Tupac is back?!? Vol. The Future

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

He's a hologram but I dnt get how he isn't see through and they coulda at least made him fly y they put big ol 95 docker pants on my guy

He was transparent. Look at his feet when he walks and when the angle changes. You can slightly see through him. 
And they had him dripped up and draped out in a fresh pair of Jordache jeans to take you back in time to make you feel like it was the early-mid 90's again. 

They shoulda put em in camp shorts , a Hermes belt and the playoff 12s lol

snoop should have walked through the hologram tho.
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

You're right. Can't wait for Hologram Jesus!
You're being sarcastic but are you sitting here and saying I'm wrong? 
Are you saying that if this +*%% was anyone else there would still be problems with it? 

You know why there is a problem? Because hip hop heads worship 2Pac. If this was any other person at anywhere else there wouldn't be any problems. 

Just like I said before. Let it had been George Washington at a Museum with kids on a field trip and it'll be on the news and people would be talking about how amazing it is. 

People say all the time "Damn could you imagine how it would be if Pac was still around?" or "I wish I could see Pac live in concert one more time". 

These mother $#*%%@+ give you the +*%% and now theres some big issue with it? What the hell? 

No you are right, but I dont agree with this concept. Im not being sarcastic, if everyone is fine with this and it continues, why wouldnt there be a holographic Jesus?
True true. Thats definitely a good point. 
I understand why some people have problems with it morally. When I first saw it I was in a trance stuck between thoughts of "Is this real life?" and "This can't be real life". Then they started up Hail Mary and I was feeling like "too much real life". 

But through the performance and Pac being placed in with the rest of the set, I started to appreciate it for what it was. A celebration of the mans life and music as well as letting everyone know that while he is gone he is not forgotten. They had him on stage this weekend with new artists and old artists and he was STILL more powerful on stage through his lyrics in Hail Mary. 

Everyone is looking at it from a standpoint of money and whatnot, but as a fan or music, I was more appreciative of the fact that in 2012 I just sat and saw Dre, Snoop, 50, Kendrick Lamar, Pac, and Eminem on stage at one concert. 

Coachella is an event that sells out EVERY year, so I HIGHLY doubt they needed Pac to sell tickets. So money and whoring out Pac's life and legacy is something that was not done last night. 

The man was being celebrated. And even though you can't bring the dead back to life and should let the passed rest in peace, I don't see any malicious intent behind what happened. 

Its not like they were slandering his name or planning on using this hologram to make multiple appearances to try and make money off Pac with a gimmick. 
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

2) that wasn't a 2pac hologram, it was obviously a 2pac impersonator's hologram (don't know why/how none of the blogs realized this).
Face didn't look like pac and it would too much money to make an image do whatever they wanted.
It looks like it was one of those motion capture perfomances and was just pre-recorded, then projected thru hologram.

Found a guy with the same build as Pac, made sure he had all his mannerisms down, then digitized the face. Its been done in movies, like with "Arnold" in Terminator Salvation and X-men The Last Stand when Professor X and Magneto were younger. It seems most logical IMO.
Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

He's a hologram but I dnt get how he isn't see through and they coulda at least made him fly y they put big ol 95 docker pants on my guy

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

He's a hologram but I dnt get how he isn't see through and they coulda at least made him fly y they put big ol 95 docker pants on my guy
dockers capris and cheetah toms #updatePac

Not even give him a hermes belt and some levi's
It was "unrealistic" for people to see a holographic show back when this was posted... Told kids this was the future..
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by odog24

i kinda understand where hes coming from and he shouldnt be stuck in the past.
the reason i was kinda against this is because hes a legend and to recreate him for a concert seems silly and kinda disrespectful he should just be left to rest in peace. 
I can understand not thinking its right because its disrespectful to the deceased. But if you can continue to release the mans music without him being here to say a word about it then it shouldn't bother anyone seeing him digitally on stage. 
If the standard were to always have been 3D holograms since before we were born, NOBODY would be objective to it right now. If this concept was created 70 years ago and we all grew up seeing it on a regular basis we'd be fine. 

If you go back in time 200-300 years and play a dead mans voice for everyone to hear they'll label you a witch and try to hang you for some @@*+ they think isn't right. But yet we do it now don't we? We all play Biggie, Pac, MJ, etc. That concept is no different than this hologram. Its just visual rather than just audio playing through speakers. 

This hologram is something a lot of people haven't seen before, especially with someone who has passed away. But just because you've never experienced something like that, it doesn't make it wrong. 

IF people have no problem with them releasing and selling unreleased Pac music, then they shouldn't have a problem with him being digitally re created for a 2 song set. 

Thats all I'm saying... 

okay i understand but when you listen to his music after he has passed its still his music and his voice has not been altered. the problem i have is that with the hologram they have recreated him physically. with music their words will always live forever and its okay to replay their songs. but in my opinion its not morally right to recreate somebody physically with a hologram. if they recreated him with a statue or something i dont see a problem with that since they are commemorating him. but to recreate him for a concert is something else and i dont agree with it. but if you agree with it thats ur opinion and i respect it. but i wont support tupac holograms[h3]
How can this be disrepectful when it was done by Dre and Snoop. He wasnt @#%@!#@ with Dre at the time of his death but Snoop was like his brother.
Funny to read the opinions in this thread compared to the real time replies in /16 when the $%! first happened...

...this is entirely new stream of revenue.

Imagine the effin' possibilities...

...the program, get with it.
Watched the live stream when it happened and I have re-watched it 5 more times since then and my mind is still blown
Originally Posted by you big dummy

Watched the live stream when it happened and I have re-watched it 5 more times since then and my mind is still blown
me and my cuzzo were smoked out watching the live stream.

I'm sitting there and I say "son what if Pac just dropped out the sky with his arms spread out and started spitting 50's Hail Mary verse and they did a megamix or some #*+%?"

*Hail Mary bell sound*

us: o_o

*Pac hologram shows up*


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