To those that oppose Gay Marriage, WHY?

Originally Posted by sidneylov23

I always get a tickle inside when I hear these type of topics. One side I hear the Bible Thumper, NOT ADAM AND STEVE! On the other side I hear, who is God anyway Let's get one thing straight, the only reason why the founding fathers made it a priority that we learn to read, is so we could read the Bible, and the New England Primer. Our founding fathers understood that man could not govern himself, unless it would be pure chaos, hence what we have going on today. Homosexuality has always been around since the Babylonians reigned. Homosexuality is like animal play, that is all it is. Its not natural and its a lifestyle, that will wreak physical, and emotional havoc on those who live it. When people don't know their purpose they will abuse themselves! Lets go back back back, Judaism is the most Historically accurate religion ever, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, God is real, and He is the same God that led the Jews our of Egypt. Without laws human beings act like animals, you set the laws you create the culture, hence the 10 commandments. They Jews picked up the Egyptians lifestyle, so they needed a set of laws to change their culture. Since the 60's people have been saying their is no absolutes, but go ahead thinking that their is no absolute truth's in this life, don't worry whether you;ll make it to heaven or not. You will live Hell on this Earth, because God's word is sovereign, you reap what you sow, a life filled with vanities and hurts. Allowing homosexuality to be a part of our society leads me to hating Socrates idea of democracy, laws allowing homosexual marriage, is encouraging animalistic behavior, point blank. Shoot I have some beautiful cousins, should I ask to marry my cousin, or should I try to have children with them, no. We lack accountability and people think they can do this feel good crap, and live according to our eyes and feelings. When we had Kings the people were upright, and became accountable, or else! We LACK ACCOUNTABILITY. We can not govern ourselves, the greatest minds knew this. We are to blame for the 50% divorce rate, poverty, and single family homes. We need to return to the vision of the Founding fathers, we were the greatest nation when we followed their vision, and now we're imploding, go figure!
once again...who says that religion is right? you? so that means the way homosexuals think is WRONG right? so if we cannot govern ourselves why dowe have government? it's all about preference and this proposition is crossing the lines of religion and state because THE ONLY ARGUMENT against gaymarriage is that it is against traditional religious views...
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Steve Young's home

is that really? Steve being Mormon i would think he would be yes on 8...
However, Barbara Young has donated $50,000 to the "No on 8" campaign and has put several signs up on the couple's property.

"We believe all families matter, and we do not believe in discrimination, therefore, our family will vote against Prop.8" Mrs. Young e-mailed to Equality California, a gay rights group.

Barbara Young makes it clear that this is her cause but that her husband supports her.

"I am very passionate about this issue and Steve is completely supportive of me and my work for equality. We both love our Church and are grateful that our Church encourages us to vote our conscience. Steve prefers not to get involved politically on any issue no matter what the cause and therefore makes no endorsement."

Johnson has sent out a recorded telephone message:

"This is Magic Johnson calling to ask you to join me and Barack Obama in opposing Proposition 8.
"Prop 8 singles out one group of Californians to be treated differently - including members of our family, our friends, and our coworkers. "That is not what California is about. So this Tuesday, vote no on Proposition 8. It is unfair and wrong. Thanks."

awesome, that's good to hear someone stepped outside the religious bubble and actually looks at right and wrong...this is discrimination FLATOUT...
Thousands upon thousands of gay couples live together, have families, and lead lifestyles that parallel most American families. That will never change. So what will be different if they are allowed the same rights? They'll still hold hands in public. They'll still engage in sexual acts. And you'll still have to explain homosexuality to your kids. Seriously, what do you gain by opposing gay marriage?
"It will confirm my fragile confidence in my sexuality"
Suggesting that people are anti-'gay marriage' because they are insecure in their sexuality is a tired and baseless as the argument from the opposite side suggesting that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry because then people would be allowed to marry animals.

Some people who are completely comfortable and aware of their sexuality feel that allowing gay marriage would drop the collective morality of the country a little more, and they're opposing that.

