To those that oppose Gay Marriage, WHY?

Why stop at gay marriage. Let's outlaw premarital sex. Let's ban all contraceptives. If it's stopping you from reproducing, it has to be wrong.
to those commercials about them teaching gay marriage in schools...##*$$#$!. you guys know damn well they don't teach STRAIGHT marriage in schools i know NO ONE who was taught marriage in school...
me either but why would they teach it anyways? They might have to now though. There going to have to teach other things in our schools ifthis is going to pass. This is one side of my argument because im kind of on both sides of that prop they're trying to pass. Like what I said about sexed. Seriously are they going to teach gay sex ed because of certain people that are gay/lesbian? They might feel out of place because schools only teach sexed between man/woman. I wouldnt want my kids seeing all that.

People are fools if they believe that this won't lead to other things. Pretty soon you'll see a group of people asking for rights so they can marrytheir mothers, fathers, bro's, sisters. etc...because they're "in love". Come on now lets be real. Im in no way a religious person oranything like that either.

If it passes either way ill still be living my life as normal.
Originally Posted by javier5857

Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

I'm voting YES on 8. I have no problems with gay people ( I have a couple of gay friends) But that's just what I believe, so that's how I'm voting.
im tired of people saying this. "i have gay freinds so i have no problem with them" its exactly the same as " i have black freinds therefore im not racist"
You act if people make friends with black people or gay people just so they can say those things. So what you're saying is that I have aproblem with them? Calmate
Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

to those commercials about them teaching gay marriage in schools...##*$$#$!. you guys know damn well they don't teach STRAIGHT marriage in schools i know NO ONE who was taught marriage in school...
me either but why would they teach it anyways? They might have to now though. There going to have to teach other things in our schools if this is going to pass. This is one side of my argument because im kind of on both sides of that prop they're trying to pass. Like what I said about sex ed. Seriously are they going to teach gay sex ed because of certain people that are gay/lesbian? They might feel out of place because schools only teach sex ed between man/woman. I wouldnt want my kids seeing all that.

People are fools if they believe that this won't lead to other things. Pretty soon you'll see a group of people asking for rights so they can marry their mothers, fathers, bro's, sisters. etc...because they're "in love". Come on now lets be real. Im in no way a religious person or anything like that either.

If it passes either way ill still be living my life as normal.

Why would a teacher need to mention the specifics of homosexual activities in sex ed?

Did it occur to you that mentioning that even sex between to people of the same gender can lead to STD's, even HIV/AIDS, might be beneficial? I thinkthat's a GOOD thing to teach in schools where there are probably at least a few kids realizing that they might be gay or starting to experiment.

Just because it makes you uncomfortable, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be brought up.

And as for your other point-- people can't marry into their family because of the dangers of incest. Also, you're reaching. How many people want tomarry their parents, compared to the number of homosexuals? Very few.
Who are we to judge others? Only God can judge us correct? If this is so, then how can we condemn those who are gay?
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured unto you. And why behold you the mote that is in your brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in your own eye? Or how will you say to your brother, Let me cast out the mote out of your eye; and lo, the beam is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye.
If it is truly a sin to be gay, then let God judge them.
this is ridiculous. this should not even be a post. nor should it even be on the ballot. to deny rights to homosexuals violates the constitution and shouldhave never been outlawed. please anyone who reads this, please look at yourself, THINK! realize you are alive and have a brain and you are your own soul. stopstealing others opinions and create your own. dont watch fox news, keep yourself out of the media, dont watch tv, go on niketalk, or even read the paper. goout and think alone outside with no distractions and try for once to think about others and not yourself. think how much hate there is and war and poverty anddeath and figure out yourself why you have your views and people have theirs. im sure if everyone honestly dropped all their inculturization and indoctrinationand started to truly have a passion for other peoples souls, the same passion jesus had, they would understand a lot more about life.stop hiding behind themand forget your standards, your morals, your traditions and stand up for the hurting, oppressed, sick, poor, widows, orphans, and hated. it makes me sick howmany Christians are out tonight still in the rain screaming and protesting to deny the rights of other sinners. our righteousness is fitly rags in the eyes ofthe most high. they are denying same rights they feel they deserve. all sin is the same in the eyes of the lord whether the government allows it or not. loveyour neighbor as yourself. straight up.
I don't understand how there's any legally valid point to banning gay marriage. The only valid answer I hear for Prop 8 (CA) is that it goes againstthe sanctity of marriage, but then that would bring up the issue of Religion and Separation of Church and State. Pretty sure 1st Amendment allows for Freedomof Religion. Forcing others to follow a certain Religious Style of Marriage??? Sounds pretty unconstitutional to me.
Oh and I have no idea how Christian's are worried about Homosexuals marrying others which harms no one, while Christian Priests are having fun with theirAltar
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

because marriage is sacred and should only be between a man and a woman.
And where did you hear this? I know that is not your argument, because that is the most dulled out, cliched phrase when it comes to the gaymarriage topic.

