Two inches of snow turns Atlanta into the set of the Walking Dead

Comparing two inches of snow to a hurricane
**** wasn't even a hurricane.... it was a "super storm" 

point being.... ****** in Miami would have still been at the bus stop with an umbrella 

****** up north went into full blown the world is over mode.... 
I from Minnesota so it was nothin to me....

But I was in traffic for 6 hours watching accidents happen left nd right smh...

I just abandoned my car and walked I couldn't take seeing idiots slipping on ice mashing the gas :smh:

i sense you can't read

but the caps lock and say "da souf" already gave me a good idea from jump... 

your response had nothing to do with the my comment but aiight... 
Driving in the A is terrible on dry days... add a few snow flurries and people drive like the rules of the road don't exist anymore...
Comparing two inches of snow to a hurricane :rolleyes

**** wasn't even a hurricane.... it was a "super storm" 

point being.... ****** in Miami would have still been at the bus stop with an umbrella 

****** up north went into full blown the world is over mode.... 

I feel you bruh.

All those buildings and neighborhoods that were destroyed were just soft.

True. The Souf gon' hold it down huh bruh.
Smh we got like 30 inches in the last month and not once was work canceled smh. We get like 2 inches every other night.
**** wasn't even a hurricane.... it was a "super storm" 

point being.... ****** in Miami would have still been at the bus stop with an umbrella 

****** up north went into full blown the world is over mode.... 
They totally overreacted. You are completely right. Who else would go into panic mode when your neighborhood getting burned down and houses getting washed away? Not people down in Miami.
God damn, all the arguing in this thread is childish especially coming from CAPS LOCK dude.  He or she needs to calm down. 
I live in Atlanta and this is absolute chaos.

My mother has been stuck at her school with students for over 24 hours.

People have been sitting in their cars on the highway for over 24 hours.

I'm from Chicago so this is nothing, but the city is incredibly underprepared for something like this.

This just adds to my list of things that I hate about the South.

:smh: :rofl:

Man... Was NOT expecting this tread to be made. :rofl: :rofl:

I was on the highway for 7 hours yesterday. My commute is typically 40 minutes at BEST :lol:
but... how can such little snow cause that bad of a traffic backup.. In NY , even with snow, people keep it moving on the highway. Maybe not fast, but **** still moves.
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