forth to get people shoes at footlocker, and I don't get a tip. On top of that, I probably make as much an hour as they do. Where's my tip? Feels bad, man.

At footlocker you get commission so the more shoes you're getting for people, the more money you're making.

15-20% tip>>>>1% commission. On top of that, they actually pay part timers under minimum wage because of the 1% commission.
I was going to mention this because I use to work at footlocker also, sometimes you make 5-6 trips for one customer only for them to buy a pair of socks if that. 1% commission is a joke compared to what waiters/waitresses get.
f tipping.i rather go get my own drink than have a waiter take forever to refill my drink
Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by VietStar

Originally Posted by MFr3shM

Question do you tip the waiter if you order your food to go? (At Restaurants)

I don't see why you'd need to...

I think this is a legitmate question.  I typically don't tip with take out orders, but have on occasion.  If I'm picking up a really big order and someone helps me get it packed up and in my car, I'll tip them.  Not 15 or 20% of the bill, but something.  But if its just a real simple order and all the person really does is take my money and hand me a bag, I don't leave a tip (unless its a smoking hot girl and she's friendly). 

if you call in an order for takeout at some places like Outback, they ask you what kind of car you have so when you go to pick up the food someone will bring it outside for you so you don't even have to leave the car or anything. so in that case I always tip. but if you actually have to go inside to pick up the food then I don't see why tipping is necessary.
I see a trend here.

People who don't tip are seem to be younger and probably value good service at a restaurant the same as they value their post count.

People who understand the point of tipping seem to be older than the average age on NT (16-21).
Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

I see a trend here.

People who don't tip are seem to be younger and probably value good service at a restaurant the same as they value their post count.

People who understand the point of tipping seem to be older than the average age on NT (16-21).
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Most jobs where tips are customary get paid less than minimum wage, the tips are to keep them honest and make sure they do a good job, since their job is based on customer service and interaction. 

UPS/USPS don't have much to do with customer service at all, they simply deliver packages.  Just because they have to deal with weather and dogs doesn't mean they deserve to get tips.  They get paid much better than waiters/waitresses to deal with those type of things.

Not to be rude, but you sound pretty ignorant about this whole thing.
Sorry, man.

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I have no problem with tipping at a restaurant. but I DO have a problem with tipping the pizza delivery guy when I'm also paying a delivery charge. this wasn't always an issue with me so I never had I problem tipping the pizza guy. but just last year a bunch pizza places around me started adding a delivery charge. first time I saw it I was like, "what the *$*% is this!?". correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a delivery charge pretty much the same as a tip?? why do I have to tip you if I'm being charged for the delivery??

That whole "delivery charge" thing is bs.  It's not a tip at all to the driver.  It's just to offset increased costs.  
^^I can agree with that, but there are always exceptions. I'm 18 and have been tipping 18%-20% whenever I eat at restaurants. I sometimes even add an extra 5% or so if I'm having a good day.
Originally Posted by INS

Bro they make 6 bucks a hour and they live off of tips. The tip is like, hey i know you get paid %*@# so ima give you a five because you are cute and i would smash. Also thanks for the soup.

I don't mind tipping waiters and waitresses. But, I hate tipping valet drivers! You're already paying for the valet service for the car to be brought to you, why do you still have to tip them?
If it's a free valet service, then it's ok to tip.
Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

I see a trend here.

People who don't tip are seem to be younger and probably value good service at a restaurant the same as they value their post count.

People who understand the point of tipping seem to be older than the average age on NT (16-21).

How do you know the age of the people on here? I didn't see too many people posting their age...
Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

I see a trend here.

People who don't tip tend to think for themselves
People who don't question things tend to tip, because they feel the pressure to do so
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I have no problem with tipping at a restaurant. but I DO have a problem with tipping the pizza delivery guy when I'm also paying a delivery charge. this wasn't always an issue with me so I never had I problem tipping the pizza guy. but just last year a bunch pizza places around me started adding a delivery charge. first time I saw it I was like, "what the *$*% is this!?". correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a delivery charge pretty much the same as a tip?? why do I have to tip you if I'm being charged for the delivery??
At both the places I've delivered at neither of the delivery charges went to me. No clue what they went to though ..At this job I get 8/hr along with my tips so I think that's where it goes.. Ive never heard of a place giving a delivery driver 8/hr plus tips so its kinda crazy
<3 my job
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

I see a trend here.

People who don't tip tend to think for about themselves
People who don't question things tend to tip, because they feel the pressure to do so

fixed indeed.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Conclusion from these constant threads. Most of NT is cheap except when it comes to spending money on themselves.

so true though.

to be honest, threads like these show who's most likely a cornball in real life outside of this board.

it's not even the money part it's just the !+%+@*$+% entitled attitude some people have on here that's lame. you can spend $150 plus on some sneakers but when you go out to an establishment you nickle and dime.  If that's the case go to somewhere like mcdonalds or go to a restaurant when they have happy hour so you can spend more within your desired range.

at the end of the day be cheap if you want but in a society where image is important, not tipping or giving crappy tips will eventually get you labeled as "that guy"  or "the guy that doesn't tip" amongst your peers and it's not a good look.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I think you guys got it messed up. My first post I said it... I do it, but I don't understand it. I just got back from going out for sushi, and I tipped. I just don't believe that being a waiter/waitress is that difficult of a job to do.

Now take a tattoo artist. When I got my tattoo, I tipped him. Because what he does requires skill and concentration. I've been to my fair share of restaurants in my 20 years of life. There's no skill in writing down orders and walking to and from the kitchen.
Did you intentionally just ignore all of the valid points brought up in this thread?

No.  I don't see some of them as valid.  
I'll just throw my two pennies,

In school I worked both retail and at a restaraunt.  Suffice to say that exerted way more energy and was way more exhausted after a shift as a host than even working black friday...Neither job was stimulating enough to adopt any kind of holier-than-thou attitude towards other people who are on their own grind...

Son you work for Apple RETAIL...you still got a long way to go in your career before you start putting people below you like that.
Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

I see a trend here.

People who don't tip are seem to be younger and probably value good service at a restaurant the same as they value their post count.

People who understand the point of tipping seem to be older than the average age on NT (16-21).

im 26 and if the customer service is terrible i WILL NOT tip. age aint got nothing to do with it.

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

I see a trend here.

People who don't tip tend to think for themselves
People who don't question things tend to tip, because they feel the pressure to do so

yep...dudes always trying to the throw cheap card out.
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