I like to have a cut and dry point of view on every topic, but this one is just a topic where I can throw up my hands and say "whatever." I lovewomen and I'm gonna marry a women, and that's all that matters to me. This does not effect me in no way, shape, or form, because if it's not this,its something else.
I have no idea how Christian's are worried about Homosexuals marrying others which harms no one, while Christian Priests are having fun with their Altar Boys


I'm just saying you're kinda opening a can of worms. I don't think it should be legal....nor do I think it should ever be an issue....just saying, thats the next stop on the road.

Having sex with animals is the next step after gay marriage? Log off of life please, this has got to be a joke.
It doesn't affect my life one bit which is why I don't mind. In fact, I support. I believe they should enjoy the same legal benefits regular couplesenjoy. Now, if their church or religion wants to accept them as married or allow them to have the wedding that the church, that's none of thegovernment's concern. They should take it up with their church.
unnatural says who?
i live this lifestyle.. and have been since the 3rd grade.. came natural then, remains to come natural to me now.. so what are you saying?
nt dudes kill me

Sir, as much as you want to believe it. Your lifestyle is not natural. Let's break down natural, I see the word "nature". Homosexuality goesagainst nature, do you know why? Because you guys can't produce offspring. There you go sir, your lifestyle is unnatural. So just because that deviancecomes natural to you, doesn't mean it's natural.
one, i'm a girl.
two, there are plenty of straight folk who can't produce either. are they not natural as well?
and three,
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

unnatural says who?
i live this lifestyle.. and have been since the 3rd grade.. came natural then, remains to come natural to me now.. so what are you saying?
nt dudes kill me

Sir, as much as you want to believe it. Your lifestyle is not natural. Let's break down natural, I see the word "nature". Homosexuality goes against nature, do you know why? Because you guys can't produce offspring. There you go sir, your lifestyle is unnatural. So just because that deviance comes natural to you, doesn't mean it's natural.

Let that person live. You prolly a undercover brotha huh?
I was replying to a response he sent to me. No need for a personal attacks, last I heard you were allowed to respond to people.
Just don't think its your place to talk about another person's lifestyle. It is in that person's nature to be attracted to the same sex.
Isn't this thread about why you oppose gay marriage. The man is free to live the life he wants, I was simply giving my opinion about it, in response to hisstatement.
You guys should look at Homosexuality in Animals. It DOES exist. I doubt the animals had the cognitive abilities to fully understand their sexuality anddecided to become a bisexual or homosexual during their adolescent development. Sexual behavior in Animals are based on Instinct and Genetics. Probably astrong link between homosexuality in animals and that in humans .
For those of you that say homosexuality is not normal, by definition, you are correct. Normal: conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard,pattern, level, or type; typical. Wikipedia states that the ratio of homosexuals in our population ranges from as low as 2% to as high as 7%. Up to 12% ofNorwegians have reported having homosexual sex. So yes, homosexuality is not, "normal," so to speak. But what does that have to do with same sexmarriage? Shaquille O'Neal, Dwight Howard, and Yao Ming are all abnormally tall, but we let them play basketball. Because they are not within the normalrange for height, do we prevent them from having the same rights as short people?

The issue should not be whether or not homosexuality is normal, immoral, disgusting, etc. As much as it may disturb you internally, you should still havetolerance of others beliefs, feelings, and desires. Gay marriage does not affect you personally, so why should you try to affect other peoples lives bypreventing something like this from happening?

Like others have said: If there truly is a God, he'll take care of everything. Just let homosexuals get married. I don't see why it matters.
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by Untitled

Originally Posted by mFury

Originally Posted by gambit215

once u open doors to tolerate a LIFESTYLE in which people DECIDE to participate in oral and anal sex with the same gender, you open pandoras box to God knows other perverted things people will say should be allowed because it makes them `happy`

I mean homosexuality has been taboo for hundreds of years but all of a sudden its cool...................whatever man, where do you draw the line? I mean I live by facts, if two male any other animals started screwing around we would say, hey thats not normal, lets establish some consistency people

Its not wrong to be homosexual, but its WRONG to be gay, i know some of you will say, isnt that the same thing? but its not, it sooooooooooooooo isnt
Damn, talk about your slippery slopes...
homie trailed off at the end but he has a point. like i said before, its the agenda attached to it.

