Two inches of snow turns Atlanta into the set of the Walking Dead

imagine if San Francisco iced over... 

now that **** would be chaos

it's hard enough trying to drive up those ******g hills and not roll back into the car behind you in the summer.... 

going down those hills in ice would send your car all the way to LA 
can't wait for all them glow in the dark fukushima cats to come in this thread and **** on everyone
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i was just about to mention the earthquake.

i was on the toilet tryin to poo

i thought my life was over when the house started to shake
scared the **** that was being ******* out of me 
Icy SF now that would be scary AF
That's basically what this was.  Within 5 miles of my house there are 3 hella steep hills that stretch 1/8 of a mile each. This place has mad hills.  My South Beach homie spoke on all  the hills not to long ago.  Didn't really pay what he said any attention until now.  This place has hills like crazy, steep ones.  That mixed with not icy roads, but the entire road was ice.  No concrete to drive on at all equals disaster.
Gotta give it up for this dude

He riding heard for his city

I hope you know this is nt and we ain't being that srs man
The amount of stupid comments in this thread is above normal, even for NT standards. The "souf" takes an L because a city wasn't prepared? It happens, down south and up north too. 
He is riding for his city. Like any man should.
I said this a couple pages ago.
Naw man this aint no excuse.  All this misappropriation of funds going down in GA.  They could've rented a total of 60 trucks from numerous northern states salted the roads the night before, and the money spent on that would've been a fraction of the lost on sales tax.  They knew this was coming, and they said F em.  F em all let it play it self out.
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