To those that oppose Gay Marriage, WHY?

Originally Posted by RatherUniqueB

Originally Posted by Steve Hartridge

I'm sayin'.. why are people so concerned with what gay people do behind closed doors.

Let them live.. they're going to be gay whether they are allowed to marry or not.

I feel like the people that are against gay marriage are against gay people period.

And they say history repeats...
The thing is, it's not always behind closed doors, I don't want my kids seeing PDA from them. Where I'm from is a place that is extremely against gays, but I'm not one to hate on someone for their lifestyle unless it directly effected me. I don't agree with it but I'm not gonna go out of my way to hate because of it, do you, ya know?
So you think if a gay married couple decided to display PDA in front of your kids, they'd think otherwise if they weren't married?
WinstonDon wrote:

Originally Posted by Sidewayze

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam & Steve

iswear, some of you NTers be saying outlandish @#@+ just to say it. Its impossible to discuss anything important on NT. Todays NT is all about taking L'sand threads about girls bodyparts
cuz its gay man. not ment to be.
penis's shuld only come out of men not go into em
next thing were gunna c things like man wants to marry cow or woman wants to marry donkey.
..Can't take these dudes seriously
Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by Sidewayze

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam & Steve
I agree.

what next? barnyard animals? Homosexuality is deviance

Honestly, I believe you have the right to choose your own lifestyle whether it be straight or homosexual, but for it to be legally recognized is absolute BS and if you disagree
x100 to you.
How do you figure? I only know a few legit gay people but what the hell does their sexual preference have to do with their legal rights? Your argument is dumb +@+ hell imo. So gay people should be allowed to be gay but shouldn't be acknowledged legally?

No, if you actually read what I said I believe that you ultimately choose your own lifestyle. I never said anything about legal rights, where did you get that from?

Every human in this country is entitled to their own rights. If you choose to be a homosexual that's perfectly fine it's your own life, but for it to be legally recognized in a court is absolutely wrong from a moral standpoint. You might think I'm ignorant or homophobic, but I stand behind my opinion and I believe that same sex marriage should never be legal.
Are you high?
In your original post you mentioned the legality of it, and you just mentioned it again just now
What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean where did I get that from? I got it from your original post as well as your response to me just now...

Yes, marriage is a human right and a legal union between man and woman.

Wow, I'm actually suprised most of NT is ok with it while they're loosely using the term "no @#!%"
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by LLC Money

Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by Sidewayze

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam & Steve
I agree.

what next? barnyard animals? Homosexuality is deviance

Honestly, I believe you have the right to choose your own lifestyle whether it be straight or homosexual, but for it to be legally recognized is absolute BS and if you disagree
x100 to you.
How do you figure? I only know a few legit gay people but what the hell does their sexual preference have to do with their legal rights? Your argument is dumb +@+ hell imo. So gay people should be allowed to be gay but shouldn't be acknowledged legally?

No, if you actually read what I said I believe that you ultimately choose your own lifestyle. I never said anything about legal rights, where did you get that from?

Every human in this country is entitled to their own rights. If you choose to be a homosexual that's perfectly fine it's your own life, but for it to be legally recognized in a court is absolutely wrong from a moral standpoint. You might think I'm ignorant or homophobic, but I stand behind my opinion and I believe that same sex marriage should never be legal.
Are you high?
In your original post you mentioned the legality of it, and you just mentioned it again just now
What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean where did I get that from? I got it from your original post as well as your response to me just now...

Yes, marriage is a human right and a legal union between man and woman.
question: How much will it bother you to see two men getting married?
Originally Posted by thagreatj

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Originally Posted by thagreatj

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

because marriage is sacred and should only be between a man and a woman.

see this is one of the comments i want clarification on. Sacred to who, and what makes marriage sacred? is it a religion/moral thing?
and why should your relgious and moral beliefs be placed upon someone else?

for me I don't care what gay people do with their lives, I'm just stating my opinion of marriage. I'm not that religuos, so if they wanna get married, be my guest.

if you dont care if gay folks do with their lives, whats shapin your opinion against them gettin married?

its just wrong homie.

god made man and then woman for man...

just ask yourself.... w/o "science" - - - - how are we supposed to reproduce?..... some ppl are born with messed up genes, they cant help it,

but to the ppl that choose...
The law has nothing to do with religion, it is about equal rights and equal treatment of all.