Several points that I think sum up this entire argument:

People who are against gay marriage claim:
1. Gay people choose to be gay
2. They can't reproduce, so it's unnatural and wrong
3. It says in the Bible that marriage is between a man and a woman, so they shouldn't be allowed to marry

To which I say:
1. Gay people do NOT choose to be gay. Anyone who tries to make this argument either has extremely rigid beliefs about science or does not know any gay people well enough to have talked to them about it for a few moments and realized that it's not a choice. Why would so many people choose a lifestyle that attracts so much hate and controversy?
2. Gay people can't reproduce, that's true. But given our population growth rates that's not a bad thing. There's a ton of orphans that need parents, and I don't think they mind if they're both dudes. Also, some people are born infertile. Should they be allowed to marry?
3. And I can't believe people still make this argument-- why should someone's rights be dictated by someone else's religious beliefs?

Seriously, I dare anyone to find a rational argument to argue against any of the #+%% I just said.
Got you

1) If it's not a choice then what is it? I've seen hetero males/females become homosexual and vice versa....and only when they went from hetero to $%*% do they say...I've always been this way. 7 year olds aren't going around liking the same sex because they just like the same sex, they pick it up from SOMEWHERE and decide they want to follow it. Just like all the other habits they have. You don't see newborns liking the same sex....but of course when you are gay, you were born like that
. Everything in life is a decision...concious or sub concious.

2) You don't plug a plug into...another plug. It goes in a socket....catch my drift.

3) We live in a country that was established on some christian beliefs so..................that would be why some religious beliefs dictate our laws.

1. You don't see a newborn with hair on their balls and a deep voice. Things change as people grow older and different hormones are released. Attraction, as it turns out, is controlled by hormones. Did you know that? Do you think it might be possible that people who are homosexual have a different balance of hormones than their heterosexual neighbors? And as for people coming out later in life, this makes perfect sense. It's not that they've all of the sudden decided to be gay, it's probably that they've been gay all along and have chosen to either repress it or not reveal it to anyone. Our society, as "progressive" as you might think, is still not a very gay-friendly place.

2. What you just said has nothing to do with this argument, is childish, and shows how simple minded you are. My second point was that it doesn't matter if two people can't propagate life... There are other ways that they can raise children and aid the human race. There are a lot of orphans in California alone, the vast majority of whom would love any family that wants them.

3. Yes, there are Christian beliefs instilled in our country's laws. Does this mean that when the Constitution doesn't tell us the answer, we should open up the Bible and see what it says in there? Is this honestly what you think? You know as well as I do that in this country the law recognizes and REQUIRES a separation of church and state. While I don't think it's wrong to live by Christian values, and I believe that following the Bible will help guide people to treat each other better, etc., it is extremely presumptuous and downright ignorant to think that your own religious beliefs should be the sole reasoning for passing a US law that imposes guidelines on a small group of people who may not necessarily share those same religious beliefs.

I'm not quite sure how you "got me"...
Got you meant a rational argument. anyways I'm done after this

1) Ok if we are going to say it's hormonal it's STILL not normal. Hormones normally attract men to women and vice versa...that would effectivelydestroy any normal argument anyone could ever have. This has nothing to do with the US's viewed the same worldwide. So either the world isjust not progressive...or......people are trying to force something that shouldn't be

2) Ok...there are alot of orphans....doesn't correlate to a gay union nor does it have anything to do with them not being able to reproduce. One of themain reasons people get married is to reproduce. Care to explain how what I said shows I'm "simple-minded"? Would it be because I don't viewsomething the same as you? Because I realize something so simple as 2 of the same thing don't fit? Or maybe it's because I won't sit and try toforce myself to believe something like that is just...normal. Given I know it's not. Whatever

3) It's not about opening the Bible. Homosexuality goes against christian VALUES. Heck it goes against human values. Talk to a straight male that supportsgay marriage....and ask them why they aren't gay. They are gonna say either it's nasty, not normal, or (if they are one of the real progressive ones)they aren't attracted to males. If you ask them why they aren't attracted to are gonna get a round a bout answer.....everytime. Yes thechurch and state are to be seperated.....but when you bring up a law that is based pretty much entirely on a church issue....why would you expect the church tobe seperate? Makes absolutely no sense.
I just dont want gays coming up to me thinking its okay to hit on me or try to holla. If they don't than we cool. I just don't like those super outthere, feminine like sandals, braid hair, flambos. I can't stand them but I'll still treat them with respect.
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