Two inches of snow turns Atlanta into the set of the Walking Dead

Yea and NY got shut down by a barely category 1 Hurricane. We get those types of storms several times per year here in the SE.

Like someone already pointed out, it's the ice more than anything. The cities here aren't prepared or built for it since it only happens every blue moon. Don't know why people are so surprised by this...
Yea and NY got shut down by a barely category 1 Hurricane. We get those types of storms several times per year here in the SE.

Like someone already pointed out, it's the ice more than anything. The cities here aren't prepared or built for it since it only happens every blue moon. Don't know why people are so surprised by this...

Yea and NY got shut down by a barely category 1 Hurricane. We get those types of storms several times per year here in the SE.

Sandy was a cat 3 storm tho. Difference northern states were somewhat prepared.
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@Antidope and @sckid20 you guys live in ATL too????
Kinda, I live in Gwinnett County. It always annoys me when I see people who live on the ouskrits claim the city like it doesnt take them an hour to drive there.

all the atl bashing & spur loving u do & you actually live & wk in atlanta
I've only been here for a few years though, I've loved the Spurs and Hated the Hawks forever.
antidope hates atlanta more than he likes jay-z, though.
Nah no way it isnt that deep. 
Y'all must really be dumb. How do you prepare for the ocean flooding the streets due to rain water? Lol

Take your a t L
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Comparing two inches of snow to a hurricane
**** wasn't even a hurricane.... it was a "super storm" 

point being.... ****** in Miami would have still been at the bus stop with an umbrella 

****** up north went into full blown the world is over mode.... 

y'all did real well during that hurricane katrina tho 
that's what i'm sayin. dudes wanna up the ante by hittin back with that hurricane talk cause everyone's laughing at them over 2 inches of snow

edit, I see dude achieved maximum rustlage with that hurricane comment 

uncommon weather events are going to be a big deal wherever they occur, no matter how small

why is everyone so mad at ATL?

weren't people on the east screaming at 98 degrees this summer
thats what i'm trying to figure out.
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