Toys R Us Buy 2 Get 1 Free Video Games!!!

Originally Posted by MECKS

no holds BARRED dummy butt..

how is this a go, if youll only get half the credit.... not understanding here.

I don't follow either.. if you return both games for half credit, you're basically paying full price for the free game. I'll just keep all 3 games to play if this isn't a go
I made only a couple hundred last year, and had place holders for games that came out later on( like black ops). So total was probably 400-500 in profit and 3-4 free games.
Too lazy to do it this year.
It will be trial and error. Every yer they say they fixed the "loophole" and every year people find ways to make it happen.

I don't have the time to go ham. I do manage to score at least once or twice. I've also been rejected, just collect your games and keep pushing.

Doubt this sale will come some other time. It always comes around this time of year, before the Black Friday hoopla. For those wanting titles that will drop down the road, just grab a couple games as "placeholders". Done that too.

Personally, I have more success with younger staff. The older ladies are usually strict.
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Pulled this from another forum.

New register program.

It will take the value of the free game and factor it into the return price of the two games you pay for.

If all your games are $60, your receipt will look something like this. The refund price may be a few dollars more. I'm not sure about the exact percentage of the free game will be deducted, I know it's between 75% - 100%, but you will get an idea.

Game 1 $59.99
(refund price $29.99)

Game 2 $59.99
(refund price $29.99)

Game 3 $0.00

If you try to return game 1 or 2 after the sale is over, you will only get credit for the refund price, not the whole value of the game.

If you want your money back after the sale, you will need to return ALL 3 games to get back exactly what you paid.

uhhhhhhh hopefully its not true but we will see... tru & best buy in the same lot ftw
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by woody2626

Someone reported this thread last year and got it locked. Snitches anhydrous just mad cause they don't have the "force"

Told u bout this slime

We in this again.

whoever snitched should have hot coffee thrown in their face, they must feel good being a corporate slave and puppet.

that said me and my dude marina del rey have a few tricks up our sleeves for the holiday season for a few stores, not going to post the info on here but tis the season to be spoiling myself
Originally Posted by Da Doc03

  @ the NT'ers last year...  some of the pics had me

this. just searched the thread from last year/2 years ago and its crazy

will try hopefully. daddy needs a new xbox
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

For those wanting titles that will drop down the road, just grab a couple games as "placeholders". Done that too.   
Thanks for answering that for me.
Originally Posted by JUS3

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by EyeSeeSoles

Whatt if you take the two game you would return, to a different store? How much store credit would you get? For example BEST BUY or GAME STOP

Cant, barcode on products is tied to specific stores now. Atleast like the first 4 digits is the store barcode number and everything after that is the product barcode. Something like that
I bought a game (FIFA12 360) from Toys R Us and returned it at Gamestop with no receipt. No issues here.
DUHHHHH Cause Gamestop is a specific store that sells games. So in the case yes they will buy it.

But other stores this wont wont. I tried this with other products, They started implementing this few years ago.

Search google for bar codes images on a item from few different stores and the numbers will be different

Where would we sell the free game from toys r us at>?

how are you playing to sell the free game
Just gonna buy NHL, GoW and dead island. Heard amazon is gonna price match on most games if anyone is interested.
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