No, I'm not one of those people. I don't oppose gay marriage.
What do you think they gain from it?
A false sense of living in a more moral country? That's one possibility that has nothing to do with with insecurity in their own sexuality;there are a number of others.
I've never had a problem with it. Doesn't bother me. If you find someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with, go ahead. If you want taxbreaks, insurance breaks, etc, go ahead.
I've never had a problem with it. Doesn't bother me. If you find someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with, go ahead. If you want taxbreaks, insurance breaks, etc, go ahead.
what gives the heterosexual individual the right to impose their beliefs on a gay individual, yet if this gay person tries to impose their beliefs on them itsWRONG...? people need to get over their opinions, beliefs, and values and accept that people are different are will have different, sometimes opposing beliefsor morals. sometimes you just need to get over yourself and just accept that people are all different. and if you really have a problem with it... GO AWAY,your opinion isn't valued anyway
my point about opening doors to other types of perversion was this........allowing gay marriage opens the door to incest, people talking about animals, thatwasnt my point, but ppl here wanna talk about consenting adults, so then we are gonna have consenting brothers and sisters and first cousins and all sorts ofnonsense that people are gonna spew, I believe in heaven and hell, I believe that there are homosexuals, murderers, rapist, child molesters and all sorts ofimmoral people in heaven, my issue with gay marriage has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with not being tolerant of things that are inherently wrong.When we cater to lifestyles for the sake of not hurting people feelings than its gonna be hell to pay in the long run, i GURANTEE!!!!!!!!!
Because when I get married, I don't want anyone asking me whether it's to a man or woman. Not to mention it's also in the bible.
I don't oppose it, but I'm not necessarily for it. I think prop 8 is a violation of other people's rights, and that's why I've alreadyvoted no on it.

But you should see La Jolla...outside of the college students here, the intersection I take the bus to school at was a freaking Yes on Prop 8 rally like lastthursday.
I would say no to 8 cause that's messed up .

Let them get married not us we are not the ones who are going to marry the same sex.
Let them do their thing while we stick to ours and to say they cant marry is messed up....
Originally Posted by clestbest

Because when I get married, I don't want anyone asking me whether it's to a man or woman. Not to mention it's also in the bible.
Oh the Bible eh? There's nothing about gay marriage in the bible. If you want to point out the "homosexual abomination" stuff howabout we pull another verse about 20 removed from the "homosexual abomination" verse everyone likes to quote. If you want to compare sins it lookslike God thinks this one is just as bad, let's not forget you want to follow God's commandments right?

Here's an excerpt from the laws given to moses one chapter away from the homosexual abomination verse
Leviticus 19:19

" 'Keep my decrees.
" 'Do not mate different kinds of animals.
" 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
" 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

Just to keep it in context:
11 " 'Do not steal.
" 'Do not lie.
" 'Do not deceive one another.
12 " 'Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.

13 " 'Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him.
" 'Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight.

14 " 'Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD.

15 " 'Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.

16 " 'Do not go about spreading slander among your people.
" 'Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor's life. I am the LORD.

17 " 'Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt.

18 " 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

19 " 'Keep my decrees.
" 'Do not mate different kinds of animals.
" 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
" 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

Now I hope you're not wearing Nike's on your feet because that may be a big deal breaker with the man upstairs....
i am hetero.
i am Christian.

I do not believe in gay marriage in that i would not practice it myself.

I believe that homosexuality is frowned upon by God, but he has given us two laws after the Mosaic Law.

Love God above all.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Hating on gays would not be loving your neighbor, would it?

If you don't think gay marriage is right, then DON'T ENTER A GAY MARRIAGE.

there is always room for tolerance regardless of religion or faith.
Originally Posted by stunner157

i am hetero.
i am Christian.

I do not believe in gay marriage in that i would not practice it myself.

I believe that homosexuality is frowned upon by God, but he has given us two laws after the Mosaic Law.

Love God above all.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Hating on gays would not be loving your neighbor, would it?

If you don't think gay marriage is right, then DON'T ENTER A GAY MARRIAGE.

there is always room for tolerance regardless of religion or faith.

I'm glad not all people of faith are ignorant.
i am hetero.
i am Christian.

I do not believe in gay marriage in that i would not practice it myself.

I believe that homosexuality is frowned upon by God, but he has given us two laws after the Mosaic Law.

Love God above all.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Hating on gays would not be loving your neighbor, would it?

If you don't think gay marriage is right, then DON'T ENTER A GAY MARRIAGE.

there is always room for tolerance regardless of religion or faith.
Great response, and I'm right there with you.

Te unfortunate thing is that instead of seeing that people like yourself are being tolerant, there will be 'anti-Christian' folks on here that beg thequestion 'Why are you so narrow-minded? You think being gay is frowned upon by God? That's why I hate Christians.'

lots of gays don't believe in God.