If you want religious treatment, go to your church. As long as there are civil rights and responsibilities tied to the act of marriage, then this is a purelycivil issue, plain and simple. As it stands now, there is nothing in the law that requires anyone to get married in a church or have any religious affiliationin their marriage anyway. Besides, there are plenty of churches who do believe that gays are welcome and would be more than happy to perform gay weddings. Anissue like this should not be decided based on the prejudices of a few closed-minded religions.

"Tradition" is not a reason to discriminate. If we followed tradition as the reason to maintain law, then women couldn't vote, slavery wouldstill be legal and interracial marriage would still be illegal.

Fear that "children are going to be corrupted" or "gay marriage is going to be taught in schools" is just downright nonsense beingperpetuated by bigots as a scare tactic by those who would use any tool they can find to try and push their narrow views on everyone else. Schools teach factsabout the diversity of the cultures that surround us so that kids can be aware of them, period. They do not teach that one is better than the other, and theycertainly don't teach kids that they should choose one over the other or advocate for any particular way of life. Exposing children to what is there inreal life does not scar them or damage them in any way. If parents believe a particular way of life is wrong or immoral, then that's their choice, butit's up to them to take their children to church and teach them that on their own time, not try to force society to block everyone from seeing that itexists entirely by enshrining discrimination into law.

Finally, the whole idea that deciding civil rights for minorities based on a majority vote is downright ridiculous. Since when would ANY majority EVER giverights to a minority in a vote? It simply won't happen. That's why we have checks and balances in our government through a legislative and judicialbranch, because someone needs to look out for those that can't speak up for themselves in a popular vote.
Originally Posted by rcdp

So you think if a gay married couple decided to display PDA in front of your kids, they'd think otherwise if they weren't married?

I wasn't talking specifically married.
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by Black Milk

question: How much will it bother you to see two men getting married?
question for you: You like seeing two men make out in public?

Question: what does that have to do with them being married

everyone who lives in the United States are not Christians

I am so sick of this
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by Black Milk

question: How much will it bother you to see two men getting married?
question for you: You like seeing two men make out in public?
I live in NYC, i see it all the time. But its 2008 and i dont care. why can't they show each other love? how is it any different than twofemales making out?..dont dudes love when two females make out? will seeing two dudes make out REALLY anger you or something??
i have a lesbian friend and she is real cool, no different from anyone else i have ever met. i definitely think she should have the right to get married if shechooses to. i don't see why people get so upset about it, mind your own business and pay attention to your own damn life.
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by Sidewayze

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam & Steve
I agree.

what next? barnyard animals? Homosexuality is deviance

Honestly, I believe you have the right to choose your own lifestyle whether it be straight or homosexual, but for it to be legally recognized is absolute BS and if you disagree
x100 to you.

That's funny. Nothing I haven't heard before though.
I voted yes to prop. 8
It is very wrong to modify the originality of the marriage "value"
What are we going to teach to the kids? It is okay to have a relationship with same sex?
pretty funny, Im in az also, and a prop 102 ad was stuck to my front marriage does not affect me in anyway
I have literally read every single comment and I honestly the people who oppose Gay Marriage are ignorant. I am straight and catholic but I disagree with mychurch in this isssue. When you think of Gay Marriage you have to put religion aside and think about Human Rights period without religious or traditionalinfluence. I see people say things like, "how do you feel when you see gay ppl make out?" That has nothing to do with religion and why is it okayfor straight people to make out in public but its not okay for gay people to express themselves as well. It will be an interesting night on tuesday. ON aside note, Barrack Obama baby!
Would all these "Yes on 8 people" prefer that we teach are kids that we don't let some people have the same rights because they are different?
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