I know there are plenty of gay/lesbians that DO and attend church and do all the good stuff and are good people.

I am not here to judge.

I practice what I preach, and the rest is not up to me.

I just don't understand how so-called Christians can treat people of any kind (be it regarding sexual orientation or race, religion, etc) in a terrible wayand claim that they are one of God's people.

It's baffling.

Those ..."christians" are the ones that SHOULD get hated on. But by whom? The real ones are too busy loving their neighbors.

Ironic, isn't it?
11 " 'Do not steal.
" 'Do not lie.
" 'Do not deceive one another.
12 " 'Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.

13 " 'Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him.
" 'Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight.

14 " 'Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD.

15 " 'Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.

16 " 'Do not go about spreading slander among your people.
" 'Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor's life. I am the LORD.

17 " 'Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt.

18 " 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

19 " 'Keep my decrees.
" 'Do not mate different kinds of animals.
" 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
" 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.


you people who claim things under the name of religion are hypocrites. you love to cherry pick things from the Bible that conform to your pre-existing beliefsand use it as proof of the correctness of your argument. If you believe in the Bible, then believe in all of it, and as you can see the bible is full ofquestionable calls.

war mongering/slavery/genocide/degradation of women etc.
Originally Posted by stunner157

i am hetero.
i am Christian.

I do not believe in gay marriage in that i would not practice it myself.

I believe that homosexuality is frowned upon by God, but he has given us two laws after the Mosaic Law.

Love God above all.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Hating on gays would not be loving your neighbor, would it?

If you don't think gay marriage is right, then DON'T ENTER A GAY MARRIAGE.

there is always room for tolerance regardless of religion or faith.
awesome response.
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

to those commercials about them teaching gay marriage in schools...##*$$#$!. you guys know damn well they don't teach STRAIGHT marriage in schools i know NO ONE who was taught marriage in school...
me either but why would they teach it anyways? They might have to now though. There going to have to teach other things in our schools if this is going to pass. This is one side of my argument because im kind of on both sides of that prop they're trying to pass. Like what I said about sex ed. Seriously are they going to teach gay sex ed because of certain people that are gay/lesbian? They might feel out of place because schools only teach sex ed between man/woman. I wouldnt want my kids seeing all that.

People are fools if they believe that this won't lead to other things. Pretty soon you'll see a group of people asking for rights so they can marry their mothers, fathers, bro's, sisters. etc...because they're "in love". Come on now lets be real. Im in no way a religious person or anything like that either.

If it passes either way ill still be living my life as normal.

Why would a teacher need to mention the specifics of homosexual activities in sex ed?

Did it occur to you that mentioning that even sex between to people of the same gender can lead to STD's, even HIV/AIDS, might be beneficial? I think that's a GOOD thing to teach in schools where there are probably at least a few kids realizing that they might be gay or starting to experiment.

Just because it makes you uncomfortable, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be brought up.

And as for your other point-- people can't marry into their family because of the dangers of incest. Also, you're reaching. How many people want to marry their parents, compared to the number of homosexuals? Very few.

Because they teach Penis to Vagina. Now they might have to teach Penis to Anal for example. And yes teaching about HIV is the only thing they can teach toan entire class of hetero and homosexual people.

You think people that are going to say they're "in love" care about incest? Maybe your right about the very few people but it can getbigger. More people might want to start saying they want to marry each other. Hey, it can happen. Again, just an example.

The law has already passed anyways. It really doesn't bother me either. Its just the simple fact of letting this stay we have to let other thingsstay? I mean how open minded can we be? To what extent?
Originally Posted by acidicality

I don't oppose it, but I'm not necessarily for it. I think prop 8 is a violation of other people's rights, and that's why I've already voted no on it.

But you should see La Jolla...outside of the college students here, the intersection I take the bus to school at was a freaking Yes on Prop 8 rally like last thursday.
UCSD is like mini Cal...I went to meetings at the Che Cafe for awhile and booked a show there...

La Jolla on the other hand...STRAIGHT CONSERVATIVE. Old rich people pretty much describes La Jolla.
in california they try to say that with gay marrage they teach kids that boys can mary boys and girls can mary girls in schools. so what? they can. its notthat serious
I feel that way because of my religous belief. I think it sets the wrong example for children. Example meaning what marriage is and the roles of the man andwoman in a relationship. What people do behind closed doors is ther business, but I don't want my children exposed to that.
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